Linguistic forms and implicature meanings of english slogan in mobile phone advertisements.



Wardhani, Maria Priska Tyas Ayu, (2015). Linguistic Forms and Implicature Meanings of English Slogan in Mobile Phone Advertisements. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Advertisement language employs certain characteristics and forms which make its usage unique so that it is interesting to read. The language of the English slogan used in the advertisements is essential to attract the consumers’ attention. For this reason, the researcher intends to analyze the linguistic forms and the implicature meanings of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements.

This research is aimed at describing the linguistic forms and the implicature meanings of each slogan in mobile phone advertisements. There are two research problems in this research: (1) What are the linguistic forms of the English slogan used in mobile phone advertisements? (2) What are the implicature meanings of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements?. In order to answer those two research problems, the researcher applied Warriner (1982) theory about linguistic forms. In describing the implicature meanings of the slogan, the researcher used pragmatic analysis especially implicature theory by Yule (1996).

To answer those research problems, the researcher applied qualitative research, namely document analysis. The object of this research is the slogan used in mobile phone advertisements. The data are the forms of phrases, clauses, and sentences of mobile phone advertisements. The sources were taken from printed and electronic media. All the data found were taken from the internet sources.

The document analysis was carried out after the researcher completed selecting the slogans from internet sources. Based on the analysis, the researcher found the data based on the linguistic forms of the slogans. From 21 slogans studied, the researcher discovered six linguistic forms used by the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements. There are a noun phrase, a verb phrase, an adjective phrase, a gerund phrase, a prepositional phrase, and a declarative sentence. Besides, the researcher found that the implicature meanings of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements is as an additional conveyed meaning to attract the consumer’s attention to buy their products.



Wardhani, Maria Priska Tyas Ayu, (2015). Linguistic Forms and Implicature Meanings of English Slogan in Mobile Phone Advertisements: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Bahasa iklan menggunakan karakteristik serta bentuk tertentu yang membuat penggunaannya yang unik sehingga menarik untuk dibaca. Bahasa dari slogan bahasa Inggris yang digunakan dalam iklan sangat penting untuk menarik perhatian konsumen. Dengan alasan ini, linguistic forms dan makna implikatur dari slogan Inggris dalam iklan ponsel dianalisis dalam penelitian ini.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan linguistic forms dan makna implikatur pada setiap slogan dalam iklan ponsel. Ada dua rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini: (1) Linguistic forms seperti apakah yang digunakan dalam slogan Bahasa Inggris pada iklan ponsel? (2) Apa makna implikatur slogan Bahasa Inggris dalam iklan ponsel? Untuk menjawab dua rumusan masalah tersebut, peneliti menerapkan teori Warriner (1982) tentang linguistic forms. Dalam menggambarkan makna implikatur dari slogan tersebut, peneliti menggunakan analisis pragmatis khususnya teori implikatur oleh Yule (1996).

Untuk menjawab dua rumusan masalah tersebut, peneliti menerapkan penelitian kualitatif, yaitu analisis dokumen. Obyek penelitian ini adalah slogan yang digunakan dalam iklan ponsel. Datanya adalah dalam bentuk frase, klausa dan kalimat iklan ponsel. Sumber diambil dari media cetak dan elektronik. Semua data yang ditemukan diambil dari sumber internet.

Analisis dokumen dilakukan setelah peneliti selesai memilih slogan dari sumber internet. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, peneliti menemukan data berdasarkan pada linguistic forms dari slogan-slogan. Dari 21 slogan yang dikaji, peneliti menemukan enam linguistic forms yang digunakan oleh slogan bahasa Inggris di ponsel iklan. Terdapat a noun phrase, a verb phrase, an adjective phraset, a gerund phrase, a prepositional phrase, dan a declarative sentence. Selain itu, peneliti menemukan bahwa makna implikatur dalam slogan bahasa Inggris di iklan ponsel adalah sebagai makna tambahan yang disampaikan untuk menarik perhatian konsumen untuk membeli produk mereka.

Kata kunci: pragmatik, slogan, iklan, linguistic forms, implikatur.





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Maria Priska Tyas Ayu Wardhani Student Number: 111214135






This thesis is dedicated to:

My savior, Jesus Christ

My beloved parents Bp. ST. Bambang Wisnu W. and Ibu

Yustina Sumiyatun

My dearly brother and sister, Kelvin and Nanda

My beloved man, Ariyo Rhamdoni

My besties, vini, ayu, rita, nadia, tusita, arum

My all friends indeed for the honesty and kindness you pour in.

You are the best.

Trust Yourself, You Know More than You Think You Do

(Benjamin Spock)





Wardhani, Maria Priska Tyas Ayu, (2015). Linguistic Forms and Implicature Meanings of English Slogan in Mobile Phone Advertisements. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Advertisement language employs certain characteristics and forms which make its usage unique so that it is interesting to read. The language of the English slogan used in the advertisements is essential to attract the consumers’ attention. For this reason, the researcher intends to analyze the linguistic forms and the implicature meanings of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements.

This research is aimed at describing the linguistic forms and the implicature meanings of each slogan in mobile phone advertisements. There are two research problems in this research: (1) What are the linguistic forms of the English slogan used in mobile phone advertisements? (2) What are the implicature meanings of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements?. In order to answer those two research problems, the researcher applied Warriner (1982) theory about linguistic forms. In describing the implicature meanings of the slogan, the researcher used pragmatic analysis especially implicature theory by Yule (1996).

To answer those research problems, the researcher applied qualitative research, namely document analysis. The object of this research is the slogan used in mobile phone advertisements. The data are the forms of phrases, clauses, and sentences of mobile phone advertisements. The sources were taken from printed and electronic media. All the data found were taken from the internet sources.

The document analysis was carried out after the researcher completed selecting the slogans from internet sources. Based on the analysis, the researcher found the data based on the linguistic forms of the slogans. From 21 slogans studied, the researcher discovered six linguistic forms used by the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements. There are a noun phrase, a verb phrase, an adjective phrase, a gerund phrase, a prepositional phrase, and a declarative sentence. Besides, the researcher found that the implicature meanings of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements is as an additional conveyed meaning to attract the consumer’s attention to buy their products.



Wardhani, Maria Priska Tyas Ayu, (2015). Linguistic Forms and Implicature Meanings of English Slogan in Mobile Phone Advertisements: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Bahasa iklan menggunakan karakteristik serta bentuk tertentu yang membuat penggunaannya yang unik sehingga menarik untuk dibaca. Bahasa dari slogan bahasa Inggris yang digunakan dalam iklan sangat penting untuk menarik perhatian konsumen. Dengan alasan ini, linguistic forms dan makna implikatur dari slogan Inggris dalam iklan ponsel dianalisis dalam penelitian ini.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan linguistic forms dan makna implikatur pada setiap slogan dalam iklan ponsel. Ada dua rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini: (1) Linguistic forms seperti apakah yang digunakan dalam slogan Bahasa Inggris pada iklan ponsel? (2) Apa makna implikatur slogan Bahasa Inggris dalam iklan ponsel? Untuk menjawab dua rumusan masalah tersebut, peneliti menerapkan teori Warriner (1982) tentang

linguistic forms. Dalam menggambarkan makna implikatur dari slogan tersebut, peneliti menggunakan analisis pragmatis khususnya teori implikatur oleh Yule (1996).

Untuk menjawab dua rumusan masalah tersebut, peneliti menerapkan penelitian kualitatif, yaitu analisis dokumen. Obyek penelitian ini adalah slogan yang digunakan dalam iklan ponsel. Datanya adalah dalam bentuk frase, klausa dan kalimat iklan ponsel. Sumber diambil dari media cetak dan elektronik. Semua data yang ditemukan diambil dari sumber internet.

Analisis dokumen dilakukan setelah peneliti selesai memilih slogan dari sumber internet. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, peneliti menemukan data berdasarkan pada linguistic forms dari slogan-slogan. Dari 21 slogan yang dikaji, peneliti menemukan enam linguistic forms yang digunakan oleh slogan bahasa Inggris di ponsel iklan. Terdapat a noun phrase, a verb phrase, an adjective phraset, a gerund phrase, a prepositional phrase, dan a declarative sentence. Selain itu, peneliti menemukan bahwa makna implikatur dalam slogan bahasa Inggris di iklan ponsel adalah sebagai makna tambahan yang disampaikan untuk menarik perhatian konsumen untuk membeli produk mereka.



For all the amazing things happened in my life, I would like to praise my savior, Jesus Christ. Because of His never-ending love and grace in my life I could accomplish this thesis. I know that my Jesus always guides me in every single step I take.

Completing this Sarjana Pendidikan thesis was not an easy thing for me. There were many people who walked beside me to strengthen me in facing every single obstacle during the process of finishing this thesis. I would like to express my gratitude to those who have helped and supports me. My deepest gratitude goes to my advisor, Paulus Kuswandono, Ph.D., for his advice and guidance in the completion of my thesis. I am very indebted to have him as my advisor.

I thank all of the lecturers of the English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University, who indirectly inspired me along my study process. Also, I thank all of the staff for helping me during the years of my study.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my beloved parents,

Yustina Sumiyatun, S.Pd. and ST. Bambang Wisnu Wardana, and my sibling

Nanda for their prayer, love and continuous support throughout my life. This thesis is simply impossible without them, especially my mother who always be my inspiration.

My special thanks is also to my dearest Ariyo Rhamdoni, who always supports me every step I take. I thank him for being there to give me love and


encouragement. He is an awesome best friend, an admirable brother, and a fabulous boyfriend.

I would like to express my biggest gratefulness to my very best friends,

Vini, Ayu, Rita, Nadia, Tusita, and Arum, Sandra, Agatha, for the courage and motivation in sharing life experiences through good and bad times. I also would like to thank those who had the same advisor as me, Siska, Denyk, Mike,

Vianney, Vitha, Fani, and Inka for the support in finishing my thesis. A bunch of thanks is also given to my friends of PBI batch 2011 for all the fun we have had in the last four years.

Finally I thank everyone whose names I cannot mention one by one. I am grateful for everyone who has supported me especially during the entire process of finishing my thesis. May God bless them all.









ABSTRACT ... vii

ABSTRAK ... viii




CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Research Background... 1

B. Research Problems ... 5

C. Problem Limitation ... 5

D. Research Objectives ... 6

E. Research Benefits ... 6

F. Definition of Terms ... 8

CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Theoretical Description ... 12

1. Theories of Pragmatics ... 13

2. Speech Act… ... 14

3. Implicature ... 17

4. Context of Language ... 19

5. Linguistic Forms ... 21

a. Phrase ... 21


c. Sentence ... 23

6. Theories of Advertisements and Slogan ... 24

a. Advertisements ... 24

b. Slogan ... 25

c. Characteristic of Advertisement ... 26

B. Related Studies ... 27

C. Theoretical Framework ... 29


B. Research Objects ... 33

C. Research Setting ... 33

D. Research Instrument and Data Gathering Technique ... 34

E. Data Analysis Technique ... 36

F. Research Procedure ... 39

CHAPTER IV. RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS A. Linguistics Forms of the English Slogan in Mobile Phones ... 41

1. Noun Phrase ... 44

2. Verb Phrase ... 46

3. Gerund Phrase ... 47

4. Adjective Phrase ... 48

5. Prepositional Phrase ... 48

6. Sentence ... 49

B. The Implicature Meanings of the English Slogan in Mobile Phones... 51


B. Implications ... 62



APPENDICES ... 69 A. List of the English Slogan Classification used by Mobile Phone Products

in Advertisements ... 70 B. List of Mobile Phones’ website ... 71



Table 2.1 Factors of Context Language... 20 Table 3.1 The English Slogan in Mobile Phone Advertisements………… 35 Table 3.2 Linguistic Forms Which form Phrase………..… 37 Table 3.3 Linguistic Forms Which form Clause………. 37 Table 3.4 Linguistic Forms Which form Sentence………. 37 Table 3.5 The Checklist of Linguistic Forms Used in English Slogans……... 38 Table 4.1 The Occurrence of Linguistic Forms Used



This chapter which consists of six parts discusses the introduction of this research. They are the research background, the research problems, the problem limitation, the objectives, the benefits, and the definition of terms. The background of the research concerns with the reason of choosing the topic. Moreover, it also presents why the topic is worth studying. The research problems deal with the problems that will be analyzed in Chapter four. The problem limitation is the scope and the focus of the research. The objectives of the study provide the purpose of this research. The next part is the benefits of the research. The last part is the definition of terms which contain the important information needed to be explained further.

A. Research Background

Nowadays, technology and commercial economy develop at a fast phase, especially in the design and the type of advertisements of such common media of advertising as posters, banners, stickers, paintings, radio and TV ads, web, video, etc. Those media are all around us at any given time and day. By nature, advertisements have an attractive compelling power which is able to manipulate the consumer because they can encourage, announce, and deeply influence peoples’ mind.



The competition in selling products becomes very tight, particularly in mobile phone products which nowadays become inseparable in human life. An advertisement has become one of the best means to help the companies promote their products. Product manufacturers would not invest in advertisements if they did not work (Goddard, 1998:2). It means that a company would advertise their product to get a positive response from the public. The company must pay attention to the details of what will be written in the advertisement to capture the consumer’s attention. According to Goddard (1998), an advertisement is so familiar to modern readers that it is necessary to ask what an advertisement is (p.5). Generally, an advertisement is a written or oral medium employed by the companies to persuade people to purchase their products. Therefore, an advertisement is one of the marketing styles in the commercial world.

As a special form of communication, the commercial advertisement is actually a persuasive speech act. Abdul (2004) states that the purposes of advertisements are to attract, inform, motivate, and evoke curiosity of the public to buy and use the products or services (p.67). In other words, the aim is to persuade the potential consumers to follow the companies’ ideas or accept and buy their products or services. In order to capture attention, convey the message and persuade the consumers, advertisements texts use a range of manipulative language devices. Therefore, the companies try to create interesting advertisements by using a slogan which makes the advertisements more powerful in attracting and informing the consumers about the products.



A slogan is a memorable motto or phrase in an advertisement that can be found in a product. It has been commonly used in political, commercial, religious, and other contexts in the form of a repetitive expression of an idea or a purpose. The aim of a slogan is to make a product becomes more interesting and influence the consumers’ attention to choose the product. A slogan consists of a group of words that promise a reward in a dramatic way. It is easy to read, to say and to remember. The language of a slogan represents a particular product. A slogan becomes an image of a product that cannot be used by others. A slogan has a special characteristic that is different from one to the other products. Cook (1998) adds that a slogan should be used by a company to sell a particular product which will tie in closely with the descriptions used in the advertising copy (p.106). The advertisers often choose attractive words although the words might initially not be familiar to the consumers.

The English advertisement exploits a high adaptability of the English language. The high adaptability means the English language that can be easily adapted in an advertisement. Sometimes, the consumers find it difficult to understand the messages behind the slogan. The reason is that the slogan has not only explicit but also implicit meaning. The meaning of the slogan is directly expressed in the utterances and sometimes it is not. Indonesians who do not have good English would find it difficult to interpret the slogan that presumably has other meanings. Moreover, the consumers mostly read the slogan repeatedly to understand the meaning of the messages. If the consumers have a better



understanding on how the English structure and the English speech act works, it will be easier for them to understand the meaning of slogans.

An advertisement, as a special form of communication, is a dynamic process. Understanding the advertisement language is a process of decoding and it needs context. Thus, the researcher believes that a pragmatic field would be the ideal one to carry out this particular research. The reason is that this research has a close relationship to the study of utterance meanings in sentences which are used in communication, and also the study of meanings in the language context and interaction. The meaning of the English slogan itself is expressed explicitly and implicitly. Explicitly means that the meaning is expressed what is actually stated in the conversation. On the other hand, implicitly means that the meaning is expressed more than what is actually said by the speaker. The conversation carries meaning more than what is stated in the speaker’s utterance. It is what is called by implicature. From the explanation above, the reason why the topic is chosen is because the researcher wants to analyze the implicature meanings of the English slogan used in mobile phone advertisements by applying a pragmatic approach. Besides, the researcher tries to analyze the linguistic forms of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements.

The analysis of the linguistic forms and the implicature meanings of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements and its result can be beneficial to enrich the linguistics and pragmatics knowledge of advertisements language especially it is a part of people’s daily life. The language used in advertisements has the power to influence people’s attitude, idea, thought, and action. It is proved



that the language features of advertisements indeed play an important role in the society, especially for the consumers. Therefore, this research can help them in knowing and choosing the products.

B. Research Problems

The researcher formulates the research problems as follows:

1. What are the linguistic forms of English slogan used in mobile phone advertisements?

2. What are the implicature meanings of English slogan in mobile phone advertisements?

C. Problem Limitation

In order to focus on the explanation of the linguistic forms and the implicature meanings, the researcher limits her research problems in discussing the English slogan used only in the mobile phone products. Since nowadays the slogan in the products are mostly written in English. Therefore, non English speaking consumers might get confused or do not understand the content of each product. In this research, the researcher would like to give more explanation about the implicature meanings of the slogan in mobile phone products in order to get better understanding of the slogan.

The researcher concentrates on the linguistic forms of each slogan and the implicature meanings on the English slogan employed in mobile phone



advertisements. The data source is limited to commercial advertisements of the English slogan in mobile phone products. This research focuses on the slogans which were taken from search engine using Google because it is easier for the researcher to find out the variation slogan of mobile phone products. The explanation used pragmatic approach and theories of linguistic forms limited to the ones used in mobile phone advertisements. The researcher used her own subjective opinion and perception to decide the cases of the slogan which used as the data in this research. The researcher chose 21 versions of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements because those particular slogans are the most appropriate representative among other versions.

D. Research Objectives

The aim of this research is to describe how the English slogan’s forms and the implicature meanings are employed in mobile phone products in advertisements. This research is expected to; first discover the linguistic forms of the English slogan used in mobile phone products. Second, this study aims to find out an additional conveyed meaning (implicature meanings) of English slogan which is used in mobile phone products.

E. Research Benefits

The researcher expects that the research can contribute and be beneficial for the readers:



1. English Language Education Study Program Students

This study will be useful for the study of English linguistics as it will help the students know more about the linguistic forms of the English slogan. By means of this study, the researcher believes that the students will get useful information and add insight understanding about pragmatics, particularly the implicature meanings of the English slogan in electronic products. Moreover, this study is also expected to enrich the students’ knowledge of pragmatic and context language.

2. English Teachers

This study is expected to be a contribution and an additional source for teaching English linguistics or other related subjects. Hopefully, this study can be a learning medium to give the example of an interesting learning. Particularly, it is expected to be an outline in teaching the language elements which are used in advertisements. For example, the findings of this study can be one of the materials in the teaching-learning process in linguistics and pragmatics class as they cover the areas of the linguistic forms and the implicature meanings. The teachers may use advertisements as the subject materials in linguistics and pragmatics course to analyze advertisements language.

3. Future Researchers

This study hopefully could become a good reference for other researchers if they wish to conduct further research on linguistics. This study may also give valuable information to help the future researchers in conducting research under a similar topic and enrich the existing research in the field of the English slogan and



the advertisement features. In practical terms, the researcher expects that the study can contribute to the development of a pragmatic study, especially for people who are interested in context meanings and advertisements language.

4. Advertising Companies and Consumers

The topic of this research is suitable for other parties such as advertising companies, especially those who advertise similar products. The result of this research can be used as a reference in making or producing a good advertisement by looking at the linguistic forms and the implicature meanings of the slogan. Thus, it will be beneficial for the advertising companies to make an interesting slogan that may influence the consumers’ attention to buy the product.

Besides, this research will give insight to the consumers when they want to buy a product by looking at the companies’ slogan. By reading this research, the consumers will be able to identify the linguistic forms and the implicature meanings in the slogan so that they can easily know the companies’ intention or the information of the product behind the slogan.

F. Definition of Terms

In this part, to avoid misinterpretation and to have a better understanding of this research, the researcher would like to give the definition of terms used, namely pragmatics, implicature, linguistic forms, slogan, advertisement and mobile phone advertisement.



1. Pragmatics

Pragmatics is the study of the relation between language and its context that is basic to an account of language understanding (Thomas, 1995, p.21). Besides, “Pragmatics is the study of how language is used to communicate” (Leech, 1992, p.19). This study concerns with meaning as communicated by a speaker (or a writer) and interpreted by a listener (or a reader), and it has more to do with the analysis of what people mean by their utterances. The ability of pragmatics is to communicate more than what is explicitly stated.

2. Implicature

Implicature refers to imply, suggest or convey some meanings indirectly by means of language (Thomas, 1995, p.58). The aspect of meaning that a speaker conveys, implies, or suggests without directly expressing. In other words, it is a process by which such a meaning is conveyed, implied, or suggested. Implicature can be considered as an additional conveyed meaning (Yule, 1996, p.35). It is attained when a speaker intends to communicate more than just what the words mean.

3. Linguistic Forms

Linguistic forms are a meaningful unit of language, such as an affix, a word, a phrase, or a sentence (Warriner, 1982, p.90). The meaning of the linguistic forms is represented in terms of a checklist of conditions that have to be satisfied in order to the form which to be appropriately or truthfully used.



4. Slogan

A slogan is a familiar statement that is commonly regarded to particular advertisements. It is a word or a phrase that is easy to remember, used for example by a political party or in an advertisement to attract people’s attention or to suggest an idea quickly (Arens, 2006, p.424). A slogan is used by a company to sell a particular product that will tie in closely with the descriptions used in the advertising copy (Cook, 1998, p.106). The language of the English slogan that they used must be simple and attractive to prove that their product is better than the others.

5. Advertisement

An advertisement is described as an announcement or a persuasive message placed in the mass media in paid or donated time or space by an identified individual, a company, or an organization to serve a number of audience about the products and persuade or remind them of buying, to convey information about the organization itself or an important issue to the organization in order to create or enhance perception of the quality or reliability of a product, thus encouraging a consumer loyalty and repeat purchases (Brown, 1998, p.54). It means advertisements as the persuasive media of communication to help a company achieve marketing objectives. A company must create the best advertisements with an interesting and a creative slogan.

6. Mobile Phone Advertisement

A mobile phone advertisement is the communication of products or services to a mobile device and a smartphone consumer. A mobile advertisement



is the communication of messages or media content to one or more potential consumers who use mobile devices. A mobile advertisement ranges from a simple text messaging to intelligent interactive messages. The key parts of a mobile advertisement system include the advertiser, a mobile network, and a mobile system operator.




The content of this chapter describes the important and the relevant theories of the research. It is divided into two parts, namely the theoretical description and the theoretical framework. The theoretical description provides the theoretical review of this research and the theoretical framework explains the relation between the theories and the research.

A. Theoretical Description

There are two research problems in this research that need to be answered to reach an acceptable scientific result and a conclusion. For that purpose, the researcher finds theories and related studies which are relevant to this research. The researcher uses a pragmatic field. Pragmatics is an important study as it is closely related to the meaning in a context. The term of pragmatics used here is described as a particular way for expressing ideas and feelings. The other terms to be used in this research include the linguistic forms and the implicature meanings of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements. This section elaborates the definitions, descriptions, and elaborations as the theoretical foundation of the study.



1. Theories of Pragmatics

This research uses a pragmatic approach to analyze the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements. The focus of a pragmatic analysis is on the meaning of a speaker’s utterances rather than on the meaning of words or sentences. There are some definitions which proposed by linguists regarding to pragmatics. Levinson (1983) states that “pragmatics covers both context-dependent aspects of language structure and principles of language usage and understanding that have nothing or title to do with linguistic structure” (p.9). Further, he defines pragmatics as “the study of relations between language and context that are grammatically, or encoded in the structure of a language” (p.10). In other words, pragmatics covers language usage as the basic concept in understanding language itself within contexts. The focus of pragmatics is how a speaker uses language to convey the information. It concentrates on the aspects of meanings that cannot be predicted by linguistic knowledge alone.

Besides, Leech (1992) mentions, “pragmatics is the study of how language is used to communicate” (p.19). It concerns itself by how people use language within context and why they use language in particular ways. This implies that pragmatics focuses on how a speaker uses language for communication to convey meaning in particular contexts. In other words, pragmatics tends to fill the gap between the theoretical and the functional use of language.

Whereas, Thomas (1995) states that pragmatics is the study about the relation between language and context that are the basics to an account of language understanding (p.21). It means that the language and its context are



related to the consumer’s understanding of a meaning, especially in understanding the advertisement language. Yule (1996) states that pragmatics is the study about relationship between the linguistic forms and the uses of those forms (p.4). In an advertisement, people can find many slogans that draw the attention of the consumers. In the advertisement, a slogan is the speaker and a consumer is the hearer. A slogan contains powerful words that make the consumer to understand the meaning of the advertisement’s goal.

The study of pragmatics concerns a number of principles. There are five principles or scopes of pragmatics. Yule (1996) suggests the principles of pragmatics being Deixis, Presupposition, Entailment, Speech Act, and Implicature (p.9). In this research, the researcher only uses two of the aforementioned principles. Those are speech act and implicature which will be used to analyze the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements.

2. Speech Act

Communication is not just a matter of the language use. Yule (1996) defines that speech acts are simply things people do through language or actions performed via utterances (p.16). It means that speech acts cannot be separated from the speaker’s intention to utter something as they determine what the speaker means. The speaker needs to perform, to act, and to say something. Further, Searle (1987) states that speech acts consists of three things, namely an act of saying something, act of doing something, and act of affecting someone (p.22). It can be said that language is not only used to inform or describe things, but also used to



do things. Speech acts theory said that the action performed can be analyzed on three different levels when the utterance is produced. As stated by Searle (2010), speech act has three levels of meaning, namely locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary (pp.20-25).

a. Locutionary

Locutionary means the act of saying something or the literal meaning of the utterance (Searle, 2010, p.21). For example: “the weather is too hot” means that the speaker gives performance to the hearer about the weather or the temperature that is really high.

b. Illocutionary

Illocutionary means the act of doing something (Searle, 2010, p.21). It refers to what the speakers intend to say from the utterance they produce in such a way that the hearer understand. The act of stating, promising, apologizing, threatening, complaining, predicting, ordering, refusing, and requesting are included in illocutionary acts. For example: “It is hot in here,” which could mean that the speaker asks someone (the hearer) to open the windows, the meaning that there has a specific purpose that the speaker has in mind.

Searle (2010) gives classification of the illocutionary act in five kinds of speech acts: directive utterance, commissive utterance, expressive utterance, declarative utterance, and assertive utterance (p.22).

1. Directive

Directive is a speech act that makes the hearer takes a particular action (Searle, 2010, p.22). Directive has the intention of eliciting some sort of action to



the hearer. The kinds of directive are: ordering, commanding, requesting, advising, and recommending. For example “Give me your pen,” which means the speaker asks the hearer to lend his pen to him.

2. Commissive

As stated by Searle (2010), commissive is a speech act that commits the speaker to some future action such as promises or threat (p.22). The kinds of commissive are: promising, vowing, and offering. For example “I promise I’ll do anything, which means that the speaker promises to the hearer that she/he will do anything to the hearer.

3. Assertive

Assertive is a speech act that commits a speaker to the truth of the expressed proposition. The kinds of assertive are: stating, suggesting, boasting, complaining and claiming (Searle, 2010:23). For example “The roses are cheap” means that the speaker commits to the hearer in her truth of speech that the roses are cheap.

4. Declarative

Declarative is a speech act that changes the reality based on the proposition of the declaration. Declarative is kind of speech act which correlates the content of speech with the fact. The acts include passing sentence, blessing, firing, bidding, and excommunicating. For example “You are fired”, it shows the example of firing (Searle, 2010, p.24).

5. Expressive

Expressive is speech act which expresses or shows the speaker’s attitudes and emotions of a certain situation (Searle, 2010, p.24). It includes acts of thanking,



congratulating, pardoning, blaming, praising, and condoling. For example: “Look, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that.” (pardoning).

c. Perlocutionary

Based on Searle (2010), perlocutionary means that the effect of the utterances on the hearer depends on specific circumstances (p.25). It contains acts of persuading, embarrassing, intimidating, imitating, or inspiring the hearer. For example: “Come on, give it a try” which means that the speaker persuades the hearer by using language to utter something and do what the speaker is urging to do. Moreover, Sealer (1987) says that:

The speech act or acts performed in the utterance of a sentence are in general a function of the meaning of the sentence. The meaning of the sentence does not in all cases uniquely determine what speech act is performed in a given utterance of that sentence, for a speaker may mean more that what he actually says, but it is always in principle possible for him to say exactly what he means (p.18).

It can be said that the meaning of a sentence may mean more and it determine of what speech act is performed and given in the speaker’s utterance. Therefore, the hearer can catch the meaning based on the speaker’s speech acts performed.

3. Implicature

People exchange meanings and intentions in their communication. They express their ideas and feelings. They do this to get information from their surrounding discourse. The study of implicature has developed very well and now it is forming the cornerstone of most pragmatic approaches. Implicature is a



proposition that implied by the utterance of a sentence in a context. Wagiman (2008) states that implicature is something which is implied in a conversation that is something left implicit in an actual language use (p.54). The speaker does not express the meaning explicitly. For example, in the class, a teacher says to the students “The exam is close!” It may imply that the teacher reminds the students that they must prepare for the exam. If the utterance above is made by a father to their son, the utterance has the same purpose to advise the children not to waste time because they have to study hard for the exam.

As stated by Yule (1996), implicature is an additional conveyed meaning. It is something that is more than just what the word means (p.40). It means that implicature is implied meaning that can be considered as an additional conveyed meaning. It is attained when a speaker intends to communicate more than just what the words mean. It is the speaker who communicates something via implicature and the hearer recognizes those communicated meanings via inference. Implicature is inferred based on the assumption that the speaker observes or flouts from some principles of cooperation.

Based on Peccei (1997), implicature is inferences that cannot be made from isolated utterances (p.43). They depend on the context of the utterance and shared knowledge between the speaker and the hearer. Grice (1983) states the word “implicature” for theory use of speaker’s meaning (p.127). Moreover, implicature will be habitual associated with the relevant expression in all ordinary contexts. Therefore, the hearer is able to hypothesis about the speaker’s meaning based on the meaning of the sentence uttered, the background or contextual



assumptions and, last but not least, the general communicative principles which the speaker is expected to observe.

Implicature denotes either the act of meaning, implying, or suggesting one thing by saying something else, or the object of that act. Grice (1983) divides types of implicature into two, namely conventional and conversational implicature (pp.127-128). Conventional implicature is an implicature determined by the conventional meaning of the words used. Conventional implicature is non-truth conditional inferences that are not derived from super ordinate pragmatics principle like maxim, but are simply attached by connection to particular lexical items or expressions (Levinson, 1983, p.127). Conversational implicature is related to the knowledge of what the speaker and the hearer in understanding the utterances said that the speaker and the hearer must also comply with all the rules.

4. Context of Language

In a pragmatic study, a context cannot be ignored by the researcher as it is a very important element in language used. To show how important the context is, Searle, Kiefer, and Bierwich (2009) assert that “Pragmatics is concerned with the way in which the particular conditions of their conditions of their use in the context” (p.4). The definition of a context by Leech (1983, p.13) in Nadar (2009:6) is “Background knowledge assumed to be shared by a speaker and a hearer and which contributes to the hearer’s interpretation of what is meant by a given utterance.” It can be concluded that context is the background knowledge



known by the speaker and the hearer so the hearer can interpret the speaker’s utterance. In short, understanding context is important in a pragmatic study.

A language context consists of several factors. According to Leech (1983), the elements of communication include:

Table 2.1 Factors of Context Language

Context Definition

The addresser

It is the person who originates the message The addressee It is the person to whom the message is addressed

The channel It is the medium through which the message travels, sound wave, marks on paper, telephone wires, words processor screens.

The message form It is the particular grammatical and lexical choices of the message.

The topic It is the information carried in the topic. The code It is the language and the dialect.

The setting It is the social or physical context. (Leech, 1983, p.23)

From the table above, we know that in communication there are many elements involved. It means that each element gives its contribution in communication. The language is a medium used to deliver the utterance’s goal in communication.



5. Linguistic Forms

The researcher analyzed the forms of the English slogan in electronic products using the linguistic forms theory proposed by Warriner (1982). The linguistic forms deal with the form of phrase, clause, and sentence.

a. Phrase

A phrase is a group of words that is used as a single part of a speech and does not contain a verb and its subject (Warriner, 1982, p.92). It means that a phrase is compound words that have a meaning but does not have a subject and a predicate. This classification consists of the following eight kinds of phrases:

Table 2.2 Kind of Phrases, Definitions, and Examples The kinds of phrase Definition Example

Prepositional phrase Prepositional phrase is a group of words that contain no verb and begin with preposition and end with a noun of pronoun.

After the seminar With blonde hair. With beautiful dress

Adverb phrase An adverb phrase is a

prepositional phrase that modifies a verb, an adjective or adverb.

Tom will see her later in the day. (In the day) is an adverb modifying the adverb later.

Participle phrase A participle phrase consists of a participle and its related words, such as modifiers and complement, all of which act together as an adjective

Rina is swimming quickly. (Participle with adverb modifier quickly)

Gerund phrase A gerund consists of a gerund together with its complement and modifiers, all of which act together as a noun.

I dislike talking loudly in the corridor. (The gerund phrase is used as the object of verb dislike .the gerund talking is modified by the adverb loudly and by prepositional phrase in the corridor.



The kinds of phrase Definition Example

Infinitive phrase An Infinitive phrase consists of an infinitive together with its complement and modifiers.

We were glad to hear an answer. The infinitive phrase is used to as an adverb modifying the predicate adjective glad;

the infinitive has direct object answer)

Noun phrase Noun phrase is a phrase

composed of head and modifiers that the headword is a noun. The function of noun phrase in a sentence is as subject, object and complement

He buys a red hat Roni is a doctor

Verb phrase It is formed by verb and modified by adverb and may have a complement

He had finished his job by the time.

Adjective phrase It is prepositional phrase that modifies a noun or pronoun. An adjective phrase is a group of words including an adjective and its complements or modifier that functions as an adjective.

The door of the car is dirty

From the definitions and examples of the linguistic forms in the table above, the researcher categorized and analyzed the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements where the slogan belongs to.

b. Clause

A clause is a group of words which contains a verb and its subject and is used as a part of a sentence (Warriner, 1982:93). There are two types of clause offered by Warriner (1982), being independent and dependent clause (p.94). An independent clause or a main clause expresses a complete thought and can stand



by itself as a sentence. For example: I baked her cake. In an independent clause in this sentence “Since it was my mother’s birthday, I baked her cake”. On the other hand, a dependent clause does not express a complete thought and cannot stand by itself. It begins with words like for, since, when, if, or as. For example:

Since most plants die without light, we moved our houseplants closer to the window.

c. Sentence

A sentence is a group of words expressing a complete thought (Warriner, 1982, p.95). He states that a sentence begins with a capital letter and concludes with an end mark, a period, a question mark, or an exclamation point. Every sentence has its classification sentence to make it essay to understand by people. The sentences may be classified according to their purpose. There are four kinds of sentences:

Table 2.3 Sentence Classification

Classifying sentences Definition Example

A declarative sentence It’s making a statement. It is followed by a period.

The shop is closed at night.

There are tigers at the zoo now.

An interrogative sentence An interrogative sentence asks a question. It is followed by question mark.

What are you eating? It is delicious, isn’t it?

An imperative sentence An imperative sentence gives a command or makes a request. It is followed by a period. Strong commands are followed by exclamation points.

Do your homework each night!

Watch out!



An exclamatory sentence An exclamatory sentence shows excitement or expresses strong feeling. It is followed by an exclamation point.

What a sight the sunset is!


(Warriner, 1982, pp.95-96)

From the table above it can be concluded that every sentence has its meaning and it can express the purpose of the sentence. Every single word and a simple phrase can be meaningful since it carries the emotion expressed by the speaker or the writer.

6. Theories on Advertisement and Slogan

Since the researcher analyzes the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements, this study is related to an advertisement. In the theories of advertisements, the researcher provides the definition of an advertisement, the function of an advertisement, the definition of a slogan, and the characteristics of a slogan.

a. Advertisement

An advertisement, as a special form of communication, is a dynamic process. Understanding an advertisement language is a process of decoding and also needs context. Thus, the pragmatic approach might be the ideal approach to the analysis of advertisements. The implicature in advertisements have so many typical and good examples. An advertisement is so familiar to modern readers that there seems to be a need to ask what an advertisement is (Goddard, 1998, p.5). Generally, an advertisement is a written or an oral message that a company



employs using creative and powerful words to persuade people to purchase the products.

An advertisement becomes a medium to publish the companies’ offer to the society. Hornby (1995) defines an advertisement as a public notice which is offering or asking for products and services (p.43). In this case, the companies are trying to gain society’s attention to buy their products. Therefore, an advertisement is a device to connect the companies to their consumers. An advertisement is identified as the texts that do their best to get people’s notice to make them turn toward them. The purposes of advertisements are to attract, inform, motivate, and appear curiosity of the public to buy and use the products or services (Abdul, 2004, p.67). The main function of an advertisement is not only to show the public about what the seller or company has, but also to help the seller or the company to promote their products.

b. Slogan

A slogan is the most important means and condensed message that advertisers would like to convey to their customers. Generally, the companies want to advertise their products using an advertisement which is drawn in a slogan. A slogan is the image of a company. It is a phrase that comes and goes with particular lines of products on all its adverts whatever the campaign (Goddard, 1998, p.105). A slogan is needed in such advertisements because it helps the companies grab the society’s attention. In other words, Goddard (1998) states that the slogan used by a company in selling a particular product will tie in closely with the descriptions used in the advertising copy (p.106).



Granat (2003) asserts that a slogan has three functions in the advertisement (p.76). First, the slogan must embrace a story indicated by the reader. Second, the slogan is a piece of identification and it helps people to consider the enterprise label. Third, the slogan helps people increase the image of the enterprise in the target audience. Therefore, the slogan itself could make the products more fascinating. Besides, the slogan also helps the companies persuade the consumers to buy their products.

c. Characteristic of Advertisement

A good advertisement should have four criteria; attracts attention, arouses interest, creates desire and stimulates action (Brown, 1998, pp.97-99). A sharp and intelligent slogan can help advertisers leave unforgettable impressions on their potential customers’ minds.

1) Attention

A good advertisement should attract the consumers to direct their attention to the product. To achieve this, advertisers always try to make their advertisements special in some ways, even it is awkward. This is because striking things remain longer in human minds than normal ones. It means that a slogan must give quality attention to the public.

2) Interest

The introduction and the publicity of an advertisement should arouse the consumers’ great interest. The interest may be caused by an eye-catching image, a pleasant jingle, a funny advertising plot or a surprising slogan. When they are interested in the product advertised, they will learn more about it. From this, the



confidence in the product will be gradually achieved. It means that a slogan must be interesting to the public and easy to remember.

3) Desire

The publicity of an advertisement should stimulate the consumers’ desire to buy the product, and make them realize that this product is just what they want. It means that a slogan draws out the public to choose the product.

4) Action

An advertisement makes the consumers respond to the advertisement information and evokes them to take the action of purchasing. It is the most important task of advertising to be fulfilled. It means a slogan must exploit the consumers to love the product.

Therefore, the charming specialty and the exquisite form of the slogan advertisement language contribute considerably to the product sale.

B. Related Studies

This research is expected to enrich the examples of phenomenon related to English slogan’s features. An analysis of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements is an interesting topic of pragmatics to discuss. There are some researchers who had been doing pragmatics analysis investigation. The followings are some previous and similar studies which are relevant to the topic on pragmatics to prove the originality of this research. The first one was written by Nugraha (2007), entitled “A Linguistic Analysis of English Slogan on Cosmetics



and Food Products”. His research emphasis was on the linguistic forms, the types, and the meaning of English slogan by using semantic approach. He concluded that the slogan used in cosmetic products has mostly conceptual meaning. Besides, the slogan used in food products applied the connotative meaning. The second research is written by Ni’mah (2012) entitled “A Semantic Analysis of English Slogan on Mobile Phone and Car advertisement”. She analyzed the linguistic forms and the lexical meanings of English slogan in mobile phone and car advertisements by using a semantic approach. She concluded that the English slogan used in mobile phone and car advertisements are in the forms of a clause is in the lowest data. In the middle data is a sentence and the most data are in form of a phrase and it is high categories. Furthermore, the lexical meaning of all the data in her research in mobile phone and car products is given by dictionary. The third researcher is Pratiwi (2008) who wrote “A Pragmatic Study on Clothes Advertisement Slogans in Aneka Magazine Issued in January - September 2006”. In this research, her focus was on a pragmatic analysis in directive utterance. In the problem statement, it is just found that the writer elaborated the pragmatic meaning in utterances.

Having reviewed the related studies on pragmatics, the researcher was aware that those three studies above have some similarities with mine. The similarity between the previous researchers and mine is the use of slogan that occurs in a certain context which has a unique use. The uniqueness of the slogan can be seen in the words and the language features used and it may attract people to read it and in turn get interested in the products. Both of them analyzed the



linguistic units or the linguistic forms of the English slogan. Their researches studies have led the researcher to analyze English slogan’s features used by mobile phone products. The differences are the researcher put this study focusing on the percentage of the linguistic forms and the implicature meanings of the English slogan implied in slogan mobile phone advertisements.

C. Theoretical Framework

This part explains the theories that were used in analyzing the data of this study. All major theories are summarized and synthesized. It also explains the reasons why the theories were needed and how this study applied the theories in the analysis. Based on the theoretical description, the researcher wraps up the appropriate theories to accomplish the objectives of this research. In this theoretical framework, the researcher would like to present how the theories are connected to the two research problems: Firstly, what are the linguistic forms of the English slogan used in mobile phone advertisements?. Secondly, what are the implicature meanings of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements?.

Nowadays, the companies try to promote their products or services to the consumers by using a creative and an interesting slogan in advertisements. Therefore, English slogans have their special characteristics and forms. In order to answer the research problem number one, the researcher applied Warriner’s theory. Warriner (1982) states that there are several linguistic forms, namely phrase, clause, and sentence. Those forms are relevant and directly related to the reviews of the linguistic forms of the English slogan in mobile phone



advertisements. Therefore, the theories and reviews of related studies about linguistic forms of advertisements are also used to support the answer more accurately. As stated in the previous section, there are the following specific linguistic forms according to Warriner (1982) that can be used to identify the linguistic forms of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements. The eight forms of phrases, four forms of sentences, and two forms of clauses. Following that, the researcher tries to identify which linguistic forms is the most frequently used in the mobile phone products in advertisements. Then, the researcher explains what the dominant linguistic forms in the slogan of mobile phone’s advertisements.

This research used pragmatic approach in answering and analyzing the implicature meanings of English slogans in mobile phones advertisements. The researcher used the theoretical review of concept pragmatic study in answering the second research question. It consists of pragmatics proposed by Thomas (1995, p.21) and Yule’s theories (1996, p.4). The researcher presents the principle of pragmatic; implicature based on the theories which are proposed by Yule (1996:40) and seconded by Grice (1983, p.127). Those theories are relevant theories for analyzing the implicature meanings of each slogan and the theories of an advertisement slogan which are proposed by Goddard (1998) and Granat (2003). The researcher uses a pragmatic theory because it fills the gap between the theoretical and the functional use of language. It draws closer to the reality of the language and values its immense possibilities of expression.



This chapter discusses the appropriate research methodology used in conducting this research. This methodology aims to answer the research problems that have been formulated by the researcher. This chapter consists of the research method, the research objects, the research setting, the research instrument, the data gathering technique, the data analysis, and the research procedure.

A. Research Method

Research is a systematic effort to attain answers to the questions (Tuckman, 1987, p.4). It means that there is a problem about something that needs to be clarified or something that has yet to be discovered. Besides, basic research is carried out for the purpose of investigating and identifying a problem. The problems examined with the selected relevant variables and theories through a literature review. This part was aimed to find out the methods to answer the research questions as stated in Chapter 1.

The purposes of this research are to identify the linguistic forms of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements and explain the implicature meanings conveyed on it. The methodology of this research is to employ qualitative research. This research discusses the linguistic forms and the implicature meanings of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements.



In conducting this research, the researcher applied qualitative research. According to Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh (2002), the goal of qualitative research is depth of understanding rather than the numerical data (p.481). Moreover, qualitative research allows the researcher to gain access to the motives, meanings, actions, and reactions of people in the context of their daily life. Besides, the data analysis in qualitative research is often done concurrently or simultaneously with the data collection. Therefore, the researcher did the data analysis while collecting the slogans. In addition, “qualitative data might be quantitized by counting the number of times a particular word is used or the number of times a particular theme is identified” (Ary et al, 2010, p.564). That is why the researcher used percentage and frequency list to expose the data in this research. This kind of research is called mixed method because the data collection is qualitative but the data analysis is quantitative.

Talking about the source of data, following what according Loftland (1996), the sources of qualitative research data are sentences or utterances, actions, written texts, photographs and statistics. By using this approach, the researcher did the analysis in the written text in the mobile phones’ slogan. The qualitative research was used in this study because the researcher intended to analyze the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements.

Since this research dealt with the English slogan language in mobile phone advertisements, the researcher conducted the document analysis to collect the data. Chris (2010) defines that “content or document analysis is a research method applied in written or visual materials (textbooks, newspapers, speeches,



television programs, advertisements, musical compositions, or any of a host of others types of document)” (p.21). Therefore, the researcher gathered the data by using the document analysis applied on advertisements. The researcher collected the data by listing the English slogan found in mobile phone advertisements that available in printed and electronic media and categorized them into the specific linguistic forms proposed by Warriner (1982). Then, the researcher analyzed and identified the English slogan used in those mobile phone advertisements.

B. Research Objects

This research dealt with the linguistic forms and the implicature meanings of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements. According to Sudaryanto (1993), data are the research objects derived from a selection process of any kind of resources which in this the research are available in the printed and electronic media, including the internet (p.56). The researcher analyzed some brands of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements taken from printed and the electronic media, mostly from the internet sources. The researcher focuses on the English mobile phone products which are widely used in the society.

C. Research Setting

In this research, the object of this research is the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements. The researcher analyzed the kinds of English slogans in mobile phone advertisements. The data were obtained from the printed



and electronic media, mostly from the internet sources. The researcher gathered and analyzed the data in February to May 2015, in Yogyakarta. The data analyzed in this study was not taken from billboards on the street because of the time constraint. The researcher focused on picking up the data from the internet. The researcher analyzed and focused on mobile phones’ slogans from the online sources which can be found by searching in Google. The researcher used the internet as nowadays more and more companies use internet to advertise their products. After finding the data sources, the researcher selected and picked up 21 slogans.

D. Research Instrument and Data Gathering Technique

In this research, the researcher acts as human instrument. It is because the researcher “is more responsive to the situation and he or she is able to adapt to the changing condition” (Guba & Lincoln, 1994, p.12). It means that the researcher can process the data immediately and confirm the source or related references if there is uncertainly. In addition, it is only humans who can collect the confusing data and then process it so that it becomes available and easier for others to understand it. Therefore, the researcher did the analysis then interpreted the data in easier way so that the readers can get the meaning of the data.

There were several steps used by the researcher to obtain the data. The first one was by collecting the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements from the printed media, such as newspapers, magazines, and also electronic media like the internet sources. In this research, the researcher found out the most sample



data of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements which were available on the internet. The researcher chose 21 versions of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements because they are the most appropriate representative among other versions.

There were several tables which were used in this research. The first table was table 3.1 which is the sample data of the mobile phone slogan that will be analyzed. It was used to divide and categorize the data into several categories. Table 3.1 helped the researcher in simplifying the process of analyzing linguistic forms.

Table 3.1 The Example of English Slogans in Mobile Phones Advertisements Mobile Phones

Product Slogan

Acer Explore beyond limits

Apple Think different

Asia fone Connecting your world

Asus Inspiring innovation

Beyond Infinite communication Blackberry Not just for windows anymore ….. ….

From the data, the researcher analyzed the linguistic forms and the implicature meanings of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements from the websites (See Appendix 2). The researcher used Warriner’s (1982) theories to identify which slogan belongs to the specific kind of linguistic forms. The researcher took notes the slogan that contained phrases, clauses, and sentences of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements.



E. Data Analysis Technique

The most important stage of research is the data analysis process because it determines the success of the research. At this stage, all collected data were analyzed and examined until the researcher comes to a conclusion. In this analysis, the researcher answered the problem statements that had been formulated.

This research was the document analysis which is one of qualitative research types. Thus, the researcher needed some references and the objects of the research. This research analyzed the data in form of words slogan. It aimed to make this research more effective. The first thing the researcher did was to find out the samples of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements in the printed and electronic media, mostly from internet source. The researcher used the slogan to answer the problems stated in the previous chapter. To reach the goal of this research, the researcher applied some theories. The researcher used Warriner’s theory (1982) to find out the linguistic forms used of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements. Next, Yule’s theory (1996) was used to answer the implicature meanings of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements.

The researcher did the analysis while also collecting the data. After the slogans were collected, the researcher placed the slogan into a table. The tables were to make the analysis of the slogans clearer and easier to understand.



Table 3.2: Linguistic Forms Which Form Phrase

No Slogans Types of Phrase

NP VP AdjP AdvP GP Prepo P Part-P Inv-P 1 Mobile



2 Think Different


3 4 …

Table 3.3: Linguistic Forms Which Form Clause

No Slogans Types of Clause

Independent Dependent 1

2 .. ….

Table 3.4: Linguistic Forms Which Form Sentence

No Slogans Types of Sentence

Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory

1 Life is Good v

2 3… ….

The tables above contain the examples of the linguistic forms. Those examples are provided to give a visual description to the reader of how the data will look like. The purpose of using the tables was to check the linguistic forms used in the mobile phones’ slogan.

After the data were listed and categorized the slogan in accordance with the linguistic forms they belong to. Lastly, the researcher calculated the percentage of each kind of linguistic forms used in the mobile phones’ slogan.



The table 3.5 is used to identify the linguistic forms of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements. Based on their linguistic forms, the English mobile phones’ slogan could be classified in to several forms. The classification could be seen in table 3.5. below:

Table 3.5. The Checklist of Linguistic Forms Used in English Slogans Mobile Phones’ Slogans

Linguistic Form

Slogan Frequency Percentage

Phrase Noun Phrase Verb Phrase

Adjective Phrase Adverb Phrase Gerund Phrase Clause Independent

clause Dependent clause

Sentence Declarative sentence Interrogative sentence Imperative sentence Exclamatory sentence

∑= 100%

After deciding the forms, the researcher decided and classified the slogans which were based on linguistic forms proposed by Warriner (1982). Next, the researcher calculated the frequency of occurrence of the data by means of percentage calculation (see Appendix 1). To solve the second research problem,



the researcher went beyond the descriptive data to analyze the implicature meanings of English slogans by using Yule’s (1996) theory.

F. Research Procedure

This section summarizes the steps in the research. The researcher presents the procedure of this research as follows:

1. Selecting the Research Questions

In this research, the researcher focused on the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements. The researcher came up with two research problems. The first research problem deals with the linguistic forms used. The second research problem deals with the implicature meanings of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements.

2. Reviewing the Literature

After formulating the research problems, the researcher tried to find the theories which are relevant to the research problems. The researcher made some tables consisting of the kinds of linguistic forms to analyze the data. Afterwards, the researcher used the pragmatic theories especially the implicature theory, the linguistic forms theory, and the theory of slogan in advertisements.

3. Collecting the Data

The researcher collected the data from such diverse media as printed and internet sources media. The researcher watched the advertisements presented on television, and the internet. Then the researcher took notes and created the list of the English slogan. The data obtained were in a form of a list of the English



slogan in mobile phone advertisements. There were more than 21 slogans in mobile phone products. The researcher selected 21 English slogans from mobile phone advertisements as the data source of this research. The researcher only used the English slogan of the mobile phone taken from printed mass media and internet sources. Mostly the slogans were taken by Google search engine. The researcher did not take the slogan from billboard on the streets.

4. Analyzing the Data

In analyzing the data, the researcher classified and categorized the data of the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements into the linguistic forms to which they belong to. After categorizing the data, the researcher identified and classified each slogan into the linguistic forms they belonged to, then, applied the relevant theories to answer and support the research problems which were presented in Chapter 2.

5. Drawing the Conclusion

The final step in this research is the conclusions. The researcher drew the conclusions based on the result of the data analysis. For the first research problem, the researcher provided a report about the linguistic forms used by the English slogan in mobile phone products. For the second research problem, the researcher explained the implicature meanings of the English slogan used in mobile phone products. Thus, the researcher drew the conclusions based on the findings related to the study. Based on the research procedure above; selecting the research questions, reviewing related literature, collecting data, analyzing data, and drawing conclusion were used to conduct this study.




This chapter presents the data findings and the discussions of the research problems. The researcher came up with the two research problems, what the linguistic forms are used in the English slogan and what the implicature meanings of the English slogan especially in mobile phone advertisements.

A. Linguistic Forms of English Slogan in Mobile Phones Advertisement

The main purpose of an advertisement is to familiarize and remind the consumers of the benefits of a particular product. An advertisement often uses a slogan to draw the consumers’ attention. Therefore, the slogan should be effective, and its message must be colorful, legible, understandable as well as memorable. The first research problem focuses on the linguistic forms which are used by the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements. In order to answer the first research problem, the researcher analyzes the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements by applying Warrnier’s theory (1982).

To answer the first question, the researcher presents and discusses the linguistic forms used by the English slogan in mobile phone advertisements. The linguistic forms which are proposed by Warrnier (1982) are phrase, clause, and sentence. Each form has its classification. There are eight kinds of phrases, namely noun phrase, adverb phrase, adjective phrase, verb phrase, gerund phrase,


infinitive phrase, prepositional phrase, and participle phrase. There are two types of clauses offered by Warriner (1982, p.94). Those types are independent and dependent clause. Lastly, the classifications of sentence patterns are statements, commands, interrogative sentences and exclamations (pp.95-96).

The researcher has collected 21 data of the English slogans. The slogans are categorized and analyzed according to their linguistic forms of the English slogan used in mobile phone advertisements. There are two kinds of forms of slogan used in mobile phone advertisements, namely phrases and sentences. In appendices, the researcher provided the frequency classification of each slogan (for further explanation, please see Appendix 1).

Table 4.1 The Occurrence of Linguistic Forms Used by English Slogan in Mobile Phone Products

Linguistics Form The frequency of each form

The percentage of each form



Prepositional phrase 1 4.76%

Adverb phrase 0 0

Participle phrase 0 0

Gerund phrase 3 14.29%

Infinitive phrase 0 0

Noun phrase 9 42.85%

Verb phrase 3 14.29%

Adjective phrase 1 4.76%


Independent clause 0 0

Dependent clause 0 0


Declarative 4 19.05%

Interrogative 0 0

Imperative 0 0

Exclamatory 0 0



From the classification above, it is clear that all 21 data of slogans found are in the form of phrases and sentences. From the table above, the researcher found 42.85% of noun phrases that appeared the most in English slogans’ mobile phone advertisements. Besides, there are 14.29% of verb phrases and gerund phrases, 4.76% of a prepositional phrase and an adjective phrase, and lastly 19.05% of declarative sentences. The biggest percentage of the linguistic forms in the data is a noun phrase. A noun phrase most frequently appears in the mobile phones’ slogan because the advertiser prefers to describe their products in a much simpler form but effective so that the readers will clearly and directly understand the advertisers’ intention.

Noun  Phrase, 42.85% Verb 

Phrase, 14.29% Adjective 

Phrase, 4.76% Gerund  Phrase, 14.29% Prepositional 

phrase, 4.76%

Declarative  sentence, 19.05


Based on the findings, a noun phrase most frequently appears in the mobile phone advertisements slogan because the advertiser prefers to describe their products in a simpler form but effective (easy to read, easy to say and easy to



remember) with the expectation that the readers will clearly and directly understand the advertisers’ intention. As to the linguistic forms, noun phrases are widely used as brand names. They help the consumers remember the products or the services very well. Besides, declarative sentences are also common in advertisements. They make advertisements like dialogues which are easy to understand. The results of the analysis and evidences are presented and discussed in the following section.

1. Noun Phrase

A phrase is a group of related words that is used as a single part of speech and does not contain a verb and its subject (Warriner, 1982, p.92). The phrase includes a noun phrase. A noun phrase appears the most compared to the other linguistic forms. According to Warriner (1982), a noun phrase is a group of words that contains a noun and it has determiner (the, a, this) and modifier. The researcher found 9 slogans that used noun phrases. There are the examples of slogans which incorporate noun phrases:

[1] Imo: “Mobile Entertainment” [2] Beyond: “Infinite Communication” [3] E’Touch: “Mobile Solution”

[4] Samsung Galaxy S4: “Life Companion” [5] Motorola: “Intelligence Everywhere”

Based on the examples [1], and [2], they are considered as a noun phrase since they have no subject and predicate. The above examples are few examples of a noun phrase. It is proven that having no subject or predicate, the Imo slogan



above is a phrase. It is a noun phrase because “mobile entertainment” is a group of words that contains a noun and modifier. The slogan consists of “mobile” as pre modifier and “entertainment” as noun. The form of Beyond product is also a noun phrase because it has no subject and predicate. It consists of a noun as “communication” and “infinite” as pre modifier as it preceeds the head word. Warriner (1982) states that noun phrase is a phrase composed of a head and a modifier that the headword is a noun. From example [3], the E’Touch mobile phone slogan takes the phrase form because it does not have a subject and a predicate. It is a noun phrase that consists of “solution” as the head noun, and

“mobile” as pre modifier. Another a noun phrase was seen in [4] Samsung Galaxy S4: “Life Companion”. The Samsung Galaxy mobile phone slogan takes the phrase form. It is a noun phrase because “life companion” is a group of words that consists of a noun and a modifier. The word “Life” as pre-modifier, “Companion” as a noun. The form of the Motorola slogan [5] is a phrase as it has a noun as a head word. The word “Intelligence” is as a noun (determiner) and “everywhere” as post modifier that comes after the head word. The other forms of a noun phrase also could be seen in the example [6], [7], [8], and [9].

[6] Blueberry: “CSL Mobile” [7] Cross: “Crystal Clear Sound” [8] Panasonic: “Ideas for Life” [9] Asus: “Inspiring Innovation”

The slogan of Blueberry product [6] “CLS Mobile” also takes a noun phrase which consists of “CSL” as a pre modifier and “mobile” as a head noun.



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Appendix1. List of English Slogan Classification Used by Mobile phone advertisements

Mobile Phones’ Slogan

Linguistic Form Slogan Amount Percentage Phrase Noun Phrase Infinite Communication

CLS Mobile

Crystal Clear Sound Mobile Solution Mobile Entertainment Intelligence Everywhere Ideas For Life

Life Companion Inspiring Innovation

9 42.85%

Verb Phrase Return To Innovation Think Different

Explore Beyond Limits

3 14.29%

Adjective Phrase

Quietly Brilliant 1 4.76%

Gerund Phrase Taking You Forward Connecting People (it connects people) Connecting Your World (You connect your world)

3 14.29%

Prepositional Phrase

For Those Who Do 1 4.76%

Sentence Declarative Sentence

Life is Good

Phone is strong in Small Sound

Make.Believe (Sony makes people believe)

We are not just for windows anymore

4 19.05%


Appendix 2.List of Mobile phones’ website

Mobile Phones

Product Slogan Website

Acer Explore Beyond Limits ome

Apple Think Different Asia Fone Connecting your world Asus Inspiring Innovation Beyond Infinite communication Blackberry We are not just for

windows anymore

Blueberry CLS Mobile Cross Crystal Clear Sound

E’Touch Mobile Solution -

launches-new-Ericson Taking you forward HtC Quietly Brilliant Imo Mobile Entertainment

Lenovo For Those Who Do ’s-new-marketing-strategy/...

LG Life is Good

Motorolla Intelligence every where

Nokia Connecting People Oppo Return to Innovation

Panasonic Ideas for life 390&L=6

Samsung Phone is strong in small sound

g/.../ Samsung


Life Companion e/galaxy

Sony Ericsson