67.2 87.5 34.5 83.8 6.3 8.8 16.0 7.1 6.8 5.0 4.8 9.5 3.1 2.5 2.0 2 we re purc has e d from IBRA Rp34, 485 billion in loans we re

63 Cre d it Card p ortfolio continue d to imp rove in Q2 M andiri Vis a Card De linque nc y Rate s 82.9

35.9 67.2

98.7 87.5

79.4 33.1

16.3 34.5

51.4 83.8

40.8 2 4.7

7.7 6.3

8.2 8.8

Q 1 4 Q 2 4 Q 3 4 Q 4 4 Q 1 5 Q 2 5 Q 3 5 Q 4 5 Q 1 6 Q 2 6 Q 3 6 Q 4 6 Q 1 7 Q 2 7 N PLs 90+D PD W rite-O ffs Recoveries M onthly Charg e -offs , NPLs Re c ove rie s Rp Bn 16.8

9.2 16.0

11.7 7.2

4.4 7.1


6.1 6.8


3.4 5.0

7.4 4.8

3.7 9.5

4.5 3.1


2.1 2.5

2.4 2.0

Q 1 4 Q 2 4 Q 3 4 Q 4 4 Q 1 5 Q 2 5 Q 3 5 Q 4 5 Q 1 6 Q 2 6 Q 3 6 Q 4 6 Q 1 7 Q 2 7 30 D PD - Rp 90 D PD - Rp 30 D PD - C ards 90 D PD - C ards 64 Re g ulations on Asse t Classification: PBI No. 7 2 PBI 2005 Classification b y Ag ing of Inte re st Payme nts Classification b y Ag ing of Inte re st Payme nts BI Colle ctib ility take s p re ce d e nce BI Colle ctib ility take s p re ce d e nce One De b tor, One Proje ct Conce p t One De b tor, One Proje ct Conce p t Comp le te ne ss of Financial Re p ort Comp le te ne ss of Financial Re p ort De taile d Classification Guid ance De taile d Classification Guid ance Bus ine s s O utlook ¾ Busine ss g rowth p ote ntial ¾ Marke t cond ition d e b tor p osition in the marke t ¾ Manag e me nt q uality ¾ Group sup p ort ¾ Environme ntal factors Financial C ond ition ¾ Profitab ility ¾ Cap ital structure ¾ Cash flow ¾ Se nsitivity to marke t risk Pay m e nt Ab ility ¾ On time p ayme nt ¾ Availab ility of d e b tor’s financial information ¾ Comp le te ne ss of cre d it d ocume ntation ¾ Comp liance toward cre d it ag re e me nt ¾ Nature of p ayme nt source ¾ Ap p rop riate ne ss of fund s usag e In instance s whe re the re is d isag re e me nt in the d e te rmination of e arning asse t colle ctib ility b e twe e n the b ank, its e xte rnal aud itors and BI, the b ank m us t ad op t BI’s d e te rmination ¾ The Bank must classify all of its e arning asse ts to a sing le d e b tor at the le ve l of the lowe st q uality asse t ¾ For d e b tors with e xp osure s to more than one b ank, all b anks must ad op t the lowe st classification ap p lie d b y any one b ank to the d e b tor. ¾ All e arning asse ts re late d to a p articular p roje ct must b e classifie d at the same le ve l ¾ Banks must re q uire d e b tors to sub mit curre nt financial state me nts ¾ Failure to sub mit financial state me nts must re sult in an automatic d owng rad e of colle ctib ility b y one le ve l, or to a maximum classification of sub -stand ard No chang e to BI Prov. Re q . C urre nt Pre vious ly C las s ification b y Pay m e nt His tory 100 181+ d ays 271+ d ays Cate g ory 5 - Loss 50 121 – 180 d ays 181 – 270 d ays Cate g ory 4 - Doub tful 15 91 – 120 d ays 91 – 180 d ays Cate g ory 3 – Sub -Stand ard 5 1 – 90 d ays 1 – 90 d ays Cate g ory 2 – Sp e cial Me ntion 1 Curre nt Curre nt Cate g ory 1 - Curre nt Imp le me nte d in Q1 2005 Imp le me nte d in Q2 2005 65 Accounting for Inte re st, Provisions and Collate ral Re cog nition of Inte re st Income Re cog nition of Inte re st Income Booking of Payme nts from Borrowe rs Booking of Payme nts from Borrowe rs Valuation of Collate ral Provisioning Valuation of Collate ral Provisioning Provisioning Provisioning IBRA Loans Re s tructure d Loans Re g ular Loans C las s ification Cash Basis Cash Basis Cash Basis C at. 5 - Loss Cash Basis Cash Basis Cash Basis Cat. 4 - Doub tful Cash Basis Cash Basis Cash Basis Cat. 3 – Sub -Stand ard Cash Basis Cash Basis Accrual Basis Cat. 2 – Sp e cial Me ntion Cash Basis Accrual Basis Accrual Basis Cat. 1 - Curre nt IBRA Loans w o ne w ag re e m e nt Re s tructure d Loans Re g ular Loans C las s ification Princip al Princip al Princip al C at. 5 - Loss Princip al Princip al Princip al Cat. 4 - Doub tful Princip al Inte re st Inte re st Cat. 3 – Sub -Stand ard Princip al Inte re st Inte re st Cat. 2 – Sp e cial Me ntion Princip al Inte re st Inte re st Cat. 1 - Curre nt IBRA Loans Re s tructure d Loans Re g ular Loans C las s ification 100 C at. 5 - Loss 50 Cat. 4 - Doub tful 15 Cat. 3 – Sub -Stand ard 5 Cat. 2 – Sp e cial Me ntion As p e r BI re g ulations, e xce p t: − Diffe re nce b e twe e n p rincip al and p urchase d value b ook as − Provisions, or − De fe rre d income if a ne w ag re e me nt has b e e n mad e As p e r BI re g ulations, e xce p t: − Not re ve rse d b y up g rading − Re ve rse d b y p rincipal re payme nt − Be g inning p rovisions d e te rmine d at 31 De c. 2004 − Base d on ne t b ook value afte r re structuring loss 1 Cat. 1 - Curre nt All Loans C ollate ral C las s ification C at. 5 - Loss Cat. 4 - Doub tful Cat. 3 – Sub -Stand ard −Can b e cre d ite d ag ainst cash p rovisions for Cat. 2-5 Cat. 2 – Sp e cial Me ntion Collate ral valuation for p rovisioning is d e te rmine d b y the ag ing of the most re ce nt ind e p e nd e nt ap p raisal for asse ts ove r Rp 5b n: −70 of ap p raise d value within the initial 12 months −50 of ap p raise d value within 12 to 18 months −30 of ap p raise d value within 18 to 24 months −No value afte r 24 months from ap p raisal Not value d Cat. 1 - Curre nt 66 Summary of Princip al Sub sid iarie s • Eq uity Inve stme nt of Rp 735.35 b illion • Total Asse ts Rp 2,641 b illion, total liab ilitie s Rp 1,873 b illion and Eq uity Rp 768 b illion • Op e rating Income amount to Rp 106.4 b illion, and PAT Rp 56.0 b illion • Bond und e rwriting amounting to Rp 7.57 trillion • Eq uity transactions in BEJ of Rp 18.26 trillion • Bond transactions SUN throug h BES of Rp 37.71 trillion rank 1 with 18 marke t share • Throug h Mand iri Manaje me n Inve stasi, offe re d a rang e of 22 p rod ucts, consiste d of 21 mutual fund s and 1 d iscre tionary fund . Total Asse t Und e r Manag e me nt amounting to Rp 2,309 b illion Bank Syariah M andiri M andiri Se kuritas AXA M andiri • Eq uity Inve stme nt of Rp 94.25 b illion • Total Asse ts Rp 2,467.30b illion, Annual First Ye ar Pre mium AFYP of Rp 251.28 b illion and total p rofit Rp 53.97b illion • Total Gross Writte n Pre mium GWP Rp 745.30 b illion, consists of unit-linke d p re mium of Rp 727.11 b illion 97.57 and trad itional p rod uct p re mium of Rp 18.14 b illion 2.43 . Group b usine ss accounte d for Rp 17.77 b illion while Rp 727.50 b illion came from ind ivid ual p re miums. • Emb e d d e d value of Rp 385.83 b illion b e fore e xp e nse ove rrun and ap p raisal value of Rp 1,349.9b illion • Op e rating since De ce mb e r 2003, had a p re se nce in 681 Bank Mand iri b ranche s with a te am consisting of 896 Financial Ad visors FAs • In Q4 2006, AXA Mand iri’s marke t share in acq uiring ne w b usine ss out of all life insurance comp anie s in Ind one sia was 4.26 • Eq uity Inve stme nt of Rp 759.03 b illion • Total Asse ts of Rp 10,438 b illion, with total financing e xte nd e d amount to Rp 8,465 b illion and total fund s of Rp 8,851 b illion • Op e rating Income amounting to Rp 543.1 b illion and Profit Afte r Tax of Rp 61.8 b illion • Marke t share ag ainst of Syariah Banking : 36.59 in asse ts, 35.95 in financing e xte nd e d and 39.95 in d e p osits • CAR= 14.80 • ROA= 1.45 • ROE= 17.49 • 238 outle ts, consisting of 183 b ranche s Cash Office s, 34 KLS, 20 Payme nt Point locations and 1 Mob ile Cash; along with 54 b rand e d ATMs 67 Branc h Ne twork Cus tom e r Growth Bank Syariah Mand iri 32 48 88 134 164 178 183 206 759 837 533 357 115 70 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 H1 07 Branches Customers 000s Sum m ary Balanc e She e t Rp Billions 694 3,498 2,662 2,059 8,219 7,138 262 7,401 497 326 1,377 9,612 2006 549 3,334 1,567 981 5,882 5,181 86 5,267 427 235 796 6,870 2004 8,465 5,791 Total Financing 588 383 Se curitie s - Ne t 209 168 Curre nt Accounts Place me nts w Othe r Banks 1,331 1,689 Cash p lace me nt w BI 10,438 8,273 Total Asse ts H1’07 2005 Rp Bn 8,080 5,664 Total Financing - Ne t 8,851 7,037 Third Party Fund s 1,979 1,261 De mand De p osits 3,023 1,958 Saving s De p osits 3,849 3,818 Time De p osits 633 127 386 Allowance s Share hold e rs Eq uity 758 68 Bank Syariah Mand iri Sum m ary PL Rp billions 10.23 1.10 12.56 90.21 62.6 95.5 102.1 383.0 142.4 479.7 455.5 935.2 2006 17.49 1.45 14.80 95.64 61.8 90.5 90.0 208.0 103.3 308.1 235.0 543.1 H1 ‘07 22.3 2.9 10.6 83.3 103.4 150.4 140.6 276.4 102.0 315.0 269.2 584.2 2004 11.9 20.9 CAR 75.6 66.1 LDR 83.8 15.8 Ne t Income afte r tax 136.7 24.5 Ne t Income b e fore tax 137.2 23.0 Income from Op e rations 3.6 1.0 159.9 51.9 131.1 148.4 279.4 2003 479.1 Banks Share in Op e rating Income 386.4 3rd Party Share on Re turns 865.5 Total Op e rating Income 2005 435.6 Op e rating Exp e nse s 1.8 ROA 14.6 93.6 Othe r Op e rating income ROE Se le c te d Financ ial Ratios 69 Mand iri Se kuritas Sum m ary PL 42.6 69.8 29.4 99.2 15.8 62.2 18.3 122.4 124.2 51.8 5.8 3.4 16.0 20.2 221.6 2006 106.4 82.8 109.4 Profit from op e rations 12.1 21.2 36.2 Commissions 46.9 48.4 53.7 Salarie s and allowance s 63.0 101.3 8.1 23.4 134.6 82.7 61.9 20.6 10.4 53.0 15.6 244.0 2004 4.3 9.0 Und e rwriting Se lling Fe e s 10.4 6.0 Ad visory fe e s 12.4 42.6 Inve stme nt Mg mt Fe e s 30.0 20.9 Broke rag e Commissions 200.9 197.3 Op e rating Re ve nue H1 ‘07 2005 Rp Bn 97.1 131.8 Inte re st Divid e nd s 94.5 114.5 Op e rating Exp e nse s 14.1 20.6 G A e xp e nse s 24.8 34.8 Othe r income charg e s - ne t 81.6 48.0 Income b e fore tax 18.4 13.1 46.1 Gain on Trad ing of Marke tab le Se curitie s Ne t Income afte r tax 56.0 747.6 75.0 269.4 664.7 546.2 1,619.7 10.9 1,267.0 480.1 - 80.1 2,367.4 2006 736.4 190.0 2.0 420.3 39.1 699.3 11.8 478.6 538.8 50.0 117.4 1,435.7 2004 876.8 84.3 Re ce ivab le s 500.8 746.5 Marke tab le Se curitie s - - Time d e p osit 91.6 51.8 Cash Eq uivale nt 2,641.3 1,258.7 Total Asse ts H1 ‘07 2005 Rp Bn 1,872.8 565.9 Total Liab ilitie s 341.7 30.1 Payab le to Cle aring Guarante e b od y 627.8 52.7 Payab le to custome rs 196.3 137.1 Re p o 595.0 305.0 Bank Loans 692.8 9.6 11.0 Prop e rty Eq uip me nt-ne t Share hold e rs Eq uity 768.4 Sum m ary Balanc e She e t 21,062 21,504 19,606 18,016 17,204 17,735 18,397 19,693 21,192 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Q 2 07 S ta ff in g a n d D is tr ib u ti o n N e tw o rk G ro w th 924 658 635 730 909 546 687 789 924 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Q 2 07 6,265 6,267 6,025 3,160 4,000 4,716 5,537 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Q 2 07 2,800 2,802 513 533 1,184 2,022 2,470 2,560 1,559 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Q 2 07 Em p lo y e e s D o m e s ti c B ra n c h N e tw o rk A T M N e tw o rk A T M -L in k N e tw o rk 2 4 9 5 N e w A T M s 2 4 9 5 2 5 2 1 1 -0 .6 7 .6 7 .0 U 2 .1 3 .7 3 .1 -4 .5 -8 .1 1 5 1 2 5 9 N e w B ra n c h 4 3 5 2 8 9 -1 1 2 L o a n g ro w th , q u a li ty a n d p ro v is io n in g r e la ti v e t o p e e rs B a n k O n ly , A s o f M a rc h 2 7 199 186 151 92 61 57 51 110 66 84 Lippo BCA BRI D anamon Panin Mandiri Permata N iaga BN I BII R a ti o o f P ro v is io n s t o N P L 105,609 91,059 69,279 57,449 41,243 32,316 23,819 20,630 12,871 21,443 Mandiri BRI BN I BCA D anamon N iaga Permata BII Panin Lippo T o ta l L o a n s R p b n

7.8 -3.4