INTRODUCTION Anchor Final Assess. Anchor Final Assess



The USAID-BAPPENAS NRM II coastal resources management project, locally known as Proyek Pesisir, established a field office in North Sulawesi Province in 1997. This is one of three provincial-level field programs contributing to the program objective to strengthen and decentralize coastal resources management in Indonesia. Four village-level field sites in the Minahasa Regency of North Sulawesi see Figure 1 were selected in 1997 for development of models of community-based coastal resources management Tim Kerja Proyek Pesisir, 1997. Subsequently, socio-economic and environmental baseline surveys and technical studies were carried out at each site Pollnac et al. 1997a, 1997b; Kusen et al. 1997; 1999a; 1999b; Mantjoro, 1997a, 1997b; Kasmidi, 1998; Kussoy, 1999; Crawford et al. 1999; Lee and Kussoy, 1999,. Surveys were also conducted in villages adjacent to project sites. These villages are being used as control sites Pollnac et al. 1998, Fakultas Perikanan, 1999, 2000 for monitoring and assessment of long- term socio-economic and environmental outcomes. This report provides a final assessment of community-based coastal resources management activities that have been ongoing in the four villages since the Coastal Resources Management Project started in 1997. Planning activities were initiated in the villages in October 1997 with the placement of a full time extension officer in each field site. After a two-year participatory planning process and development of an issue-based profile, coastal resources management plans were approved by local government and through a village ordinance Tankilisan et. al. 1999, Kasmidi et. al. 1999, Dimpudus et. al. 1999. Small- scale marine protected areas MPAs were also established in each of the villages at varying times and were formally approved through village ordinances. The process for establishing the community-based management plans and marine sanctuaries has been well documented Crawford et al. 1998, Tulungen et al. 2000 and therefore will not be repeated here. Implementation of the management plans by community management committees has been ongoing since 1999. Community committees formed after the establishment of the MPAs also manage the MPAs. Baseline assessments were conducted in 1997 and 1998 see Appendix IV. Interim assessments of project and community activities were conducted in 2000 Crawford et al. 2000a, 2000b, Sukmara et al. 2001, Pollnac et al. 2002. This report provides a summary of project inputs e.g. staffing effort, activities, community grants and outputs e.g. number of persons trained, reports produced, physical works constructed as well as a review of implementation activities that have taken place since the 2000 assessment. The report also provides an assessment of demographic and socio-economic changes, as well as changes in community knowledge and perceptions that have occurred over the life of the project. Participation and gender issues are highlighted. Where appropriate, it compares project sites with similar information from adjacent control sites following a format similar to that used in the interim assessment reports. Methodology for the baseline and subsequent surveys and data analysis are contained in Pollnac and Crawford 2000. Figure 1: Location of Project and Control Sites 2 The report summarizes socioeconomic changes in the community, perceptions concerning resource impacts of human activities, perceived quality of life and problems, and the extent to which these changes may be due to project activities. It contains a summary of findings and recommendations for follow up in the project sites as well as for future projects of a similar nature. Separate technical reports assess biophysical changes on reefs in project and control sites over the life of the project Siahainenia et al. 2002, Rotinsulu 2003 and are not discussed in this report. 3