Expressives The Finding and Discussion

35 After analyzing the data, researcher concludes that in the speech being analyzed, it is found that the speaker performs commissive speech acts. Commissive can be found in some illocutionary forces of the utterances that indicate the speaker’s commitment some future action or event, such as description and claim. The illocutionary forces can be found using some ways, such as finding the performative verbs, analyzing word order, stress, and intonation, and analyzing the felicity condition.


This chapter discusses some conclusions of the finding and the analysis. It also provides some recommendations to the readers of this study.

3.1 Conclusion

Based on the general functions performed by speech acts, in the speech delivered by Steve Jobs, there are four types of speech acts performed through the utterances. There are representative, directive, expressive, and commissive. Generally, representative is used to express what the speaker believes to be or not to be a case. The illocutionary forces performed in representatives are description and claim. Generally, directive is used when the speaker uses to get someone else to do something. The illocutionary force performed in directives is suggestion. Generally, expressive is used to express what the speaker feels. The illocutionary forces performed in expressive are gratitude and honor. Generally, commissive is used when the speakers wants to commit himself to some future actions. In other words is to express what the speaker intends. The illocutionary forces performed in commissives are intention, guarantee, and hopewish. In determining the type of the speech, we should know the communicative purpose or the function of the utterance by looking for the illocutionary force of each utterance. By knowing the illocutionary force, we can classify the speech acts into some groups of the same communicative purpose or function. In determining illocutionary force of utterance, there are some techniques used. The PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI