The Errors that the Participants Made in Translating memberi The Errors that the Participants Made in Translating memberi pidato


a. The Errors that the Participants Made in Translating memberi

penghargaan were shown as follows. 1 Give achievement Achievement could not go together with give because achievement was something that was successfully done by ourselves not given by someone else. Achievement collocated with the words: constitute, represent, recognize and celebrate. 2 Award and reward Award and reward here were functioned as noun. Therefore they needed verbs in order that they belonged to verb plus verbal noun collocation. The verbs collocated with award are give, make, and announce. Besides, reward collocated with the words enjoy, bring, have, and deserve. 3 Give…. The word give should have a noun in order that it became verb plus verbal noun. 4 Give a price The word price was not suitably applied to replace memberi penghargaan because price meant the amount of money which something was sold. 5 Give a throphy The word throphy should be written as trophy. Besides, trophy was not suitable to translate memberi penghargaan since trophy was a silver or gold cup given to the winner of a competition or a race. 52 6 Give honour Honour was a word to show great respect and proud. Therefore, it was not suitably applied to translate memberi penghargaan from the president to the judge. 7 Give a honours The word honour could be countable and uncountable. However, if it was countable, honours should be without a.

b. The Errors that the Participants Made in Translating memberi pidato

were shown as follows. 1 Give a preach Preach was a verb. Therefore, preach could not be attached to the verb give. Besides, give a preach was not suitable to translate memberi pidato since preach was usually for religious speech. 2 Give talk Talk did not collocate with give. It collocated with have. 3 Perform speech Speech could not be combined with perform. Speech collocated with deliver, give, make, and read. 4 Hold speech Speech could not be combined with hold. Speech collocated with deliver, give, make, and read. 53 5 Speech Speech should be combined with a verb to make verb plus verbal noun collocation. 6 Give word Give word did not translate memberi pidato since word did not mean pidato.

c. The Errors that the Participants Made in Translating membatalkan janji