Data Presentation and Analysis

From the results of the closed-ended questions, the writer could conclude that generally the respondents agreed that the designed materials were good. They agreed that the objectives of the lessons were formulated clearly. They also agreed that the topics in the designed materials were appropriate to apply in the English Conversation Class of Quick Concept English Course Solo. All of them had no doubt that the methods used could gain the formulated goals. In points 4, 5, and 7, it could be concluded that most respondents very agreed that the designed materials were interesting, could be understood well, and be applied easily. They agreed also that the applications of the designed materials could be conducted effectively and efficiently, and that the materials could explore and improve the learners’ speaking abilities. The second type of questions in the questionnaires was open-ended questions. Those questions were intended to give the writer feedback to create improvements. The feedback from the respondents were listed as follows: 1. To give more complex structure to learn. Since the learners were the advanced learners, it would be alright to provide more complex structure to be discussed and learnt by them. 2. To give more stress in speaking activity. Regarding that the main objective of the lessons was to improve the learners’ speaking skills, it would be better if the writer allocated more portions and time for them to practice speaking. 3. Not to forget to attach the sources of the writing and pictures used in the designed materials. 60 4. To give page numbers to make the readers more easily in reading the materials.

B. The Designed Materials

After gaining some feedback in post-design survey, the writer revised the materials. The final version of the designed materials consisted of eight units. In each unit, there were four main parts to learn. Part A, “Learn It”, included reading and listening parts. This part was intended to give the learners experiences of the related topics. The reading parts were intended to be read at home, except the reading part in Unit 1 that was designed to be discussed in the class. They were expected to introduce the topics that would be discussed and to improve the learners’ vocabulary. The listening parts were expected to give the learners examples of real conversations. Both the reading and the listening parts were followed by questions used to measure the learners’ comprehension about the reading texts and the listening parts. Part B, “Let’s Try”, was the main part of the whole units where the learners were intended to practice speaking. The writer provided some tasks and instructions in this part. The learners were expected to practice speaking activities like game, role- play, story-telling, debate, discussion, and presentation in this part by following the provided instructions. Part C, “Feedback”, had two discussions. First discussion, “Grammar Point” discussed grammar patterns that were mainly used in the previous unit parts. It was meant to be used as the learners’ feedback after they had practiced speaking. They were expected to improve their mistakes in “Let’s Try” by consulting with the 61 provided correct grammar patterns. “Words Bank” consisted of a task that focused on vocabulary. The vocabulary in the task was taken from the previous unit parts that had been discussed. This part was intended to remind the learners about words they have read, listened, or discussed before. The task was also meant to help them enrich their vocabulary by, for example, finding the synonym, opposite, and related words of the discussed vocabulary. Part D, “Homework”, gave instruction to the learners about what to do and prepare at home for the next meeting. Therefore they could have had pictures of what they would learn in the next meetings and be ready for it. As mentioned before, there were eight units presented in the designed materials. The description of each unit and its objectives is described in table 4.3. Table 4.3: The Units, Topics, and Objectives of the Designed Materials Unit Topic Objective

1 The Most Impressive Experience

1. The learners are able to express things happened in the past using simple past, past continues, past perfect, future past, and correct adjectives. 2. The learners are able to ask and respond to their friends’ stories. 3. The learners are able to gain improvement in their grammar mastery. Continued to page 63 62