Discrimination The Afro-American Definition of Terms

point of view, namely psychological theories. This approach leads to the exploration of the unconscious area of the human mind, which led to the conclusion that it was this area that was wellspring of man rich imagination, his capacity for creation and the complexity of his thought, behavior, and that the contents of this region of the mind found expression in symbolic words, thoughts and action Rohrberger and Woods Jr 13

2. Theory of Social Class

Talking about social status, the division of social life, and stratification, the first thing that we have to now is about social class. It is one of the fundamental things that we have to know in order to get a clear picture of social problem discussed.

a. History

It is difficult to define the word “class” because it occurs across a range of disciplines – sociology, politics, cultural studies, and „literary criticism‟. Related to the social analysis, in a broad term, the word „class‟ refers to divisions of people in society. The word class is from the Latin classis plural classes. According to Charlton Lewis and Charles Short, compilers of the Standard Latin Dictionary, this term is variant of Calare, meaning to call out, proclaim, or summon a religious assembly. It had two main senses Day 3. The first refers to an armed gathering, either on land or water, while the second and most important, refers to the divisions of the Roman people according to their estates and age. The result of this division was the creation of two major groups in Roman society, the patricians or aristocrats and the plebeians or commoners. The codification of Roman law stipulated that while rich and poor were entitled to its protection, a slave was not. As in Greek society, there was a clear division between a free man and a slave. In the seventeenth century, the word “class” entered into the English language for the first time. In natural sciences, the word class refers to an equality of different types of, say, plants or animals. Yet, it was not how it applied in social description. The entry of “class” into the English language in the mid-seventeenth century refers to a decisive moment in the development of capitalism. The appearance of the word “class” is linked to fundamental changes in the economy and to their effect on social relations. The new idiom of class is an expression of social conflict.

b. Aristotle ’s Theory of Class

Aristotle 384 BC – 322 BC was a Greek philosopher, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. He wrote on many subjects, including physics, metaphysics, poetry, theater, music, logic, rhetoric, politics, government, ethics, biology and zoology. Aristotle has a point of view toward the understanding of class. He divides the society into three classes. The first one is