Modality analysis in Melania Trump`s and Ivanka Trump`s campaign speeches in Republican National Convention, July 19th, 2016.




Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


HEPIE PIONERY Student Number: 134214088








Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


HEPIE PIONERY Student Number: 134214088






March l, 2017


/ ---<





Dr. Fr. B". Alip, M.Pd .. M.A. Co-Advisor



March 1, 2017 Arina lsti'anah. S.Pd., M.Hum.

Approved by By


Student Number: 134214088








All of my gratefulness is only for God for his blessing is beyond everything. Through every single obstacle and difficulty that I face, He raises and helps me. This writing is a proof for His endless blessing to me, and I would like to dedicate this writing for His glory.

I would like to express my earnest thanks to my thesis advisor, Arina Isti‟anah, S.Pd, M.Hum. Her guidance has led me to the success. She taught me how to stick to the commitment. She patiently read my writing and gave me suggestions that made this writing a success. For me, she is a role model. I also would like to thank my co-advisor, Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A. His feedback was really worth to make this writing even better.

I do not forget to express my greatest thanks to my father, Hargo Warsono, and my mother, Pudyasmiatun, for their endless prayer, support, and affection. Thanks to my brothers, Revnus Gadang Dermawan and Wedhar Pranata Jati, for being the great supporters ever. Without them in my life, I would never have finished this.













ABSTRAK ... xii


A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 4

C. Objective of the Study ... 4

D. Definition of Terms ... 5


A. Review or Related Studies... 6

B. Review of Theories ... 10

1. Stylistics ... 10

2. Modality ... 12

3. Language and Ideology ... 19

4. Political Speech ... 21

C. Theoretical Framework ... 21


A. Object of the Study ... 23

B. Approach of the Study ... 24

C. Method of the Study ... 25

1. Data Collection ... 25

2. Data Analysis ... 25


A. Types of Modality in Melania Trump‟s and Ivanka Trump‟s Campaign Speech ... 28



2. Types of Modality in Ivanka Trump‟s Campaign Speech ... 38

B. Ideologies Reflected from the Use of Modality ... 50

1. Ideologies in Melania Trump‟s Campaign Speech ... 51

2. Ideologies in Ivanka Trump‟s Campaign Speech ... 56




A. Appendix 1: Melania Trump‟s Campaign Speech ... 66

B. Appendix 2: Ivanka Trump‟s Campaign Speech... 69

C. Appendix 3: The Modality in Melania Trump‟s Campaign Speech ... 73

D. Appendix 4: The Modality in Ivanka Trump‟s Campaign Speech ... 75

E. Appendix 5: The Summary of Melania Trump‟s Ideologies ... 78




Table 2.1 Summary of Inclination ……... 14

Table 2.2 Summary of Usuality …... 14

Table 2.3 Summary of Obligation ……... 15

Table 2.4 Summry of Probability ……... 16

Table 2.5 Summary of Potentiality and Ability …... 17

Table 2.6 Summary of Modal Auxiliary …... 18

Table 2.7 Summary of Modal Adverb …... 19

Table 3.1 The Sentences Containing Modality in the Speech ... 25

Table 3.2 Summary of modality in All Speech …... 25

Table 3.3 The Distribution of the Type of Modality in Each Speech ... 26

Table 3.4 Summary of Each Type of Modality ... 26

Table 4.1 Summary of Modality in Melania Trump‟s and Ivanka Trump‟s Campain Speech ...………... 28

Table 4.2 Distribution of the Types of Modality in Melania Trump‟s Campaign Speech ………..……. 29

Table 4.3 Summary of Inclination Used in Melania Trump‟s Speech ... 30

Table 4.4 Summary of Potentiality and Ability Used in Melania Trump‟s Speech ... 32

Table 4.5 Summary of Obligation Used in Melania Trump‟s Speech ... 36

Table 4.6 Summary of Probability Used in Melania Trump‟s Speech ... 37

Table 4.7 Distribution of the Types of Modality in Ivanka Trump‟s Campaign Speech ... 39

Table 4.8 Summary of Inclination Used in Ivanka Trump‟s Speech ... 40

Table 4.9 Summary of Potentiality and Ability Used in Ivanka Trump‟s Speech ... 42

Table 4.10 Summary of Obligation Used in Ivanka Trump‟s Speech ... 46

Table 4.11 Summary of Probability Used in Ivanka Trump‟s Speech ... 48



PIONERY, HEPIE. Modality Analysis in Melania Trump’s and Ivanka Trump’s Campaign Speeches in Republican National Convention, July 19th, 2016. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2017.

Style is a distinctive feature found in language use. One example of language use is a speech. In stylistics, the use of modality in a speech can reveal the speaker‟s style. Subsequently, a style that is shown through the modality can reflect the speaker‟s ideology. This study aimed to find out the ideology reflected by the modality of Melania Trump‟s and Ivanka Trump‟s campaign speeches. The speeches were delivered at the Republican National Convention last July 19th, 2016.

There were two objectives discussed in this study. First, the writer tried to find out the type of modality employed by Melania Trump and Ivanka Trump in their campaign speeches. Second, the writer tried to reveal the ideologies reflected by the use of the modality.

This research employed a stylistic approach to discuss the type of modality and the ideology reflected through it. The data were also taken by employing population study.

From the discussion, the writer found out that there were four types of modality employed by Melania Trump. Those were inclination, obligation, potentiality and ability, and probability. The modal of inclination appeared 12 times. It was 46.2%. The modal of obligation and probability appeared twice with 7.7%. The last, modal of potentiality and ability appeared 10 times and the percentages is 38.4%. The writer also found out five types of modality in Ivanka Trump‟s campaign speech. Those were inclination, usuality, potentiality and ability, probability, and obligation. There were 11 modals of inclination found in the speech. The percentage was 31.5%. There were 12 modals of potentiality and ability. The percentage was 34.3%. The modal of usuality occurred seven times. The percentage of this type was 20%. The next was the obligation. It occurred three times and the percentage was 8.5%. The last type was probability. It occurred only two times. The percentage of this type was 5.7%. The writer also found out that there were two ideologies reflected by the use of modality. The ideologies found in both speeches were similar. Those were commitment and self self promotion. The commitments were proved by the existence of inclination. the ideology of self promotion is proven by the existence of potentiality and ability, and usuality modalities.



PIONERY, HEPIE. Modality Analysis in Melania Trump’s and Ivanka Trump’s Campaign Speeches in Republican National Convention, July 19th

, 2016.Yogyakarta: Sasta Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2017.

Style adalah ciri khusus atau pembeda yang digunakan dalam penggunaan

bahasa. Salah satu contoh dari penggunaan bahasa adalah pidato. Di dalam ilmu stilistika, penggunaan modal pada sebuah pidato bisa digunakan untuk melihat

style seseorang. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, style yang ditinjau dari modal

juga bisa digunakan untuk mengetahui ideologi seorang pembicara. Skripsi ini bertujuan menemukan ideologi pembicara yang tersirat dari penggunaan modal dari teks pidato Melania Trump dan Ivanka Trump yang disampaikan di

Republican National Convention pada 19 Juli 2016.

Skripsi ini memiliki dua tujuan. Pertama, penulis ingin menentukan jenis

modal yang digunakan oleh Melania Trump dan Ivanka Trump dalam pidatonya.

Kedua, penulis ingin menganalisis ideologi yang tersirat dari penggunaan modal di kedua pidato tersebut.

Penulis menerapkan pendekatan stilistika untuk menentukan ideologi yang dilihat dari sudut pandang linguistik, yaitu penggunaan modal. Penulis juga menerapkan teori data populasi untuk mendapatkan data dari kedua pidato tersebut.

Dari analisis yang telah dilakukan, penulis menemukan ada empat jenis

modal yang digunakan oleh Melania Trump. Modal tersebut adalah inclination, obligation, potentiality and ability, dan probability. Modal inclination digunakan

sebanyak 12 kali atau sebesar 46,2% dari total modal keseluruhan. Modal jenis

obligation dan probability muncul dua kali atau sebesar 7,7%. Modal potentiality

dan ability digunakan sebanyak 10 kali atau sebesar 38,4%. Penulis juga menemukan lima jenis modal pada pidato yang di sampaikan Ivanka Trump. Jenis tersebut adalah inclination, usuality, potentiality & ability, probability, dan

obligation. Modal jenis inclination ditemukan sebanyak 11 kali atau sebesar

31,5% dari total modal keseluruhan. Modal jenis potentiality dan ability muncul sebanyak 12 atau sebanyak 34,3%. Jenis usuality muncul tujuh kali dan angka tersebut 20% dari total keseluruhan. Jenis selanjutnya adalah obligation. Jenis ini muncul tiga kali atau sebesar 8,5%. Jenis terakhir yang muncul adalah probability yang muncul dua kali atau sebesar 5,7%. Penulis juga menemukan dua ideologi pada masing-masing pidato. Penulis menemukan persamaan ideologi pada kedua pidato. Ideologi tersebut adalah komitmen dan promosi. Ideologi komitmen dilihat dari modal tipe inclination. Sedangakan promosi dilihat dari modal tipe

potentiality dan ability, serta usuality.



A.Background of the Study

Style is a unique way of expression of language (Verdonk, 2002: 3). It can be used as a distinctive marker to distinguish one language user to another. As an example, women magazine has different character compared to men magazine. Language in written and spoken form is different either. Every person has different styles in delivering messages. They can be in the grammatical, lexical, phonological, and other linguistic features. For example, some people may prefer to use certain words which includes as slang words, but some do not. It shows that different persons have different styles.

The use of style in language is based on certain intentions. Moreover, it can cause effects toward the addressees. Verdonk mentions one aspect which is called as a psychological effect. It is also called as foregrounded. He explains that by using certain style, addressees might be influenced and interested emotionally. It simply can be said that Verdonk argues that language may have power that influences hearer‟s emotion (2002: 6).

Related to the previous paragraph, it is known that language is widely used in every aspect in life. Accordingly, language is crucially needed in politics, especially in political speeches. Political speeches should be made as influential as it can be because it usually deals with power and ideology. In some situations, members of political party tend to present a speech in a campaign to achieve some


power in certain societies. Speech is seen as the most effective medium to present the goals and purposes easily to the audiences. Through the speech, the speaker can deliver and show certain ideology toward the audiences. Then, it must be clear how language and ideology are two inseparable things.

If analyzed, a political speech is also possible to use a style. According to Gee (2011: 7), “language is always political” and “social goods are the stuff of politics”. When language is used, it means that the speakers should be ready to face the possibility to be accepted or denied by the society. In accordance with the fact of how vital language is, it is important for the speakers to manage the speech in order to achieve the goal.

Word choice is one feature that defines the style of a speech that should be managed intentionally. In fact, some parties have their own campaign rules because they realize that the use of proper structures in speech will result the best. This slightly shows language is believed in having a strong effect to the listener or reader. It can be related to the theory served by Verdonk (2002) about foregrounding. There should be preliminary targets to achieve by delivering the speech. Starting from the explanation before, this study focuses on the use of modal in Melania Trump‟s and Ivanka Trump‟s campaign speeches. Modality is “the property refers to the strength with which a particular proposition or statement is endorsed” (Locke, 2004: 47). The statement means that modality really influences the message implied in the sentence. It can change the degree of certainty or truth of the sentence or even the contextual meaning of the sentence.


As an example taken from Lilian (2008), the modality should is able to show different meanings depend on the context. She explains that should may have two meanings. The first meaning is to show an obligation to follow the rule as shown in the sentence „Egalitarinism, a first cousin and natural companion of collectivism, originally meant that all citizens, without regard to class, race, sex, or any other personal characteristic, should be treated equally by the law of the land (Gairdner {1992} in Lilian)‟. The second, should is also possible to be used

to show desirability as shown in the sentence „a proper federation should not

allow the central powers to tax the people directly (Gairdner {1992} in Lilian). That is why, in accordance with the previous paragraph, the writer has prelude assumptions that there are certain purposes for the use of modality in the speeches and it can imply something.

The speeches of Melania Trump and Ivanka Trump on the 19th of July 2016 at the Republican National Convention has been chosen as the objects of the study because Melania as the wife and Ivanka as the daughter of Donald Trump have the same important roles and responsibilities towards the victory of him as the presidential candidacy of the United States. The speeches are important because they really influence the American perspectives towards the candidate of their president.

Seeing how crucial the roles are, the writer would like to know how the speakers employ the language to show certain purposes or ideology. Specifically, the writer analyzed the employment through the modality use in the speeches as exerted by Verdonk (2002) that modality can reflect certain purposes or ideology.


In this case, the analysis is at the level of grammar that covers modality. Since there are two objects in this study, in the end of the analysis, the writer would like to compare the ideologies reflected by the use of modality in both of the speeches. This study is worth to conduct because the result of the study could be used to see how the use of modality in speeches is very crucial to determine the reflection of the ideologies. It will be clearer by comparing two speeches to see if later there are some differences in meaning.

B.Problem Formulation

The research questions are formulated to limit the scope of the study as follows, 1. What types of modality are used in Melania Trump‟s and Ivanka Trump‟s

campaign speeches?

2. What ideologies are reflected by the use of modality in both speeches? C.Objective of the Study

There are two objectives to achieve in this study. The objectives are formulated based on the problem mentioned in the previous part. First, the study aims to find out the types of modality, which appear in the campaign speeches by Melania Trump and Ivanka Trump. The types of modal auxiliary which appear in the speeches will be categorized based on the meanings and their functions in the sentences. The result of the first objective will be used to answer the following objective.

Second, this study aimed to find out the ideologies reflected from the modality in both speeches. The ideologies were analyzed trough the meaning of


the linguistic context and the percentages of the use. The dominant modals that appear were assumed as the strongest ideology which is tried to be delivered by the speakers. Since there are two speeches, the writer also examined the use of modality and their differences in suggesting the purposes or ideologies.

D.Definition of Terms

In this part, the writer provides definitions of some terminologies appeared in the title. First is Modality. Modality, according to Verdonk (2002: 119), is a linguistic feature such as modal auxiliaries or adverbs. Modality can show the speakers‟ manner. Moreover, it can show the “degree of truth and validity” of what they uttered. According to the fact that modality is one of linguistic features discussed in stylistics, modal can reflect certain purposes.

The second term is speech. Hillier (2004:120) defines speech as the actualization of a written text which is in the spoken form. She also says that speech may be varied in topic according to the occasion. Speech is included in „one-way‟ communication where only a person is actively speaking and others passive listening. However, the listener may give „virtual‟ feedback such as applause.




A.Review or Related Studies

In this study, the writer reads some studies conducted by several researchers that are in line with this study. Those studies help the writer to develop the idea to conduct this study.

The first is a study conducted by Lillian in 2008. She analyzes two political texts. The first text is written by Hugh Segal entitled Beyond Greed: A

Traditional Conservatives Confronts Neoconservatives Excess. The second text is

entitled The War Against the Family which is written by William D. Gairdner. Lillian, in her study, focuses the analysis on the usage of modality and how it shows the speakers‟ orientation. She employs Fowler‟s theory of modality in which it divides modality into several categories. Those are validity, predictability, desirability, obligation, and permission.

The data of her analysis were obtained by examining and listing the modality in both political texts. Then, she categorizes them into the division made by Fowler. According to her analysis, the texts show the difference of the speakers‟ orientations. She concludes that the usage of modality in Segal‟s text shows persuasion, while in Gairdner‟s it shows manipulation.

Lillian‟s study shares similarity with this study. Both studies focus on the use of modality in a political circumstance. However, they differ in terms of the


object of study. Lillian analyzes texts with the topic of politics, while the writer of this study takes two political speeches as the object.

A study of speeches also has been done by Isti‟anah (2012). She analyzes the speeches of Muammar Qaddafi and Hosni Mubarak‟s political speeches. The objectives of Isti‟anah‟s study are finding out the linguistic features in both speeches and what ideologies are revealed by the use of those linguistic features.

In conducting the study, Isti‟anah applies Critical Discourse Analysis approach and specifically employs Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG). One feature that is used in her analysis to find out the ideologies is modality. From the analysis, Isti‟anah finds out that high level of modality is used to show rule and obligation. However, a low level of modality is also employed by the speakers to show solidarity. The data of the study are found from Mubarak‟s speech on 10 February 2011 and Gaddafi‟s speech in 22 February 2011.

In relation to this study, Isti‟anah‟s study shares similarity and difference. The similarity lies on the use of data. Both the writer and Isti‟anah‟s studies use political speeches as the data of the analysis. Isti‟anah analyzes the speeches from several aspects which includes the modality to conclude ideologies from both speeches. Meanwhile, the writer of this study would like to see the ideologies of Melania Trump and Ivanka Trump which are seen from the modality aspect only. In the other words, this study takes one aspect only whereas Isti‟anah employs several aspects. The approach of both studies is also different. In conducting the study, Isti‟anah employs SFG (Systemic Functional Grammar) to conduct the


analysis, while the writer uses stylistics to analyze the speech of Melania Trump‟s and Ivanka Trump‟s campaign speeches.

The next research in the same field is done by Olanian, Adeolu, and Adeniji in 2015. They conduct a study to analyze the functions of modality in statements of objectives in art-based research article abstracts. They choose 300 random abstracts of art-based research from the internet. This research attempts to find out the function of the employment of modality in the statement of objective in art-based article. This research is very beneficial to understand the role of modality.

By employing the linguistic point of view to analyze the modality, they categorize the modality into four groups. Those are possibility, necessity, prediction, and permission. They find out that possibility modals are used in stating the analytical scope and research goal in the abstract; necessity modals are used in stating the analytical scope, presenting argument, seeking permission, and/or making polite request; prediction modals are used in stating researchers‟ research missions in predictive form.

If compared to this study, there are a similarity and differences. The focus of this study is similar to the research described above, which is modality. The first difference lies on the object of the study in which it analyzes the use of modality in speeches while the previous research analyzes the statement of objective in art-based article abstracts. Another difference is the purpose of each study. This study attempts to find out what ideologies are reflected from the use of


modality, while the previous study tries to see the role of the modality in statements of objective.

Another study which is in line with this study is conducted by Bayram (2010). He analyzes a political speech by Recep Tayyip Edorgan, Turkish Prime Minister, for the period of a debate in the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2009. Bayram states that a political speech is bound with certain powers, cultural and/or social background, and social status. In relation to that, by employing Critical Discourse Analysis approach, Bayram attempts to discover the social background and identity of Edorgan which are revealed through the language use.

Bayram finds out that what happens to Edorgan is appropriate with Farlough‟s theory. The political speech is actually the projection of his social background and identity. Through the speech, Edorgan can still reflect the nature of his society. It shows that his speech is formed by his ideology.

In line with this study, Bayram‟s journal has similarity and difference. The similarity is in the object of the study where both writings analyze political speeches. They are strongly related because both authors aim to find out the ideologies from political speeches. However, this study and Bayram‟s is different in term of the approach. This study employs stylistics as the main approach and CDA as the secondary approach along with modality as the basic data, while Bayram‟s employs CDA only to conduct the study.


B.Review of Theories

There are several theories that would be explained in this chapter. Those are stylistics, modality, language and ideology, and political speech.

1. Stylistics

Verdonk exerts that stylistics is a study that refers to distinctive features in language and how it implies certain purposes and causes certain effects toward the readers (2002: 4). He also suggests a term which is called as foregrounding. In stylistics, foregrounding is defined as the “psychological effect” triggered from the use of style in language (6).

Simpson (2004) adds that language is the focus of stylistics. In fact, there are several levels of analysis in stylistics. Based on Simpson (2004), those are phonology, graphology, morphology, syntax or grammar, semantics, and pragmatics. (O‟Grady, 1996) defines phonology a level of analysis which talks about “the component of grammar made up of the elements and principles that determine how sounds pattern in a language” (68). Simpson (2004) defines graphology as “pattern” in writing. He also adds that it covers the “shape” of the writing in a page (5). The analysis in morphology covers the words formation. It discusses the system and rule of how the words are formed (O‟Grady, 1996: 132). Syntax, based on Akmajian, Demers, Farmer, and Harnish (2001: 153), is a level of analysis which pays attention on the phrase and sentence. It covers formation of either phrase or sentence. The analysis of word as a part of phrase or sentence also becomes the focus of this level. It is because without any words, phrase or sentence cannot be formed. Still based on Akmajian et al, semantics focuses on


the meaning of word (227). Leech (1981) adds that semantic holds the central role in the study of communication. It is because meaning can deliver message and one important condition for a communication to occur is meaning. The last, pragmatics is another level of analysis which focuses on the meaning but it is not always similar to what the speaker said. This level of analysis includes the contextual aspect of the current condition and event. (Horn and Ward: 2006)

Modality, which is analyzed in this study, is included in the level of grammar or syntax. This is because modality is a part of sentence which can influence the whole context of the sentence. Thus, sentential level of analysis is needed to focus on the modality.

Through a language, a purpose and the intention of why the text is written can be seen by analyzing the form, regularities of the use of certain feature, and the level of the language (Horn and Warn, 2006: 2). From the definition given by Simpson, the writer considers that by focusing on the modality (in this case, it is seen as one form of language feature), the purpose or ideology of the speakers can be revealed. Simpson (2004 : 3) adds that the purpose of stylistics is “to explore creativity in language use. Doing stylistic analysis thereby enriches our way of thinking about language and, as observed, exploring language offers a substantial purchase on our understanding of (literary) text”. In this case, understanding the text aims to find out the ideology of the speaker through one linguistic feature called modality.

In fact, modality is one feature that has a significant function to define meaning of sentence. Stylistics sees modality as one distinctive feature. It can be


specifically analyzed in view of the fact that it can also be used to shows some indications such as strength of the speaker, degree of possibility, and in this case is the ideology of the speaker.

2. Modality

In general, according to Toolan (1998: 47), modality is a way to disclose the speaker‟s attitude and judgment. Downing also exerts a similar definition for modality. She adds that a sentence which does not have any modal is simpler in the term of meaning. From the arguments, it is clear that modal carries meaning which is actually broader. It can give meaning of intention in a certain sentence (2015: 343).

In fact, people usually do not only exert the utterance in which they are sure whether it is a positive or negative judgment. People have various judgments in the term of certainty, commitment, frequency, etc. They need something which is called modal to represent them. It means that modal is actually able to reveal the variation of the degree of judgment which in fact is beyond „yes‟ or „no‟.

There are several linguists who provide the theory of modality types. The writer, in fact, encounters obstacles to define which categorization is the most suitable to be applied in conducting the study. Thus, the writer decides to put some of those which the writer assumes will represent various function of modality for the purpose of analysis.

Below, the writer divides modality into two big chunks: (a) modal auxiliary (b) modal adverbs.


a. Modal Auxiliary

Modal auxiliary can also be called as modal verb. It is an auxiliary that functions to modify the content verb. Modal auxiliary is written directly on the left side of the main verb. Modal auxiliary, like what have been said before, shows speaker‟s attitude and judgment (Toolan, 1998: 47).

Halliday (2004) exerts that modality is a parameter to show the value of the judgment between “yes” or “no”. The modality in the sentence is used to reflect some parameters; inclination, usuality, obligation, and probability. Lock (1995) adds a parameter which is ability/ potentiality.

i. Inclination

Lock (1995: 210) says that inclination is a kind of request. However, it is more appropriate to be called as an offer. Inclination shows the speaker‟s desire in doing something. It is also used to express the commitment in the future time.

According to the definition exerted by Lock, inclination has three levels or degrees of urgency. The first is high level which refers to determination. The second level is mid which shows intention. The third level is low which expresses


Downing (2015) suggests a different category which puts in the meaning of inclination. She calls it volition. Volition reflects the speaker‟s willingness or intention. However, the distinctiveness between the two is more or less similar to what Lock explains. The modals that are usually used to show volition (or inclination, according to Lock) is will, shall, and „ll. The summary of modality


Table 2.1 Summary of Inclination

Modality Level Modal Meaning Example



Determination I will go and you can‟t stop me.

Mid Intention

Now, I will tell you right now what my activity is.

Low Willingness

I’ll take some of the scripts so long as you‟re not expecting anything in before next week.

ii. Usuality

Modal can also reflect a degree of usuality. This refers to the consideration of how often somebody does an activity. Lock (1995) calls this parameter as frequency. Conceptually, both usuality and frequency are similar.

Halliday (2004) suggests three levels or degrees of usuality. Those are low, mid, and high usuality. Low usuality includes the meaning of sometimes and

occasionally in positive polarity, seldom and rarely in negative polarity. The mid

level includes the meaning of usually. The last is the high level of usuality which includes the meaning of always in positive polarity and never in negative polarity. The summary of modality which shows usuality taken from Lock (2015: 209) is shown as below.

Table 2.2 Summary of Usuality

Modality level Modal Meaning Example high must always He must be there at 7 a.m

mid will usually He’ll walk past you without even saying goodye

low may/can seldom …but long journey like that can be very


iii. Obligation

Bybee (1995: 186) divides the obligation according to the degree of how important is a command be done. The types of obligation are weak obligation and strong obligation. The strength of an obligation can be seen through the consequences resulted. Weak obligation will result less consequences, while strong obligation will result higher consequences or in the other word „severe‟.

Downing presents different categorization for dividing the degree of obligation. The categorization served by Downing focuses on how urgent are the addressees (the readers or the listeners) need to do the command. The high degree of obligation is called as inescapable obligation which includes the use of modals

must and have to. The lower degree for obligation is non-binding obligation. In a

simple way, it can be seen as a suggestion. It means that the addressees are not forced. They still have choices to do it or not. The modals which are usually used for this categorization are should and ought (2015: 314).

Halliday has different types of degree of obligation which are low, mid, and high. The low degree includes allowed. The mid degree is supposed. The high degree is required. The summary of the modality which shows obligation taken from Halliday is served as below (2004: 620)

Table 2.3 Summary of Obligation

Modal level Modal Meaning Example

high must required You must do that. mid should supposed You should do that.



Two modals that are usually used in this category are should and ought. Downing (2015) says that this notion is sometimes emerged with the category non-binding obligation. However, it still can be distinguished by understanding whether “the participant needs to fulfill the predicative event or not” (347).

Probability is actually a state where something is possibly to happen. It is almost similar to a prediction. When someone commit to utter a statement containing probability, she/he might not be really sure whether something is about to happen, but still possible. Nevertheless, it is also possible that someone employs this parameter when she/he is really sure that something is about to happen.

Halliday (2004) divides probability into three degrees which are low, mid and high degree. The low degree of probability is possible. The mid degree is

probable. The high degree is certain (620). Below is the summary of modality

which means probability.

Table 2.4 Summary of Probability Modal Level Modal Meaning Example

High Must Certain That must be John Mid Will Probable That will be John. Low May Possible That may be John.

v. Ability or Potentiality

Bybee (1995) emphasizes that the notion of ability deals with the condition of „to know‟ or „know how to‟. This implies the meaning that when people utter a sentence with modality, they would like to show that they are able


to do something or know how to do something. The modals mostly used to show the ability are can or could.

Lock (1995) adds that modality which shows ability or potentiality does not show certain judgment or attitude. In relation to that, this type of modality does not have any degree or level. It rather carries information whether something is able to occur or not. however, in the analysis, the writer will add the level based on the meaning of context. The level is high if the context reflects positive value, while the level is low if the context reflects negative value. In addition, the basic difference between ability and potentiality is explained in the following. The ability lies on the skill of someone to do something. Then, the ability owned by someone that can make something is possible to happen is called potentiality. To make it clearer, the table below is the summary of modality which shows the ability or potentiality as served by Lock (211).

Table 2.5 Summary of Ability and Potentiality

Modal M/eaning Example

Can/could Ability I am someone who can make friends easily.

potentiality …..this situation can and will be changed.

After all the reviews of each possible meaning that can be reflected by a modal, it can be concluded that each modal does not only able to reflect one parameter. Each modal can be understood differently when it is applied in a sentence because the function of modal is also influenced by context of sentence. For example, should expresses obligation in sentence (c) You really should see the


reached their hotel by now (48). Below, the writer provides the summary of

modal auxiliary.

Table 2.6 Summary of Modal Auxiliary

No Type of Modality Level Example

1 Inclination

High I will go and you can‟t stop me.

Mid Now, I will tell you right now what my activity is.

Low I’ll take some of the scripts so long as you‟re not expecting anything in before next week. 2 Potentialty and



I am someone who can make friends easily. …..this situation can and will be changed.

3 Usuality

High He must be there at 7 a.m

Mid He’ll walk past you without even saying goodye

Low …but long journey like that can be very uncomfortable.

4 Obligation

High You must do that. Mid You should do that. Low You can do that. 5 Probability

High That must be John Mid That will be John. Low That may be John. b. Modal Adverb

In this part, modal is also understood as adverb which has function as modifier. Adverb, like what Quirk and Greenbaum (1985) explain, can modify an adjective, adverb, and prepositional phrase, noun phrase, and determiner. However, the adverb that can show certain judgment and attitude in political uses is more applied to modify the adjective.

Toolen (1996) adds modal adverb includes probably, usually, certainly,


also used to explain the degree of certainty and intensity. Modal adverb is also used to explain the parameter of the value between positive and negative. In applying modal adverb, it can be combined to modal auxiliary. As an example, the sentence Billing must surely be in Montana (47) is stronger than Billing is in

Montana (47). From the example, it is clear how the modality influences the

strength of certainty of a sentence. It shows how modality has its own role to define the value of a sentence.

Halliday (2004) summarizes that modal adverb is only used to show probability and usuality. The modal adverb also shows the same degree as the modal auxiliary served. Below are the summary and the example exerted from Halliday (623).

Table 2.7 Summary of Modal Adverb Modal

adverb Degree Category Example

certainly must probablity That certainly is John. probably will probablity That probably is john. possibly may probablity That possibly is John. sometimes may usuality Fred sometimes does not stay.

often will usuality Fred often does not stay. always must usuality Fred always does not stay.

3. Language and Ideology

The discussion on language and ideology will cover two points of view. It has already been mentioned how language is strongly related to human life. Language grows along the human‟s development. Language lives with society which includes the political aspect. Bayram (2010) explains that language is influenced by society and society can also be influenced by a language. When a


person who comes from England lives in Javanese for a long time, he/she will be affected by the use of the language. Moreover, he/she will switch the language. That is the proof of how society can influence the language. In contradiction, the proof of the fact that a language can influence the society will occur if the person who utters the language has a high education. It will also happen if he/she is a respectful person. The society will be easier to be influenced by the use of language. Bayram (2010: 24) adds that “language is closely bound up with our social and cognitive development from childhood and our identity formation” . From the explanation, it can be concluded that people unconsciously produce utterance in the form of language as the reflection of their belief, experience, knowledge, and ideology. It is clear that values can easily be spread through language. That is why language and ideology is something inseparable (4).

In Verdonk‟s (2002), ideology can be seen directly from the lexical choices. The ideology can be revealed from certain “attitude and judgment” towards certain events which is reflected from the use of linguistic feature. Lexical choice, as Verdonk says, projects “the nature of the speaker‟s perception”. In this case, the lexical choice includes the modality. He provides example as below.

Sugimura was unquestionably amongst the city’s most respected and influential men (Verdonk 2002: 39).

In the sentence above, the modal adverb unquestionably can show certain indication. It is clear how the narrator who utters the sentence is in high-level of


certainty to the fact that Sugimura was really respected and influential men. It proves how lexical level of language can reflect certain ideologies.

4. Political Speech

According to Hilliar, speech is a virtual communication. It is categorized as one-way communication, meaning one person actively speak and the other participans passively listening. She also adds that the audiences may give virtual feedback in the form of applause (Hillier, 2004:120).

According to, political speech is divided into two types, direct political speech and indirect political speech. Direct political speech refers to the action of the supporter of the chosen candidate by giving facilities along the election. The purpose is to win the candidate. Indirect political speech refers to the action to influence people by some ways. One of those ways is campaign.

C.Theoretical Framework

All of the theories mentioned above are used to answer the formulated problems of this study. The theory of stylistics is used to define the distinctive features in the data. In this case, the feature that would like to be analyzed is modal. Stylistics refers to the analysis of purpose and effect, while modality is one distinctive feature that is able to reflect certain meaning. That is why stylistics is the most appropriate approach to conduct the study.

The theory of modality divides modal into several groups according to its meanings. Those are inclination, usuality, and obligation, probability, ability/ potentiality. By analyzing the modality and what category it is, the writer would


find the ideologies. Moreover, the category which appears most frequent will indicates the main ideology. However, it does not mean that the writer considers that others which appear infrequently are trivial.



A. Object of the Study

The data analyzed in this study are the campaign speeches by Melania Trump and Ivanka Trump. Both speeches are political speeches. The speeches were delivered by both speakers in 19th of July, 2016 in the Republican Convention Center to gain support for Donald Trump as one of the candidate of the president of the United States at that time.

As a matter of fact, the data are chosen because Melania Trump and Ivanka Trump are the closest relatives of Donald Trump. As the candidate of the president of the United States, Donald Trump was helped by both Melania and Ivanka in the campaign era. The achievement of Donald Trump in the election is the most important target to mind since it determines who will lead the United States. Thus, the appearances of Melania Trump and Ivanka Trump should be significant for the triumph of Donald Trump in the election. From the status, it can be seen that Melania Trump and Ivanka Trump have crucial roles. The previous statements are used as the basic reasons why analyzing Melania Trump‟s and Ivanka Trump‟s campaign speeches are considered important to conduct. To make it reasonable, the ideologies of the speakers are also important to be revealed to see the purposes.

The transcription of Melania Trump‟s campaign speech has been


<http://www> on August 26, 2016. The next object, which is the transcription of Ivanka Trump‟s campaign speech, is downloaded from <> on September 17, 2016.

To make it more specific, the linguistic feature is obtained in a sentential level of analysis, which is modality use. There are 22 modals which are found in Melania Trump‟s campaign speech and 28 modals which are found in Ivanka Trump‟s campaign speech. Those numbers are sufficient enough to be the underlying reason for the writer to assume that should be any significant purposes from the employment of modality in the campaign speeches.

B. Approach of the Study

In order to find out what categories of modality that are used and their significance to reveal the ideologies in Melania Trump‟s and Ivanka Trump‟s campaign speeches, stylistics is chosen as the most appropriate approach of this study. Stylistics, a study of style, aims to find out the purpose and effect from the use of certain linguistic (Verdonk, 2002: 4). This approach is the most suitable one because this main goal of the study is finding out the purpose of the use of certain distinctive feature of a language use, which is in case modality. By using stylistic approach, modality is seen as a feature which can show speaker‟s purpose or ideology. In fact, talking about stylistics in a discourse, the appearance of readers should be considered as the important aspect that cannot be separated.


Modality in stylistics is a feature which carries ideology. Verdonk (2002) already exerts that modality in stylistics can reveal the speaker‟s judgment, attitude, and shows the speaker commitment of truth and validity (39). That is why stylistics is the best approach to reveal the speakers‟ intentions.

C. Method of the Study 1. Data Collection

Data population is a group of data which shares similarity in the characteristics (Best, 2006: 13). In this case, the population refers to the modals in both Melania Trump‟s and Ivanka Trump‟s campaign speeches. The writer takes all modals from the texts because the writer would like to obtain the function of modality from the whole texts and contexts.

To obtain all the data, sentential level of analysis is conducted. The writer lists the sentences that contain modality. The writer uses the theory of modality to distinguish between modal adverb and auxiliary. To continue to the deeper analysis of the function of modal toward the ideological reflection, the writer would like to categorize them according to the types that have been explained in the previous chapter.

2. Data Analysis

In order to find out what is implied from the use of modality, the first thing the writer did was categorizing all modality that appeared in Melania Trump‟s and Ivanka Trump‟s campaign speeches according to the categorization mentioned in theoretical chapter. This was the crucial step to define what types of modality that


are employed in both speeches. However, a critical analysis was still needed because one modal does not only able to reflect one meaning.

To make the analysis easier, the writer made tables containing all sentences which have modality in it. The tables containing all sentences that have modality of each speech will not be put in the analysis chapter. However, they were attached in the appendices. The example of the table is presented below.

Table 3.1 Sentences Containing Modality in the Speech

Code Sentence Type of Modality Level

After the writer got the lists of all sentences, the writer starts to discuss the first problem formulation.The summary of the amount and percentage of each type in each speech was presented in one table. After the summary is provided, the writer starts to analyze the modality in each speech. To see the distribution of the modality, the writer made a table. This table consists of the type, total number, level, and its percentage. The last, the writer discussed each type of the modality specifically by giving the examples and proofs. The table containing examples, levels, and, meanings of each type was presented to make it easier. Below, the writer gives example of the tables that will used to manage the data.

Table 3.2 Summary of Modality in the Two Speeches Types of


Melania Trump Ivanka Trump


Table 3.3 The Distribution of the Type of Modality in Each Speech Type of

Modality Total No

Level Percentage

High Mid Low

Table 3.4 Summary of Each Type of Modality

No Code Sentence Level Meaning

In order to make the analysis easier, the writer used code for each sentence that contains modality. The sentences containing modality in Melania Trump‟s speech were coded with the initial of M, while Ivanka‟s with the initial of I. The second digit of the code is the number that shows the order of the sentence. As an example, the code of the first sentence containing modality in Melania Trump‟s speech is M1, the second sentence is M2, and so on. On another hand, the code for the first sentence containing modality in Ivanka‟s speech is I1, the second sentence is I2, and so on.

The next step was analyzing the sentence by including the contextual meaning. Each sentence which contains a modal will be described in a narrative way to get a deeper understanding about what the sentence is about. This was the basic step to get to the intended purposes that are delivered by the speakers. In this part, the type of modality is the most important aspect which influences the result of the analysis. After all the sentences containing modality were analyzed and described, the writer defined the ideologies seen from the context. This was meant to see whether the ideology reflected from the modality of Melania Trump‟s and Ivanka Trump‟s campaign speeches are similar or different.




In this part, the writer would like to explain the result of the analysis based on the problem formulations. Each problem will be discuss in different sub-chapters

A.Types of Modality in Melania Trump’s and Ivanka Trump’s Campaign Speech

This part aims to answer the first problem formulation. For categorizing the modals into their types, the theories of modality are used. The writer lists all the sentences containing modality and put them in a table of modality in Melania Trump‟s Campaign Speech in the appendix. The writer finds out that each modal can reflect different meaning in different sentence. Therefore, sentential analysis is conducted. Below, the writer presents a table of the summary of the type of modality, the amount, and the percentage of both speeches.

Table 4.1 Summary of Modality in Melania Trump’s and Ivanka Trump Campaign Speeches

Types of Modality Melania Trump Ivanka Trump

Number % Number %

Inclination 12 46.2% 11 31.5%

Potentiality and Ability

10 38.4% 12 34.3%

Usuality - - 7 20%

Obligation 2 7.7% 3 8.5%

Probability 2 7.7% 2 5.7%


It can be seen from the table above that there are 26 modalities which exist in Melania Trump‟s campaign speech. In Ivanka Trump‟s campaign speech, there are 35 modalities. All of the type of modalities are employed by Ivanka Trump in her speech. Melania also employed all the types except usuality. The two highest percentages of the types in both speeches are inclination and potentiality and ability. The inclination in Melania Trump‟s speech is 46.2% and in Ivanka Trump‟s is 31.5%. The potentiality and ability in Melania Trump‟s speech is 38.4%, and in Ivanka Trump‟s is 34.4%. The two lowest percencentages in both speeches are obligation and probability. The obligation and probability in Melania Trump‟s speech are both 7.7%, while in Ivanka Trump‟s are 8.5% and 5.7%.

1. Types of Modality in Melania Trump’s Campaign Speech.

There are 26 modals found in Melania Trump‟s speech. All of those modals reflect different meanings. The list of all sentences containing modality in Melania‟s speech is served in Table 4.2.There are four types of modality used in the speech. Those are inclinaton, potentiality and ability, probability, and obligation. The percentage of each type of modality is served in the table below.

Table 4.2 Distribution of the Types of Modality in Melania Trump’s Campaign Speech

Type of Modal

Total Number



High Mid Low

Inclination 12 9 2 1 46.2%

Ability and potentiality 10 7 - 3 38.4%

Obligation 2 1 1 - 7.7%


In the table above, it is shown that there are 12 modals which are included in inclination. It is 46.2% from the total number. There are 10 modals included in ability and potentiality. The percentage is 38.4%. The last, obligation and probability have the same amount which is 2. The percentage is 7.7% for each. a. Inclination

Below, the writer lists all of the inclination found in Melania Trump‟s campaign speech.

Table 4.3 Summary of Inclination Used in Melania Trump’s Speech

No Code Sentence Level Meaning

1. M.2

However, when it comes to my husband, I will say that I am definitely biased, and for good reason.

Mid Intention 2. M.3 I cannot or will not take the freedoms

this country offers for granted. High Determination 3. M.4

I would like to take a moment to recognize an amazing veteran, the great Sen. Bob Dole.

Mid Intention 4. M.7 I know that he will make a great and

lasting difference. High Determination

5. M.9 He willnever ,ever, give up. High Determination 6. M.10 He will never, ever, let you down. High Determination 7. M.11 Now, he will go to work for you. High Determination 8. M.16 And he will do this better than anyone

else can. High Determination

9. M.21

My husband will remain focused on only one thing: this beautiful country that he loves so much.

High Determination 10. M.22 If I am honored to serve as the first

lady, I will use that wonderful privilege. Low Willingness 11. M.23

We must do our best to ensure that every child can live in comfort and security with the best possible education.

High Determination 12. M.26 These are the values Donald and I will


Inclination based on the theory written in chapter two and according to Lock (1995), is a kind of an offer. Downing (2015) adds that inclination is also a form of willingness. It means that a speaker uses inclination to commit to do something in the future. In some contexts, the inclination can be used to reveal promises. Based on table 4.3, there are two levels of inclination employed by Melania Trump. One inclination is included in low level, two inclinations are categorized as the mid level, and 10 inclinations are the high level. Each level represents different strength. The writer analyzes some of the inclination in the following paragraph.

The modal used in (2) is will. This modal is included as high level of inclination because it shows determination. The verb that follows the modal is

take. There is negation not in the sentence which means that Melania does not do

the action to take the freedom from the country for granted. This sentence insists a commitment of future act to not take the freedom as something trivial. In fact, it is categorized as high level of inclination showing Melania Trump seriously commits the act.

The modal which is used in (4) is will. This modal is categorized as high level of inclination. It shows a determination and is followed by the lexical item

make. In (4), Melania expresses that she knows that he (Donald Trump) is the one

who is going to change the America. The modal will is used to show Donald Trump‟s action towards America in the future, which makes a great and lasting different. This is a high level of inclination because it shows determination or a strong willingness.


Sentence (8) has similar explanation to sentence (4). The modal which is used is will. It is also categorized in high level of inclination, because it shows serious desire or determination. Melania Trump, through the sentence, tries to express that Donald Trump tries to be the best he can, in the future. The verb that follows the modal is do which shows committing an act. The act here means an effort to be the best.

The modal used in (10) is also will. The writer argues that this modal is a low level inclination because this is a kind of an offer. In the sentence, the modal is followed by verb use. However, Melania Trump adds a conditional clause If I

am honored as the first lady before the main clause. The clause shows one

condition that Melania Trump will conduct the willingness only if Donald Trump wins the election and she becomes the first lady. This level of inclination needs the participant of the second parties. If the second parties allow, then it is possible to conduct. Back to the sentence, Melania Trump needs the allowance of the second parties (in this case is Americans) to be first lady to fulfill the willingness. In (12), the modal which is used is will. This modal is included in high level of inclination, because it shows certain strong desire. The modal is followed by verb bring. Melania Trump says that there are values that Donald Trump and Melania Trump already committed to bring in the future. This sentence shows something which still has possibilities to do or not to do.

b. Potentiality and Ability

The table below shows the summary of potentiality and ability in Melania Trump‟s speech.


Table 4.4 Summary of Potentiality and Ability Used in Melania Trump’s Speech

No Code Sentence Level Meaning

1. M.1 And I can assure you, he is moved by this

great honor. High Able

2. M.5 That will never change. High Potential

3. M.6

I can tell you with certainty that my husband has been concerned about our country for as long as I have known him.

High Able 4 M.8 I can assure you he is the guy. High Able 5. M.12 Donald is the only one that can deliver it. High Able 6. M.15 There has to be plan for growth, only then

will fairness result. High Potential

7. M.17 It won’t even be closed.

Low Not

Potential 8. M.20 It would not be a Trump contest without

excitement and drama. Low

Not potential 9 M.24

We must do our best to ensure that every child can live in comfort and security, with the best possible education.

High Ability 10. M.25

As citizen if this great nation, it is kindness, love, and compassion for each other that will bring us together.

High Potential Bybee (1995) exerts that a modal which is categorized as ability carries information that someone is able to or knows how to do something. Melania Trump, in her campaign speech, uses some modals which show ability. Lock (1995) explains that potentiality is something that possibly happens because of someone‟s ability. Potentiality is logically used to show the possible thing that may happen in the future. The analyses of the examples that are exerted from Melania Trump‟s campaign speech are below.

The potentiality can be caused by two reasons, human‟s ability and certain condition besides human involvement. In (2), the modal used is will. The modal is followed by verb change. However, there is a negation in the sentence as shown in the word never. It is understood based on the context, the lexical item that as


the subject of the sentence refers to the previous phrase „truly blessed‟. By combining the modality, negation, and the verb, Melania Trump means that the feeling of being blessed is potentially not change at all.

In (6), the modal used is will. The verb that follows the modal is result. It is similar to the previous sentence that this modal is included in potentiality, which is why it does not have any level. This modality is categorized as high level of potentiality that can be seen from the whole meaning of the sentence. There are two clauses in one sentence. Both clauses are in cause and effect relationship. In (6), the first clause is the cause which is able to trigger something to happen. If there is a plan for growth, it can result the fairness. While in the sentence, it can be seen that the modal are followed by the verb result. It can be concluded that the fairness is potentially resulted only if there is a plan for growth.

Modal would is used in (8). This modal is followed by auxiliary be which functions as predicative. There is a negation word not in the sentence which means no potentiality. However, Melania Trump adds the lexical item without which turns the negation into positive. If it is seen from the whole sentence, it can be concluded that a Trump contest will exist with excitement and drama. It is clear that the potentiality is found in the fact that excitement and drama will happen in a Trump Contest. In the other words, excitement and drama is potentially happen.

In (9), the modal which is used is can. This modal is followed by verb live. The notion of potentiality can be seen through the main clause of the sentence. Melania Trump says that Donald Trump and she will do the best. This main clause functions as the cause. The potentiality is found in clause that every child


will be able to live in comfort and security with the best possible education. At

last, it can be said that every child is highly potential to get the best service, only if Donald Trump and Melania Trump do the best.

Ability is similar to potentiality. It only shows the information about someone is able to or knows to do something. This modality only carries information about someone‟s ability. In (10), the modal that shows ability is can.

This modal is followed by verb assure. By uttering this sentence, Melania Trump expresses her ability to make somebody is sure about her utterance. The meaning from the whole sentence is that Melania Trump is able to assure the audiences that Donald Trump is moved by his great honor.

In (3), the modal which is used is also can. The verb that follows this modal is tell. From this short information, it can be said that Melania Trump, as the subject, is able to tell the audience. However, Melania Trumps adds the lexical item which is certainty, meaning she is really sure about what she says. The whole meaning of (3) is that Melania Trump is able to tell the audience that she is really sure for her husband concerns about the country so much.

In (5), can is also employed to show someone‟s ability. The verb that follows the modal is deliver. If it is seen from the information, it means that the subject of the sentence is able to deliver (something). Contextually, Melania Trump tries to say that Donald Trump is the only one who has the ability to deliver it. It in the sentence is a reference of noun in the previous sentence,

change. In the other words, the sentence means that Donald Trump is the only one


The modal which is employed in (10) is will. This modal is followed by the verb bring. However, this sentence is quite different to the previous sentences. The modal will in this sentence shows something that enables the speaker and the audiences to achieve something. In this case, this modal is not used to show someone‟s ability, but something else that enables someone to do something. In (14), it is kindness, love, and compassion that enable Melania Trump and the audiences achieve togetherness.

c. Obligation

The obligations of Melania Trump‟s speech are summarized as below. Table. 4.5 Summary of Obligation in Melania Trump Campaign Speech

No Code Sentence Level Meaning

1 M.13 We should not be satisfied with the

stagnation. Mid Supposed

2 M.14 There has to be a plan for growth only

then will fairness result. High Required

The next type of modality which is used in Melania Trump‟s campaign speech is obligation. It has already been explained in the theoretical chapter that obligation shows something that is required, supposed, or allowed. Even though several scientists suggest different levels of obligation, the main point of obligation is to show the urgency and the importance of something to be done. There are two sentences in Melania Trump‟s speech that use modal with the type of obligation. Those sentences are discussed below.

In (1), the modal which is used is should. Based on the theory, this modal is included in mid level of obligation which indicates something that is supposed


to do. The modal is followed by auxiliary verb be and an adjective satisfied. However, there is a negation not in the sentence. The sentence means that the subject we is supposed to be unsatisfied with the stagnation. Supposed, based on the level of obligation, is a degree which is still negotiable. It is different if it is compared to the high level which insists something obligatory. The example of high level of obligation can be seen in (2).

In (2), modal adverb has to is employed. This modal is categorized in high level of obligation which means something that cannot be negotiated. In the other words, it can be insisted as a must. The modal is followed by auxiliary verb be and a noun phrase a plan. Melania Trump means that a plan is a must in order to achieve the fairness. In the other words, Melania Trump means that the fairness will be achieved only if there is plan for that.

d. Probability

There are only two modals in Melania Trump‟s speech which are included in probability. Based on the theory, probability is the condition or state when something possibly happens. Below, the table provides the sentences that contain modal type probability as found in Melania Trump‟s campaign speech. The discussion also follows.

Table. 4.6 Summary of Probability in Melania Trump Campaign Speech

No Code Sentence Level Meaning

1 M.18 The race will be hard-fought, all the way

to November. Mid Probable

2 M.19 There will be good times and hard times


The modal type probability in (1) is will. According to the theory, will is included in mid level. The modal is used to show something that probably happens. Melania Trump predicts that all the way to November is probably hard-fought. This modal is used because Melania Trump can be unsure with the future condition. Nevertheless, she still has belief that it will be hard-fought.

This explanation is also able to be applied in the last example, (2). The modal used is also will. This modal is also included in mid level of probability. Melania Trump uses this modal to express her belief that in the future, there exist good times, hard times, and unexpected turns. However, it is still appropriate to be called as prediction because Melania Trump still not sure about something that may happen in the future time. That is why this modal is included in type probability in mid level.

2. Types of Modality in Ivanka Trump’s Campaign Speech

After the writer reads the script of Ivanka Trump‟s campaign speech, the writer finds out 35 sentences which contain modality. All of the sentences are served in table of Modality in Ivanka Trump‟s Campaign Speech in the appendix. There are five types of modality which are employed by Ivanka Trump. Those are inclination, potentiality and ability, usuality, obligation, and obligation. The distribution of each type of modal in Ivanka Trump‟s campaign speech will is presented in the table below.


Table 4.7 Distribution of the Types of Modality in Ivanka Trump’s Campaign Speech

Type of Modal Total Number


Percentage High Mid Low

Potentiality and Ability 12 9 - 3 34.3%

Inclination 11 9 2 31.5%

Usuality 7 2 5 - 20%

Obligation 3 - 2 1 8.5%

Probability 2 - 2 - 5.7%

The table above shows that modal type inclination occurs 11 times. Two of them are categorized as mid level and two of them are mid level. The percentage of inclination is 31.4%. The type of potentiality and ability occurs 12 times. The percentage of potentiality and ability is 34.4%. The next type that appears in Ivanka Trump‟s speech is obligation. It occurs three times. Two of them are included in mid level and the rest is low level. The percentage of obligation is 8.5%. Type probability occurs twice. Both of them are included in mid level. The percentage of probability is 5.7%. The last type of modality found in Ivanka Trump‟s campaign speech is usuality. There are 7 modals found. Two modals belongs to the high level and five modals to the mid level. The percentage of this type is 20%. Each of the type will be discussed below.

a. Inclination

Inclination, like what have been discussed in the previous part, shows certain desire to do something. In the discussion of Melania Trump‟s type of modality, it has been discussed that inclination shows certain willingness,


intention, or plan to do something. In Ivanka Trump‟s speeches, it is also found 11 modals, inclination. Below are the summary of those sentences.

Table. 4.8 Summary of Inclination in Ivanka Trump’s Campaign Speech

No Code Sentence Level Meaning

1. I.14

As president, my father will change the labor laws that were put into place at a time when women are not a significant portion of the workforce.

High Determination

2. I.15

And he will focus on making quality childcare affordable and accessible for all.

High Determination 3. I.17 He will fight for equal pay for equal

work. High Determination

4. I.18 And I will fight for this too, right along

side of him. High Determination

5. I.19

A Trump Presidency will turn the economy around and restore the great American tradition of giving each new generation hope for brighter opportunities than those of the generation that came before.

High Determination

6. I.20 When my father says that he will build a

tower, keep an eye on the skyline. Mid Intention 7. I.22 When my father says that he will make

America great again, he will deliver. Mid Intention 8. I.24 As president, my father will take on the

bold and worthy fights. High Determination

9. I.27 He will fight for you all the time, all the

way, every time. High Determination

10. I.30 Only my father will say, I will fight for

you. High Determination

11. I.31

My father will call upon the best and brightest people from all spheres of industry and both side of the aisle.

High Determination In (1), modal which is used is will. This modal is included in high level of inclination which reflects determination. This modal is followed by the verb

change. This modal is used to explain the subject my father which refers to


No Ideology Sentence Type Level

2 Self promotion

There has to be a plan for growth- only then will fairness result.


& ability High It would not be a Trump contest

without excitement and drama.


& ability Low We must do our best to ensure that

every child can live in comfort and security, with the best possible education.


& ability High As citizens of this great nation, it is

kindness, love, and compassion for each other that will bring us




Appendix 6: The Summary of Ivanka Trump’s Ideologies

No Ideology Sentence Type Level

1. Commitment

As president, my father will change the labor laws that were put into place at a time when women were not a significant portion of the workforce.

Inclination High

And he will focus on making quality childcare affordable and accessible for all.

Inclination High He will fight for equal pay for equal

work. Inclination High

And I will fight for this too, right

along side of him. Inclination High

A Trump Presidency will turn the economy around and restore the great American tradition of giving each new generation hope for brighter opportunities than those of the generation that came before.

Inclination High

As president, my father will take on

the bold and worthy fights. Inclination High He will fight for you all the time, all

the way, every time. Inclination High Only my father will say, I will fight

for you. Inclination High

My father will call upon the best and brightest people from all spheres of industry and both side of the aisle.


No Ideology Sentence Type Level

2 Self promotion

And they would leave his office, as people so often do after having been with Donald Trump, feeling that life could be great again.


& ability High My father not only has the strength

and ability necessary to be our next President, but also the kindness and compassion that will enable him to be the leader that this country needs.


& ability high

He will ask them for their feedback, if they think something should be done differently or could be done better.


& ability High He will be unafraid to set lofty

goals and he will be relentless in his determination to achieve them.


& ability High To people all over America, I say,

when you have my father in your corner, you will never again have to worry about being let down.


& ability High

Maybe it‟s the developer in him, but

Donald Trump cannot stand to see empty main streets and boarded up factories.


& ability High He can’t bear the injustice of

college graduates who are crippled by student debt, and mother who can’t afford of the childcare required to return to work to better the lives of their families.


& ability High

Come January 17, all things will be possible again.



No Ideology Sentence Type Level

2 Self promotion

We can hope and dream and think

big again. Potentiality

& ability Low He will be your greatest, your

truest, and your most loyal champion.


& ability high He would talk to them and then

draw upon his extensive network to find them a job or get them a break.

Usuality Mid And they would leave his office, as

people so often do after having been with Donald Trump, feeling that life could be great again

Usuality Mid And they would leave his office, as

people so often do after having been with Donald Trump, feeling that life could be great again

Usuality High There have always been men of all

background and ethnicities on my

father‟s job sites Usuality High Billionaire executive don‟t usually

ask the people doing the work for their opinion of the work.

Usuality Mid On every one of his projects, you

will see him talking to the super, the painter, the engineers, the electricians.

Usuality Mid

He will ask them for their feedback, if they think something should be done differently or could be done better.



PIONERY, HEPIE. Modality Analysis in Melania Trump’s and Ivanka Trump’s Campaign Speeches in Republican National Convention, July 19th, 2016. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2017.

Style is a distinctive feature found in language use. One example of language use is a speech. In stylistics, the use of modality in a speech can reveal the speaker’s style. Subsequently, a style that is shown through the modality can

reflect the speaker’s ideology. This study aimed to find out the ideology reflected

by the modality of Melania Trump’s and Ivanka Trump’s campaign speeches. The speeches were delivered at the Republican National Convention last July 19th, 2016.

There were two objectives discussed in this study. First, the writer tried to find out the type of modality employed by Melania Trump and Ivanka Trump in their campaign speeches. Second, the writer tried to reveal the ideologies reflected by the use of the modality.

This research employed a stylistic approach to discuss the type of modality and the ideology reflected through it. The data were also taken by employing population study.

From the discussion, the writer found out that there were four types of modality employed by Melania Trump. Those were inclination, obligation, potentiality and ability, and probability. The modal of inclination appeared 12 times. It was 46.2%. The modal of obligation and probability appeared twice with 7.7%. The last, modal of potentiality and ability appeared 10 times and the percentages is 38.4%. The writer also found out five types of modality in Ivanka Trump’s campaign speech. Those were inclination, usuality, potentiality and ability, probability, and obligation. There were 11 modals of inclination found in the speech. The percentage was 31.5%. There were 12 modals of potentiality and ability. The percentage was 34.3%. The modal of usuality occurred seven times. The percentage of this type was 20%. The next was the obligation. It occurred three times and the percentage was 8.5%. The last type was probability. It occurred only two times. The percentage of this type was 5.7%. The writer also found out that there were two ideologies reflected by the use of modality. The ideologies found in both speeches were similar. Those were commitment and self self promotion. The commitments were proved by the existence of inclination. the ideology of self promotion is proven by the existence of potentiality and ability, and usuality modalities.



PIONERY, HEPIE. Modality Analysis in Melania Trump’s and Ivanka Trump’s Campaign Speeches in Republican National Convention, July 19th, 2016.Yogyakarta: Sasta Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2017.

Style adalah ciri khusus atau pembeda yang digunakan dalam penggunaan

bahasa. Salah satu contoh dari penggunaan bahasa adalah pidato. Di dalam ilmu stilistika, penggunaan modal pada sebuah pidato bisa digunakan untuk melihat

style seseorang. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, style yang ditinjau dari modal

juga bisa digunakan untuk mengetahui ideologi seorang pembicara. Skripsi ini bertujuan menemukan ideologi pembicara yang tersirat dari penggunaan modal dari teks pidato Melania Trump dan Ivanka Trump yang disampaikan di

Republican National Convention pada 19 Juli 2016.

Skripsi ini memiliki dua tujuan. Pertama, penulis ingin menentukan jenis

modal yang digunakan oleh Melania Trump dan Ivanka Trump dalam pidatonya.

Kedua, penulis ingin menganalisis ideologi yang tersirat dari penggunaan modal di kedua pidato tersebut.

Penulis menerapkan pendekatan stilistika untuk menentukan ideologi yang dilihat dari sudut pandang linguistik, yaitu penggunaan modal. Penulis juga menerapkan teori data populasi untuk mendapatkan data dari kedua pidato tersebut.

Dari analisis yang telah dilakukan, penulis menemukan ada empat jenis

modal yang digunakan oleh Melania Trump. Modal tersebut adalah inclination, obligation, potentiality and ability, dan probability. Modal inclination digunakan

sebanyak 12 kali atau sebesar 46,2% dari total modal keseluruhan. Modal jenis

obligation dan probability muncul dua kali atau sebesar 7,7%. Modal potentiality

dan ability digunakan sebanyak 10 kali atau sebesar 38,4%. Penulis juga menemukan lima jenis modal pada pidato yang di sampaikan Ivanka Trump. Jenis tersebut adalah inclination, usuality, potentiality & ability, probability, dan

obligation. Modal jenis inclination ditemukan sebanyak 11 kali atau sebesar

31,5% dari total modal keseluruhan. Modal jenis potentiality dan ability muncul sebanyak 12 atau sebanyak 34,3%. Jenis usuality muncul tujuh kali dan angka tersebut 20% dari total keseluruhan. Jenis selanjutnya adalah obligation. Jenis ini muncul tiga kali atau sebesar 8,5%. Jenis terakhir yang muncul adalah probability yang muncul dua kali atau sebesar 5,7%. Penulis juga menemukan dua ideologi pada masing-masing pidato. Penulis menemukan persamaan ideologi pada kedua pidato. Ideologi tersebut adalah komitmen dan promosi. Ideologi komitmen dilihat dari modal tipe inclination. Sedangakan promosi dilihat dari modal tipe

potentiality dan ability, serta usuality.