Planting Stage Life cycle inventory in the production of biodiesel from palm oil

54 Figure 3.12 CPObased biodiesel processing process under transesterification reaction Figure 3.13 Common CPO based biodiesel processing under two stages transesterification reaction in PT Adaro, Central Kalimantan Detail description of production process in Figure 3.20 and 3.21 and the common method implemented in biodiesel industry, and also to analyze the flow of mass, energyheat, and waste into the air, liquid waste and solid waste per sub unit process production under catalytic method using CPO is as follow:

1. Sub Unit of Immersed Coil Heater

This sub unit is used to heat CPO before entering centrifuge Figure 3.14. Figure 3.14 Sub unit of immersed coil heater Preparation Washing Distillation Purification Methanol Methanol Drying Trans esterification Biodiesel Separation Glycerol I Purification Dehydration Biodiesel Transesterification Stage I Catalyst alkali Transesterification Stage II Catalyst of alkali + Methanol Separation Glycerol II Pinch Methanol Pinch Glycerol Raw Glycerol Salt fertilizer Preparation Washing and CPO Catalyst Alkaline Glycerol CPO Methanol 55 The input on line number 1 is CPO, water and dirt, and the output on line number 2 is FFA, triglyceride, water and dirt.

2. Sub Unit of Centrifuge 1

This sub unit is used to separate CPO that will be reacted from water and dirt Figure 3.15. Figure 3.15 Sub unit of centrifuge 1 The input on line number 2 is FFA, triglyceride, water and dirt; while the output in line number 4 is: FFA, triglyceride, water and dirt; and the output in line number 3 is: water and dirt.

3. Sub Unit of Mixer 1

This sub unit is used to blend methanol solution with KOH alkali as the catalyst Figure 3.16. Figure 3.16 Sub unit of mixer 1 The input on line number 11 is: methanol and water, the input on line number 12 is : KOH, and water; the output in line number 13 is : methanol, KOH catalyst, and water; while the output in line number 17 is : methanol, KOH catalyst and water.

4. Sub Unit of Transesterification 1

This sub unit is used to react triglyceride with methanol to produce methyl ester biodiesel using KOH catalyst Figure 3.17. 2 3 4 dirt FFA triglyceride water dirt water dirt KOH water CH 3 OH water KOH 12 13 CH 3 OH water KOH 17 triglyceride FFA water water OH 3 CH 11 56 Figure 3.17 Sub unitof transesterification 1 The input on line number 10 is : FFA, triglyceride, methanol and water; the input on line number 13 is: methanol, KOH catalyst and water. The output on line number 14 is : methyl ester, FFA, triglyceride, methanol, KOH catalyst, glycerol, water and dirt. Figure 3.18 3D layout biodiesel milling plant with capacity of 500 literbatch or about 1 ton per day in BRDST BPPT Puspitek Serpong 5. Sub Unit of Centrifuge 2 This sub unit is used to separate methyl ester from glycerol, water, dirt and catalyst Figure 3.19. FFA triglyceride water dirt CH 3 OH 13 10 14 methyl ester glycerol KOH 3 OH CH KOH water FFA triglyceride water dirt