Fisiologi Hewan Fisiologi Hewan Fisiologi Hewan Fisiologi Hewan Untuk Mahasiswa Biologi Untuk Mahasiswa Biologi Untuk Mahasiswa Biologi Untuk Mahasiswa Biologi

Signal Transduksi dan Sistem Petahanan Tubuh Signal Transduksi dan Sistem Petahanan Tubuh Signal Transduksi dan Sistem Petahanan Tubuh Signal Transduksi dan Sistem Petahanan Tubuh

Jl. Kamelia 21, Malang, 65145 Telp: 0341 3140691


Editor : Widodo, PhD.Med.Sc dan Dr. M. Sasmito Djati Tata Isi : Dr. Eng. Agus Naba Desain Sampul: Kalvin

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Undang Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2000 tentang Hak Cipta, Bab XII Ketentuan Pidana, Pasal 72, Ayat (1), (2), dan (6).

1. Barang siapa dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak melakukan perbuatan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 2 Ayat (1) dipidana dengan pidana penjara masing masing paling singkat 1 (satu) bulan dan/atau denda paling sedikit Rp. 1000.000,00 (satu juta rupiah), atau pidanan penjara paling lama

7 (tujuh) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp.5000.000.000 (lima miliar rupiah) 2. Barangsiapa dengan sengaja menyiarkan, memamerkan, mengedarkan, atau menjual kepada umum suatu ciptaan atau barang hasil pelanggaran Hak Cipta atau Hak Terkait sebagaimana dimaksudkan pada ayat (1), dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 5 (lima) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp.500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah). 3. Barang siapa dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak melanggar Pasal 24 atau Pasal

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Fisiologi Hewan Fisiologi Hewan Fisiologi Hewan Fisiologi Hewan Untuk Mahasiswa Biologi Untuk Mahasiswa Biologi Untuk Mahasiswa Biologi Untuk Mahasiswa Biologi

&6$ &: PHYSIOLOGY-LECTURES (Undergraduate: Biology; MAB 4232) Even Semester 2010/2011

Day: Monday Room: MP2.3 Time:07.30-10.10

NO Date Topic

Method Lecturer 1 22.02.2010

Sub Topic

Introduction to

Presentation MR the study of

The Primary Tissues,

and body function,

organ and systems,

chemical composition discussion chemical and

of the body, cell

genetic control

structure and genetic

in the cells.

control, signal


2 01.03. 2010 The Immune Defense mechanisms. Quiz, MR system

Function of B and T


cells. Active and

and discussion

passive immunity. Auto-immune diseases

3 08.03. 2010 Regulation of

Presentation SR metabolism

Nutritional and


and discussion

Regulation of energy metabolism. Energy regulation by the islets of langerhans. Diabetes mellitus and hypoglycemia.

4 15.03. 2010 Regulation of

Presentation SR metabolism

Metabolic regulation

by adrenal hormones, and discussion thyroxine and growth hormone. Regulation of calcium and phosphate balance. Thermo regulation.

5 22.03. 2010 Reproduction

Sexual reproduction.

Quiz, SR

Endocrine regulation

Presentation of reproduction. Male and discussion reproduction system. Female reproduction system. Menstrual Presentation of reproduction. Male and discussion reproduction system. Female reproduction system. Menstrual

6 29.03. 2010 Endocrine Gland Endocrine glands and Presentation MSD (secretion and

hormones. Mechanism and discussion action of the

of hormone action.


Pituitary gland. Adrenal glands. Thyroid and parathyroid glands. Pancreas and other endocrine glands. Autocrine and paracrine regulation

7 05.04. 2010 The digestive

Quiz, MSD system

Introduction to the

digestive system. From Presentation mouth to stomach.

and discussion Small intestine. Large

intestine. Liver, gallbladder and pancreas. Neural and endocrine regulation of digestive system. Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.

8 12.04. 2010 Middle

Topics 1 to 7


9 19.04. 2010 Hearth,

Presentation APWM circulation and

Functions and

and discussion blood pressure

components of the

circulatory system. Composition of the blood. Acid-base balance of the blood. Cardiac cycle and hearth sounds. Electrical activity of the heart. Blood vessels. Atherosclerosis and cardiac arrhythmias. Cardiac output. Blood volume. Blood flow to the heart. Blood flow circulatory system. Composition of the blood. Acid-base balance of the blood. Cardiac cycle and hearth sounds. Electrical activity of the heart. Blood vessels. Atherosclerosis and cardiac arrhythmias. Cardiac output. Blood volume. Blood flow to the heart. Blood flow

10 26.04 .2010 Osmoregulation Living in water. Presentation APWM and Excretion

Adaption in high salt and discussion system (in


aquatic and Glomerular filtration. terrestrial

Reabsorption of salt


and water. Renal plasma clearance. Renal control of electrolyte and acid- base balance.

11 03.05. 2010 Cell Respiration, Control of enzyme Presentation APWM metabolism and activity, glycolysis and and discussion bioenergetics

lactic acid, Aerobic Respiration. Lipid and protein metabolism

12 10.05.2010 Respiratory

Presentation SP physiology

Physical aspects of

ventilation. Mechanics and discussion of breathing. Gas exchange in the lungs. Regulation of breathing. Hemoglobin and oxygen transport. Carbon dioxide transport and acid- base balance. Effect of exercise and high altitude on respiratory function

13 17.05.2010 Muscle

Presentation SP (mechanisms of Mechanism of

Skeletal muscle.

and discussion contraction and


neural control)

Contractions of skeletal muscles. Energy Requirements of skeletal muscles. Energy requirements of skeletal muscles. Neural control of skeletal muscles. Cardiac and smooth muscles

14 24.05. 2010 sensory

Presentation W physiology

Characteristic of

sensory receptors.

and discussion Cutaneous sensation. Taste and smell. The ears and hearing. The eyes and vision. Neural processing of visual information

15 31.05. 2010 The Nervous

Presentation W system,

Neuron and

and discussion peripheral and

supporting cells.

Electrical activity in

central nervous axon. The synapse. systems.

Neurotransmitter. Structure organization of the brain

16 07.06. 2010 The Autonomic Neural control of Quiz, W

Nervous system involuntary Effector,

Presentation and sensory

and discussion physiology

Division of the

Autonomic Nervous system. Function of the autonomic nervous system.

Faculty Final

TEAM schedule

Topics 8 to 16


MR: Muhaimin Rifai, PhD.Med.Sc Koordinator Matakuliah SP : Drs. H. Sofy Permana, M.Sc., D.Sc. W : Widodo, Ph.D Med. Sc. SR :Dr. Sri Rahayu, M. Kes. MSD: Dr.Ir. Mochamad Sasmito Djati, MS Muhaimin Rifa’i, PhD.Med.Sc Koordinator Kuliah APWM: Dr. Agung Pramana Warih M

Dosen : Muhaimin Rifa’i, SSi, PhD.Med.Sc, Dr. M. Samito Djati, Dr. Sri Rahayu, Dr. Agung Pramana W M, Sofy Permana, D.Sc, Widoo, SSi, PhD.Med.Sc

Deskripsi Singkat :Pada matakuliah ini akan disampaikan pengertian tentang metabolisme, permeabilitas dan transport, proses pencernaan dan absorpsi, mekanisme pernafasan, transport oksigen dan karbon dioksida, komposisi dan fungsi darah, jantung dan kerja jantung, tekanan darah dan aliran darah, osmoregulasai dan ekskresi pada hewan akuatik dan terestrial, termoregulasi, sel saraf, impuls saraf, konsep sinapsis, neurotransmiter, otot dan gerak, struktur yang berperan dalam kontraksi otot, peran Ca dalam kontraksi, hormon dan fungsinya, arti fisiologi dalam kehidupan mamalia, jaringan skeletal dan otot dalam membangkitkan kontraktilitas dan pergerakan, nutrisi, food intake, digestif, absorbsi, sirkulasi, persyaratan makanan, respirasi, proses dan kebutuhan respirasi, mekanisme tercapainya regulasi dalam tubuh hewan, respek interaksi dengan lingkungan luar, dan saraf otak serta panca indera.

Tujuan Instruksional Umum: Setelah menempuh mataluliah Fisiolagi Hewan, mahasiswa

mampu menjelaskan dan menganalisis fenomena fisiologi yang terjadi dalam organisme hidup.

Referensi: Fox,S.I. 2004. Human Physiology. 8 th. Ed. McGraw Hill Company. New York.;

Heiser,J.b.,Janis,C., dan Pough,F.H. 1999. Vertebrate Life. 5 th ed. Prentice Hall International Inc. London; Kardong,K.V. 2002. Vertebrates. Comparative Anatomy. Function,Evolution. McGraw Hill Company. New York.; Kent,G.C & Carr, R.K. 2001. Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates.. 9th ed. McGraw Hill Company. New York; Schmidt Nielsen,K.1997. Animal Physiology. Adaptation & environment. 5 th. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. New York. Post Chester. Melbourne. Sydney; Seeley, R. R., Stephens,T.D, & Tate,P. 2003. Anatomy and Physiology. 6 th ed. McGraw Hill New York; Wheater,P.R., Burkitt,H.G. & Daniels,V.G. 1979. Functional Histology . Chuechill Livingstone Edinburgh. London .New York

Koordinator Mata Kuliah Fisiologi Hewan: Muhaimin Rifa’i, SSi, PhD.Med.Sc

ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY-LECTURES (Undergraduate: Biology; MAB 4232)

Even Semester 2010/2011

Class B Day: Monday

Time:12.05-14.45 Room: MP1.4

NO Date Topic

Method Lecturer 1 22.02.2 Introduction The Primary Tissues,

Sub Topic

Presentation and MR 010

to the study

discussion of body

organ and systems,

chemical composition


of the body, cell

chemical and structure and genetic genetic

control, signal

control in the transduction cells.

2 01.03. The Immune Defense mechanisms. Quiz, Presentation MR 2010


Function of B and T

and discussion

cells. Active and passive immunity. Auto-immune diseases

Presentation and SR 2010

3 08.03. Regulation

Nutritional and


discussion metabolism


Regulation of energy metabolism. Energy regulation by the islets of langerhans. Diabetes mellitus and hypoglycemia.

4 15.03. Regulation Metabolic regulation Presentation and SR 2010

of by adrenal hormones, discussion metabolism

thyroxine and growth hormone. Regulation of calcium and phosphate balance. Thermo regulation.

5 22.03. Reproductio Sexual reproduction. Quiz, Presentation SR 2010

n Endocrine regulation and discussion

of reproduction. Male reproduction system. Female reproduction system. Menstrual cycle. Fertilization, pregnancy and parturition.

6 29.03. Endocrine Endocrine glands and Presentation and MSD 2010

Gland hormones. Mechanism discussion (secretion

of hormone action. and action of Pituitary gland.

the Adrenal glands. hormones)

Thyroid and parathyroid glands. Pancreas and other endocrine glands. Autocrine and paracrine regulation

7 05.04. The Introduction to the Quiz, Presentation MSD 2010

digestive digestive system. From and discussion system

mouth to stomach. Small intestine. Large

intestine. Liver, gallbladder and pancreas. Neural and endocrine regulation of digestive system. Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.

8 12.04. Middle Topics 1 to 7

Examinatio n

9 19.04. Hearth, Functions and Presentation and APWM 2010

circulation components of the discussion circulation components of the discussion

Composition of the blood. Acid-base balance of the blood. Cardiac cycle and hearth sounds. Electrical activity of the heart. Blood vessels. Atherosclerosis and cardiac arrhythmias. Cardiac output. Blood volume. Blood flow to the heart. Blood flow to the brain and skin. Blood pressure. Hypertension, shock and heart failure.

10 26.04. Osmoregulat Living in water. Presentation and APWM 2010

ion and Adaption in high salt discussion Excretion

water. system (in

Glomerular filtration. aquatic and

Reabsorption of salt terrestrial

and water. Renal animals) plasma clearance.

Renal control of electrolyte and acid- base balance.

11 03.05.2 Cell Control of enzyme Presentation and APWM 010

Respiration, activity, glycolysis and discussion metabolism

lactic acid, Aerobic and

Respiration. Lipid and bioenergetics protein metabolism

12 10.05.2 Respiratory Physical aspects of Presentation and SP 009

physiology ventilation. Mechanics discussion of breathing. Gas exchange in the lungs. Regulation of breathing. Hemoglobin and oxygen transport. Carbon dioxide transport and acid- base balance. Effect of exercise and high altitude on respiratory physiology ventilation. Mechanics discussion of breathing. Gas exchange in the lungs. Regulation of breathing. Hemoglobin and oxygen transport. Carbon dioxide transport and acid- base balance. Effect of exercise and high altitude on respiratory

Presentation and SP 009

13 17.05.2 Muscle

Skeletal muscle.

(mechanisms Mechanism of discussion of



Contractions of

and neural

skeletal muscles.


Energy Requirements of skeletal muscles. Energy requirements of skeletal muscles. Neural control of skeletal muscles. Cardiac and smooth muscles

Presentation and W 009

14 24.05.2 sensory

Characteristic of


sensory receptors.


Cutaneous sensation. Taste and smell. The ears and hearing. The eyes and vision. Neural processing of visual information

15 31.05.2 The Nervous Neuron and Presentation and W 009


discussion peripheral

supporting cells.

Electrical activity in

and central

axon. The synapse.

Structure organization of the brain

Quiz, Presentation W 009

16 07.06.2 The

Neural control of

and discussion Nervous


involuntary Effector,

Division of the

system and

Autonomic Nervous


system. Function of


the autonomic nervous system.

Faculty Final

TEAM schedul Examination e

Topics 8 to 16

MR: Muhaimin Rifai, PhD.Med.Sc Malang, 19 Februari, 2010 SP : Drs. H. Sofy Permana, M.Sc., D.Sc. W : Widodo, Ph.D Med. Sc.

SR :Dr. Sri Rahayu, M. Kes. MSD: Dr.Ir. Mochamad Sasmito Djati, MS Koordinator Kuliah APWM: Dr. Agung Pramana Warih M Muhaimin Rifa’i, PhD.Med.Sc

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