Video Trying, processing and presenting in concrete domain using, elaborating,

466 Tweet Tweet I have a fish. I have a pet. She is a fish. And she says glub Glub Glub Glub Glub Glub Glub I have a lion A lion? I have a pet. He is a lion. And he says roar Roar Roar Roar Roar Roar Roar Tweet Tweet Glub Glub Roar The script of video 2: Trisna : “Do you have a pet?” Maya : “I don’t. Do you?” Trisna : “I do.” Maya : “O, really? What kind of pet is it?” Trisna : “It’s a cat.” Maya : “A cat?” Trisna : “Yeah She is a bright brown cat. Her fur is so soft. The pattern of her fur is spotted. She is a little bit fat because she eats a lot. She also likes to eat the rest of my meals. Maya : “It sounds nice. Is it a friendly cat?” Trisna : “So much I play with her a lot. She really is one of my best friends. I bathe her once a week.” Maya : “Do you name her?” Trisna : “Yup She’s Kacia’. It means small.” Maya : “Aww.. I want to have one, but poor me, I can’t.” Trisna : “Why?” Maya : “I got an allergy to fur.”

h. Recording

Script of the conversations in the recording 1. Ossa : “My uncle is just such weird.” Gavin : “What’s up?” Ossa : “People are scared of snakes, but he pets one” Gavin : “Wow, really? What snake is it?” 467 Ossa : “I’m not sure, but it is a brown spotted snake.” 2. Nabila : “Yesterday, I went to my aunt’s house. She has a very cute pet” Afka : “What is it?” Nabila : “Brown rabbit.” Afka : “What’s his name?” Nabila : “Oh, it’s female. Her name is browny.” Afka : “The color must be brown.” Nabila : “Yeah A female brown rabbit” 3. Mei : “I want to pet some animal, but I don’t have much space at my home.” Trisna : “Ah Hamster will be cute” Mei : “Good idea I might buy a grey one. Thanks” Trisna : “Yup A cute grey hamster” 4. Qila : “Do you have any pet in your home?” Vany : “Well, I don’t. My dad does though.” Qila : “What is it?” Vany : “A bird, I’m not sure what the name is.” Qila : “How does it look like?” Vany : “It’s white, and has a yellow decorative crest on its head.” Qila : “Ow That’s probably a cockatoo.” 5. Icha : “Hi I heard you had just bought a fish?” Dannis : “Ow yeah, I bought goldfish.” Icha : “What’s the color?” Dannis : “It’s orange” 6. Fita : “Icha, look at that So cute” Icha : “What?” Fita : “That one Black-white cat” Icha : “Aww.. haha what a fat cat” Fita : “Yeah A cute fat black-white cat” 7. Ita : “You know what? My dad bought a bird yesterday.” Risa : “Ow ya? Is it nice?” Ita : “I don’t think so. It tweets too often.”