Sumber-Sumber Stres dalam Kehidupan dan Pendidikan di

15 Beberapa aspek dari pekerjaan dapat meningkatkan stres pada pekerja, diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut. 1. Lingkungan kerja 2. Reliabilitas peralatan kerja 3. Hubungan interpersonal yang buruk b. Sumber –Sumber Stres dalam Pendidikan di Rumah Sakit. Sumber stres dalam praktik klinis di rumah sakit menurut Khater 2012 adalah : 1. Kurangnya pengalaman mahasiswa di area rumah sakit 2. Ketakutan dalam mebuat kesalahan 3. Kurangnya kepercayaan diri mahasiswa dalam memberikan perawatan kepada pasien 4. Mempertahankan hubungan yang baik dengan Clinical Instructor di rumah sakit. 5. kurang familiar dengan setting rumah sakit. 6. Stres dari tugas dan beban kerja selama menjalani praktik klinis.

6. Perceived Stress Scale PSS

Perceived stress scale PSS yang diadopsi dari Sheu et al 1997 yang bertujuan untuk mengukur sumber stres dan tingkat stres mahasiswa selama praktik klinik. 4 poin skala likert yang digunakan untuk menilai 29 item pertanyaan yang terdiri dari 6 kelompok faktor-faktor sumber stres. 6 faktor ini terdiri dari stres merawat pasien, stres dari pengajar dan staf perawat, stres 16 dari tugas-tugas dan beban kerja, stres dari teman sebaya dan kehidupan sehari-hari, stres dari kurang nya pengetahuan dan skill dan stres dari lingkungan klinis, total skor PSS adalah 0-116 semakin tinggi skor maka di indikasikan memiliki tingkat stres yang tinggi dan sebaliknya Sheu et al, 2002. Tabel Original PSS by Sheu et, al.1997 Stress Factoritem Overall perceived stress I. Stress from taking care of patients Lack of experience and ability in providing nursing care and in making judgements Do not know how to help patients with physio-psycho-social problems Unable to reach one’s expectations Unable to provide appropriate respons to doctors, teachers, and patients questions Worry about not being trusted or accepted by patience or patience’s family Unable to provide patient with good nursing care Do not know how to communicate with patientes Experience difficulties in changing from the role of a student to that of a nurse II. Stress from teachers and nursing staff Experience discrepancy between theory and practice Do not know how to discuss patients illness with teachers, and medical and nutrsing personnel Feel stressed that teacher’s instruction is different from one’s expectations 17 Feel that teachers do not give fair evaluation on students Lack of care and guidance from teachers III. Stress from assignments and workload Worry about bad grades Experience pressure from nature and quality of clinical practice Feel that one’s performance does not meet teachers’ expectations Feel that the requirements of clinical practice exceed one’s physical and emotional endurance Feel that dull and inflexible clinical practice affects one’s family and social life IV. Stress from peers and daily life Experience competition from peers in school and clinical practice Feel pressure from teachers who evaluate students’ performance by comparison Feel that clinical practice affects one’s involvement in extracurricular activities Cannot get along with other peers in the group V. Stress from lack of professional knowledge and skills Unfamiliar with medical history and terms Unfamiliar with professional nursing skills Unfamiliar with patients’ diagnoses and treatments VI. stress from the environment Feel stressed in the hospital environment where clinical practice take place Unfamiliar with the ward facilities Feel stressed from the rapid change in patient’s condition