Problem Formulation Problem Limitation



In this chapter, the writer discusses the related literature which becomes the basis of this study. This chapter is divided into two parts. The first part is theoretical description, which includes some important theories related to the research. The second part is theoretical framework which provides the summary of the specific theories which are used as the guideline to answer the problems.

A. Theoretical Description

There are four points to be discussed in theoretical description. They are Instructional Design, Communicative Language Teaching CLT Approach, Speaking, and Mind Mapping.

1. Instructional Design

Instructional design can be explained as a process in learning activities to create the learning activities which are more efficient and effective. This method actually can be applied on any educational levels and also can be best applied first to individual topics and then to units and then to complete courses. There are two models of instructional design that will be presented and combined in this study, namely Kemp‟s model and Yalden‟s model. First, the writer would like to explain about Kemp‟s model. 9

a. Kemp’s Model of Instructional Design Model

Kemp 1977, p. 6 says that instructional process is complex. Instructional process is composed of many interrelated parts and functions that must operate in a coherent manner in order to achieve success. According to Kemp 1977, p. 8, there are three questions of planning in instructional design, namely: 1. What must be learned? objectives 2. What are procedures and resources that will work best to reach the desired learning levels? activities and resources 3. How will we know when the required learning has taken place? evaluation Kemp‟s model also has eight parts of instructional design, namely:

1. Goals, Topics, and General Purposes

In this study, goals are derived from three sources, namely society, students, and subject area Kemp, 1977:14. Topics or unit headings are the scope of the course or program, the basis for the instruction which is usually sequenced according to a logical organization, most often from simple or concrete levels to complex and more abstract level. General purpose is what students generally are expected to learn as a result of instruction.

2. Learner Characteristics

In this study, to serve individual and group means, the teacher must obtain information about the learner‟s capabilities, needs, and interests. It will affect the emphases in instructional planning, including the selection of topics and the level PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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