Kind The Description of Major Character

34 free yet. Her condition is bad because she is still under control her Master. In this diversity, it must be difficult for Florens and blacksmith‟s to be united because their statuses are different . In this case, Florens‟ naivety is seen from her thought.

4. Unyielding

In her journey, she never gives up whatever the situation she has. Under the errand of her Mistress, she continues her walk to go to the blacksmith‟s house. The land slopes sharply and I have no way to go out but down as well. Hard as I try I lose the road. Tree leaves are too new for shelter, so everywhere the ground is slop with snow and my footprints slide and pool…I hold one arm out in front and go slow to not stumble and fall 2008: 41. In the middle of her errand she has difficult condition such as the land slopes, lose the road, and slop with snow. In that condition, she never gives up, she has responsible from her Mistress‟s errand to be done. “Yet, what about Florens? Look what she did when the things change abruptly: chose to go her own route once the others had crept away” 2009: 65. Florens has unyielding trait. It looks from the other character‟s thought. Florens is not easy to desperate to find blacksmith. If she knows the route that there are creep people, she chooses her own route. If she is desperate, she will come back to Mist ress‟s house without blacksmith. In fact, it reveals that she continues her errand with her own way to get blacksmith. Florens is unyielding girl. It shows from her thought, her action and her friend.

5. Brave

Florens is described as a brave black girl slave. This occurs when she has an order from her Mistress to get blacksmith house. It is because Rebekka wants to get help from blacksmith to cure her illness. Blacksmith can heal Rebekka with 35 his medical treatment. “More than fear of loving bears or birds bigger than cows, I fear pathless night. How I wonder, can I find you in the dark? Now at last there is a way. I have orders. It is arranged” 2009: 5. In a way, she feels so scary because in th e dark, she can‟t see any path or a way to go. Because of the order of her Mistress, she continues her journey. Even though the situation is quiet appalling to her, she is brave persistently . “My head is light with the confusion of two things, hunger for y ou and scare if I‟m lost. Nothing frights me more than this errand and nothing is more temptation” 2009: 4. Under her Mistress‟s errand, she thought the risk that she gets in the middle of her journey. She is afraid if she lost in the middle of her errand. Although she is afraid of the situation, she unchanged her mind to continue her errand to find blacksmith whatever situation is. Therefore, she bears down her afraid and faces it bravely. In the middle of journey to get blacksmith, Florens needs a shelter for one night to get protection in the wilderness. “I decide to knock the door of the larger house, one that will have servant inside. Soon as I knock a woman opens the door 2009: 106. In that situation, Florens doesn‟t have any choice to choose except to find somebody ‟s house to protect herself from the wild animals and the strange men. Without any fear, she is brave to knock Widow Ealing ‟s door whatever the situation is better or worse. I am not understanding anything except than I am in danger as the dog‟s head shows and Mistress is my only defense. I shout, wait. I shout, please sir. I think they have shock that I can talk. Let me show you my letter I say quieter 2009: 111 The situation gets worse, in the Widow Ealing house, Florens is against by many white people. She is pretended as black‟s man minion. They ignore Florens