Tujuan Pembelajaran Jumlah minggu efektif dalam semester 1

Bahasa Inggris Bahasa Inggris 1A 1A 38 WAJAR WAJAR - Membuat dialog menggunakan ungkapan perkenalan diri - Membuat dialog menggunakan sistem kalender dan waktu - Membuat kalimat menggunakan kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan sistem kalender dan waktu - Memahami makna pemaparan jati diri - Membuat teks yang memuat informasiidentitas pribadi - Memahami dan mengungkapkan fungsi dan unsur kebahasaan lagu - Memahami makna lagu Alokasi Waktu : 24 jam pelajaran 12 x pertemuan

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran

- Siswa dapat memahami ungkapan perkenalan diri - Siswa dapat memahami penggunaan sistem kalender dan waktu - Siswa dapat memahami penggunaan pemaparan jati diri - Siswa dapat membuat dialog menggunakan ungkapan perkenalan diri - Siswa dapat membuat kalimat menggunakan kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan sistem kalender dan waktu - Siswa dapat membuat teks yang memuat informasiidentitas pribadi - Siswa dapat memahami makna lagu Karakter siswa yang diharapkan: - Disiplin, peduli, jujur, santun, dan toleran Materi Pembelajaran I would like to introduce myself Pertemuan Ke-13 s.d. 24 1. Introduction If you want to introduce yourself, you can use these expressions below. - I’d like to introduce myself. - May I introduce myself? - Let me introduce myself. - I want to introduce myself. If you want to introduce someone, you can use these expressions below. - I’d like you to meet .... name - This is my friendbossmanageretc. .... name - Have you meet ... name? - May I introduce to you .... - Let me introduce you to .... - I want to introduce you to .... 2. Personal information Personal information tells about individual’s identity. It is usually used to introduce someone to others. Pay attention to the following example: Language feature: a. Use question words who, which, how, where, etc b. Use pronoun I, you, we, they, he, she, it. c. Use possessive pronoun my, your, our, her, his, etc. d. Use action verb related to the simple present tense, e.g. be, have, work, live, etc. e. Use singular and plural nouns. 3. Calendar and time - Calendar shows all the days, weeks, and months of the year. - Name of Day: -Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday - Date: British style On January 2 nd , 1965: On January second January nineteen sixty five American style On 2 nd January 1965: On the second of January nineteen sixty five - Time: There are special ways to say times that end with the numbers 00, 15, 30, and 45. 5:00 : It is five oclock 5:15 : It is quarter after five or, you could say, quarter past five 5:30 : It is half past five 5:45 : It is quarter to six or, you could say, quarter till six Expression to ask about time: A: What time is it? B: It is three o’clock Note: AM : 00.00-11.59 PM : 12.00-23.59 Bahasa Inggris Bahasa Inggris 1A 1A 39 WAJAR WAJAR 4. Cardinal and ordinal number - Cardinal number Cardinal number is used to tell “how many”. Cardinal numbers are also known as counting numbers, because they show quantity. Here are cardinal numbers. 1: one 2: two 3: three 4: four 5: five Example: 1. 8 balloons 2. 7 cakes - Ordinal Number Ordinal numbers are used to tell the order of things in a set such as first, second, third, etc. They show rank or position. Here are ordinal numbers - 1 st : First -2 nd : Second -3 rd : Third Example: 1. 1 st fastest 2. 3 rd in line

B. Metode Pembelajaran