Exoticism Method The Method Applied in Translating Gothic Terms

indicator, the translation gothic terms are considered as readable. The readers are understood the meaning or the message easily.

B. The Method Applied in Translating Gothic Terms

1. Exoticism Method

Exoticism method is a method that used to give “exotic” nuance to the translation. It is found in the translation of the word „fatal‟ and „fantastic‟. The translator translated that word by using exoticism method because heshe wants to give “original” nuance to the translation. No Code Source Text Code Target Text 1 1STTMOTRD No pestilence had ever been so fatal, or so hideous. 1TTSM Tidak ada wabah penyakit lain yang lebih fatal, ataupun lebih mengerikan . The word „fatal‟ is translated into fatal in TL. Actually, in Indonesian based on KBBI fatal has meaning mematikan, or in English, causing or ending in death. The translator translated the word „fatal‟into fatal because heshe wants to make the reader feels like the original. The word „fatal‟ can also be translated into mematikan but the translation of fatal is still readable because it carries the meaning of the SL. The word is rooted of Latin fatalis „ordained by fate‟, from fatum „sense of causing death‟ http:www.etymonline.com Word “hideous” which is translated into mengerikan of course is not an exotic method. The word “hideous” here can be classified to communicative method because based on Shadily and Echols‟ English-Indonesian Dictionary, “hideous” means seram or mengerikan. It is already emphasized on the message meaning. The focus of this data is on the word “fatal” which is translated into fatal because the exotic nuance is shown in that word, it keeps the originality of the word. No Code Source Text Code Target Text 15 15STTMOTRD And thus were produced a multitude of gaudy and fantastic appearances. 15TTSM Dari situ terciptalah beragam bentuk bayangan fantastis . The word „fantastic‟ formally means imaginative or fanciful; remote from reality. This word is root of Latin word phantasticus „imaginary‟ http:www.etymonline.com . The word „fantastic‟ is translated into fantastis in TL. Based on KBBI fantastis has meaning tidak nyata, tidak masuk akal, sangat luar biasa . Here, the translator again wants to give the original nuance from SL to the TL. The word fantastis is still carries the meaning of „fantastic‟ in the SL, the meaning is closed related, it can be understood by the reader even the word is translated to fantastis.

2. Communicative Method