Hypothesis Testing Analysis of Determination of Coefficient

Department of English Education should increase their verbal – linguistic intelligence in order to have good sense in reading. In addition, the finding reveals that there is no significant relationship between verbal – linguistic intelligence and reading achievement. It is indicated that the value of correlation coefficient r xy is smaller than the score of r table r t . In this case, the correlation coefficient is 0.096, and the value was compared with rt at the level of significance 0.05 obtained respectively 0.316, in which r = 0.096 r t = 0.316. Similarly, based on the calculation of t count above, the value of t count is smaller than the value of t table at the level of significance 0.05, in which t count = 0.590 t table = 2.026. Since r and t count are smaller than r t and t table , it means that the alternative hypothesis H a is rejected and null hypothesis H is accepted. In other words, there is no significant correlation between verbal – linguistic intelligence and reading achievement at the fifth semester students of Department of English Education of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta State Islamic University in academic year 20162017. Therefore, students who have verbal – linguistic intelligence are not always good at reading. As cited reaserch, McMahon, Rose, and Parks identified the relationship between multiple intelligence and reading achievement revealed that students with high logical - mathematical intelligence have high score in reading achievement 4 . Additionally, based on the determination of coefficient r 2 = 0.09216 obtained, verbal – linguistic intelligence was considered to have contribution of 0.92 towards reading achievement. In other words, the reading achievement of the fifth semester students of Department of English Education of State Islamic University of Jakarta in academic year 20162017 is 0. 92 influenced by their verbal – linguistic intelligence and there were 99.08 as the remains. The remains indicate that there are other factors which influence their reading achievement. To sum up, the data interpretation shows a finding that verbal – linguistic intelligence and reading achievement were not correlated each other. Verbal – linguistic intelligence gave contribution r0 0.096 to reading achievement. The 4 Narges Moheb and Mohammad S. Bagheri, Relationship between Multiple Intelligences and Writing Strategies, Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol.4 4, 2013, p. 778. relationship of verbal – linguistic intelligence and reading achievement have not significant value. It means that reading achievement students’ was not based on their verbal – linguistic intelligence.

C. Limitations

In conducting this study, there were some challenges that lead this study to some limitations. First, finding about spesific verbal – linguistic intelligence references is difficult since the research about the verbal – linguistic intelligence are limited in Indonesia. Verbal – linguistic intelligence workbooks also limited. However the writer tried to find in others universities in Jakarta. As a result, the writer got some challenges in finding those books. Second, in order to find the result of the correlation between verbal – linguistic intelligence and reading achievement, the writer had to find valid questionnaire for measuring the verbal – linguistic intelligence. The writer tried to find to psychology institution to find the questionnaire. But then, the writer decided to conduct verbal – linguistic intelligence by herself.. Last, the writer found limited access to look for the relevant studied needed. The reason was there were few researchers in Indonesia who studied about the verbal – linguistic intelligence. There is no skripsi about verbal – linguistic intelligence in UIN that can be example for the writer for her skripsi. As a result, most of the similar studies discussing the variables were found in other countries. 52


A. Conclusion

Based on the research findings in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that there was no a significant correlation between verbal – linguistic intelligence and reading achievement of the fifth semester students of Department of English Education of Syarif Hidayatullah State University of Jakarta in academic year 20162017. The correlation between the two variables is found at the 95 level of confidence p 0.05 with the value of r = 0.096. The finding reveals that the correlation between the variables is in the weak or low level. Similarly, the significance t contribution reveals that the result there was not significance. The score of t count is smaller than t table . The score of significance t count was 0.590. Meanwhile, the Df = 37 indicates significant score of 5 is 2.026. It means H a is rejected. Therefore, it can be summarized that verbal – linguistic intelligence has weak correlation to reading achievement.

B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusion above, it can be delivered some suggestions that go to: 1. Teachers For teachers, it is suggested to give students the exposure or learning style based on their multiple intelligences. This can help them to realize what they need in learning process in order to get good achievement. Therefore, teaching with based on their intelligences will help them and they will become familiar with intelligence and learning style. 2. Students For students especially as language learners, it is suggested to enrich their knowledge and comprehension about multiple intelligence. Collocation can be found in many English sources like books, magazines, newspaper, journals, etc., so they can be familiar with multiple intelligence. The more they have knowledge

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