The Morgan Family ’s Domination

reason why Steward wants to get rid of the women from the Convent. He wants to bury the old history of the Morgan family which can decrease their domination. Deacon Morgan realizes this situation; “Women always the key, God bless „em Morrison 61.” Most of Morgans‟ problems are related to women. The fourth case is the case of Soane Morgan and Consolata. Soane Morgan has a good relationship with Consolata because Consolata help Soane Morgan. No one knows about it. In a way it was both, in the shape of a young woman, exhausted, breathing hard but ramrod straight. “That‟s some walk,” she said. “Please. Let me sit.”… “What is it you want?” “Your help.” Her voice was soft, noncommittal. No judgment, no pleading. “I can‟t help you.” “You can if you want to.” “What kind of help are you looking for?” “I can‟t have this child.”… “I can‟t help you with that What‟s wrong with you?” “I‟ve had two children in two years. If I have another…” “Why come to me? Why you asking me?” “Who else?”…Her name was Soane, and when she and Consolata became fast friends, Soane told her she didn‟t think so. It was the evil in her heart that caused it Morrison 239-240. This case also breaks the law of Ruby. In the end of the story, it is clear what kind of relation made by Consolata, Soane Morgan dan Deacon Morgan. It is a kind of triangle. When nine men go to the Convent, Soane thinks that what Deacon does is because he wants to save their family. Yet, the reason is wrong. Soane is chastising herself for not having talked, just talked, to Deek. Told him she knew about Connie; that the loss of their third child was a judgment against her – not him. After Connie saved Scout‟s life, Soane‟s resentment against her evaporated and, because the two of them had become fast friends, she believed she had forgiven Deek also Morrison 288. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI The story of the three characters here ends in a tragic way. Soane Morgan arrives at the Convent after the massacre. Moreover, Deacon Morgan cannot save Consolata. Men are firing through the window at three women running through clover and Scotch broom. Consolata enters, bellowing, “No” The men turn. Consolata narrows her gaze against the sun, then lifts it as though distracted by something high above the heads of the men. “You‟re back,” she says, and smiles. Deacon Morgan needs the sunglasses, but they are nestled in his shirt pocket. He looks at Consolata and sees in her eyes what has been drained from them and from himself as well. There is blood near her lips. It takes his breath away. He lifts his hand to halt his brother‟s and discovers who, between them, is the stronger man. The bullet enters her forehead. Dovey is screaming. Soane is staring Morrison 290. All of the four cases may be the reasons why the twins influence some people to get rid of the Convent women. The Convent women become a threat towards their domination. When people of Ruby know about the four stories, the story will be different. The trust people of Ruby give to the twins will disappear. The domination of the Morgans led by the twins is unstoppable. Yet, this situation also becomes the burden of Soane Morgan. She realizes that the twins are the heir of Ruby since they do not have any child alive. The only person who can continue the name of the Morgans is K.D. Soane was burdened with the loss of two sons; he was burdened with the loss of all sons. since his twin had no children the Morgans had arrived at the end of the line… He and Steward were truer heirs, proof of which was Ruby itself….. But since part of the charge had been to multiply, it was a heavy hurt to know that K.D. was the only means by which they could K.D., son of a sister and the army buddy they gave her to Morrison 113. Soane thinks that the domination of the Morgans is a must. That is why there is burden inside her heart. Steward as the leader of the massacre have his own dream. He will do everything to save the Morgans‟ domination although he has to sacrifice his nephew; K.D. He needs someone who can be trust and loyal to the Morgans. He Steward wondered if that generation – Misner‟s and K.D.‟s – would have to be sacrificed to get to the next one. The grand – and great- grandchildren who could be trained, honed as his won father and grandfather had done for Steward‟s generation Morrison 94. Different from Deacon Morgan, Steward is more influential. It is clearly shown when someone shoots Consolata. Deacon wants to prove who is the most influential person between he and his brother; Steward Morgan. Yet, still Steward is more influential than himself. “He lifts his hand to halt his brother‟s and discovers who, between them, is the stronger man Morrison 290.”

b. The Twins as the Most Influential Persons in Ruby

The twins are the most influential persons in Ruby since they are the leaders of the Morgans. They arrange all of the “drama” in Ruby. They have a significant role in the Oven and also in making decision. They can stop the “rebellion” that is done by the young generation. They can save K.D. from the law. They can arrange a scenario to get rid of the Convent women. All of them can be done because the twins have power among the people in Ruby. Talcot Parsons said that power is one of the key concepts in the great western tradition of thought about political phenomena Parsons 240. The twins as the “owner” of Ruby seems to be have the power in ruling Ruby commnuity. Based on Thomas R. Dye theory of power, the twins fulfill the characteristics of the nature of power. Firstly, power is the capacity to affect the conduct of individuals through the real or threatened use of rewards and punishments Dye 4. It means that power is exercised over individuals or groups by offering them some things they value or by threatening to deprive them of those things. The word “Beware of the Furrow of His Brow” becomes the tools for the twins to threat the people in Ruby. They have their own law and everyone in Ruby must obey it. This word is valuable and the twins as the guard urged everyone to obey it although some people know about the twins‟ conspiracy. Changing the word or breaking the rule of Ruby means punishment or being kicked out from Ruby. Some coercions and threats are used to maintain the loyalty of Ruby. “Listen here,” he said Steward, his voice thick and shapely with Blue Boy. “If you, any of you, ignore, change, take away, or add to the words in the mouth of that Oven, I will blow your head off just like you was a hood- eye snake Morrison 87.” The twins are very strict about this but not for themselves. It seems that the law belongs to the Ruby community except the Morgans. Secondly, we see power as a special form of influence. Influence is the production of intended effects Dye 4. When people can produce intended effects by any means, we can say that they are influential. The twins also have a great influence towards the people of Ruby. They use the heroism era of their father to argue and defend their arguments. “So understand me when I tell you nobody is going to come along some eighty years later claiming to know better what men who went through hell to learn knew. Act short with me all you want, you in long trouble if you think you can disrespect a row you never hoed.” Twenty varieties of “amen” italicized Deek‟s pronouncement Morrison 86. The twins also have a great influence since they coordinate the massacre in the Convent. Organizing nine people is an easy thing for the twins even it is intended to cut someone‟s life. Soane Morgan also says that it must be the twins who influence the people to attack the Convent. In any case, she was certain that routing the Convent women had something to do with their marriage. Harper, Sargeant and certainly Arnold wouldn‟t lift a hand to those women if Deek and Steward had not authorized and manipulated them Morrison 288. Thirdly, power can rest on various resources Dye 4. It means that the exercise of power assumes many different forms – the giving or withholding of many different values. Yet power bases are usually interdependent – individuals who control certain resources are likely to control other resources as well. The evidence that Morgans is the richest family in Ruby explains this. Since the twins arrange and control all resources in Ruby, they also have control upon the mass in Ruby and also the central of black people life that is the Oven. Having control upon so many sources in Ruby makes the twins can “buy” everything they want included the loyalty of their followers. Fourth, power is never equally distributed Dye 4. “Power holder” must control some values in hisher society in order to get hisher influence. This situation urge for one domination. By controlling the values, the power holder is in a position to offer these values as rewards to others or to threaten to deprive others of these values. There is no power if power is equal. The twins are the power holder of Ruby. They defend and keep the value from their ancestor which strengthens their position within Ruby. But there was no pity here. Here, when the men spoke of the ruination that was upon them – how Ruby was changing in intolerable ways – they did not think to fix it by extending a hand in fellowship or love. They mapped defense instead and honed evidence for its need, till each piece fit an already polished groove. A few did most of the talking, some said little and two said nothing at all, but silent though they were, Lone knew the leadership was TWINNED Morrison 275. No one can stop the twins since they control some values in Ruby society in order to get their influence. Someone who obeys the values will get rewards; in this case for those who show their loyalty towards the twins and someone who tries to change the values will get punishment and threats. Fifth, power is a relationship among individuals, groups, and institutions in society Dye 4. When someone is isolated from hisher society, heshe is powerless. We can say that pow er is not really a “thing” that an individual possesses. Instead, power is a relationship in which some individuals or groups have control over certain resources. The twins are careful in handling Misner as their “enemy.” Misner also has power upon some people in Ruby since he is a reverend. In the other side, the twins have a good relation with Reverend Senior Puliam who also has power upon the followers of Methodist. It is a clever maneuver that is done by the twins since they have the conflict with Reverend Misner as the leader of the Baptist Church. On the other side Reverend Senior Puliam is glad to having relation with the twins since they are the holders of Ruby‟s assets and most of the people in Ruby obey their command. There are two things that become the weakness of Reverend Misner. The first one is that he is an outsider. He does not belong to the Eight Rocks. He wants PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI to give new values in the society but the society prefer to believe the twins with their arguments adopted from their ancestor: the Eight Rocks. The second one is that he does not have power upon the assets of Ruby. Many people are loyal to the twins because the twins are glad to give loan to everyone in Ruby. The twins have “bought” Ruby as their private assets and they want to continue it. Deek and Steward were interested in approving the loan, provided he could persuade somebody to sell him the property. So the question was where Morrison 186. Sixth, power is exercised in interpersonal relations. Psychologist Rollo May wrote t hat “power means the ability to affect, to influence, and to change other persons” Dye 4. In a society, interpersonal relation is the first step to “conquer” the mass as a whole community. This situation is clearly pictured in Ruby. Many people support the twins as their leader. They have the interpersonal relation with the leader of religious communities and also the new father in Ruby. That is the effective way the twins take to manage their domination upon Ruby. The last one, power is exercised in large institutions – governments, corporations, schools, the military, churches, newspapers, television networks, law firms, and so on. Power that stems from high positions in the social structures of society is stable and far-reaching Dye 5. This statement also becomes the reason why Reverend Misner cannot win the “battle” with the twins. The twins are from the upper class family and they have a tight relation with the institution in Ruby. It is difficult for everyone to drag the twins from the top of the institution.