Research Setting Reseach Participants

X = the students who choose certain answer N = total sample Then, the researcher used the results of the interview to support the result of the quantitative data. First, the researcher transcribed the results of the interview, then the researcher sorted them to be supporting sentences.

F. Triangulation

In conducting the research, the researchers used triangulation to increase the validation. This is in line with the definition of triangulation provided by Yeasmin and Rahman 2012 that triangulation is a process of verification that increases validity by incorporating several viewpoints and methods. By using triangulation in collecting different types of data, the researcher would be able to look at the same phenomenon from various perspectives. Figure 3.1 Triangulation

G. Research Procedure

In this part, the researcher shows the procedure of the research from the beginning until research presentation. 1. The researcher defined the topic and asked the advisor if the topic was accepted. 2. The researcher explained how the research would run. Theory The Students The Researcher 3. The researcher defined the population in conducting the research. 4. The researcher did library research that discusses collaborative learning. 5. The researcher chose questionnaire and interview as the instrument used in the research. 6. The researcher made questionnaire statement based on the theory used and also made the interview questions to get data related to the experience of the students. 7. The researcher consulted the instruments to the advisor, then distributed the questionnaire to the students batch 2012 who had joined Play Performance course on sixth semester in 2015 through google form. 8. After distributing the questionnaire the researcher did interview in two days. 9. The researcher transcribed the data questionnaire and interview. 10. The researcher analyzed the data. 11. The researcher drew the conclusion of the data and then consulted the advisor about the conclusion. 12. The researcher presented the final report in the thesis defence. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI