The Purposes of Teaching Writing Goals for Teaching Foreign Language Writing

or correction on their writing. Peer editing and correction will be the major activity among the students.

3. The Purposes of Teaching Writing

Ghaith as cited in Khaerunisa asserted that writing actually motivates thinking and learning when students view writing as recursive process. Students experience less pressure to create a perfect, correct text in the first time and more willing to experiment, explore, revise, and edit. During this process the students also have change to get more knowledge on how to produce a written text that lead to the improvement their writing skill. The explanation above shows that the purposes of writing encourage students to share their ideas, thoughts and their experience, since writing motivates thinking and learning. Furthermore, writing gives opportunities to the students to get more knowledge in order to produce a good writing. 32 With regard to the purpose of teaching writing, the present study tries to give attention to the process of learning writing assisted by the writing tool that is hoped to be able to give students learning writing experience accommodating their needs and interest. It seems to the writer that the purpose of teaching writing in this present study did not give attention to the product approach but it is intentionally focused on the process approach so that its purpose is to see the process of composing paragraph by experiencing some process such as planning, drafting, reviewing, editing, and publishing.

4. Goals for Teaching Foreign Language Writing

Most current approaches to foreign language writing instruction, particularly in academic contexts, combine a multiple-draft writing process, a genre-based approach, a socioliteracy perspective, a strategic orientation, and the use of content-driven resources primarily reading texts to inform writing. Almost all writing instruction now assumes that students 32 Wulan Khaerunisa,”Improving Student‟s Writing Composition through Cooperative Learning ” Mpd Thes., Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 2011, p. 12. will engage in cycles of planning, information gathering, organising, generating, revising, and editing. A genre approach requires that students recognise and analyse the types of texts that they are expected to simulate or produce, understand why texts are organised and formatted in specific ways, and become sensitive to specific purposes for writing as well as the typical audiences for such genres. A socioliteracy perspective extends the genre approach, highlighting inquiry into the genre forms themselves the value systems and communities that support the genres, and the goals that are accomplished through these genres. Students learn to analyse, understand, produce, and critique genres relevant to their instructional contexts and educational goals. Together the genre approach and socioliteracy perspective promote a strategic awareness about writing and strategic actions to achieve appropriate task outcomes. Both orientations strategic awareness and strategic actions support the use of content resources to inform writing; this view of academic writing instruction has contributed to the greater emphasis now placed on integrated reading and writing instruction. For students to become effective writers in academic settings, they need to be able to do the following; 1 Recognise purposes for writing and the importance of establishing writing goals 2 Analyse writing tasks appropriately and develop plans for writing 3 Recognise genre constraints and analyse tasks in light of genre expectations 4 Write from textual resources and other sources 5 Engage in an ongoing cycle of brainstorming, collecting information from various external sources, as appropriate, writing, reading and rereading, revising, seeking feedback, and editing 6 Build well-established routines for generating appropriate words, phrasings, paragraphs, and genrestructure 7 Develop writing strategies that improve writing outcomes 8 Make use of a variety of feedback options effectively as they become available 9 Write fluently 33

5. The Writing Process

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