Background of The Study

Chapter I Introduction

A. Background of The Study

It is well-known that there have been numerous delinquencies conducted by Students over the years either at school or among society such as gang fighting, smoking, using drugs, playing hooky, and so on. And weirdly the students did those bad behavior or delinquencies in a group; they fought, smoked, used drugs, or played hooky together with their friends. Furqon, for instance, a student of SMK Alhusnah Tangerang, was dead wretchedly after being attacked by tens students of another SMK. Mrs. Andriyanti 35, his mother, was seriously shocked as just she knew her son’s misfortune. And she cried out as she saw her son lying on mortuary at Tangerang Regional Public Hospital RSUD Tangerang. She didn’t stop calling her son’s name. 1 it was recorded that 35 students were imprisoned in Tangerang Children Prison . The factors of their imprisoning varied; gang-fight, rape, theft, and so on. And at that time, 15 of them were doing General Examination UN. 2 Pos Kota reported three Middle School students were raped by two High School students in empty garden nearby their house in Kampung Buaran, Kandang Besar, Karawaci, Tangerang. 3 And during this year, according to Center for Social Nuisance Control Pusat Pengendalian Gangguanl Sosial, it was that there were 0. 08 or about 1.318 students of Jakarta of 1.647.835 total relating to gang-fight. 4 The chairman of Center Board of National Movement in anti-drugs, gang- fight, and anarchy Gerakan Nasional Peduli Antinarkoba, Tawuran, dan AnarkisGenpeta , Amir Syam, stated that a gang-fight doesn’t only cause deaths, but also makes the gang-fight-committing-students imprisoned. And it 1, Shock Berat, 08072009 2, Ujian di Penjara, 21062009 3, Anak SMP Diperkosa 2 Siswa SMA, 07112009 4 1 also impacted social stress or tension i.e. disturbing society and causing material loss such as public utility damage, society’s broken cars, and smashed public transport. Amir clarified the data of gangs fighting in Jakarta has increased from year to year. And he stated that the gang-fight committed by students was higher than that committed by society. And according to National Movement in anti- drugs, gang-fight, and anarchy and Dinas Pendidikan Jakarta observation, it was inferential that there were 137 gang-fight-often-committing-schools 5 and it became something surprising and breath-taking because we know that students are the future holders of the country and are educated people. Regarding with student smokers, a research showed that 64. 8 of Jakarta male students and 8. 8 Jakarta female students are active smokers and it stated 53. 2 of them are 15 – 19 years old. 6 Based on two informants the writer interviewed with, the informants stated that gang existed at their school and the possible acts of delinquencies students always did in group were smoking, bullying, playing hooky, using drugs, and fighting. From the description above, therefore, the writer initiates to conduct the study related to student gangs that often commit delinquency, because he must strongly overcome any obstacle facing his country education in order that the education processes run as hoped and planned and achieve the optimal results.

B. Research Question