Distribution of Afro American People

communities were affiliated with either Baptist or Methodist churches, with Baptists outnumbering Methodists Pinkney 58.

c. Problem of Denominations and Uneducated Preachers

As written before the denominations raised the problem of stratification. There were communities which were strong and weak within the religious community of black people. Each of denominations tried to get as many as possible their own mass. Actually, this situation brought bad effect to the unity of black community itself. Different education level and also economic level differentiated the quality of the preachers the black church had. Most of the black people became a preacher because of a “call”. This kind of preachers tended to retain the emotionalism that had traditionally been identified with the Negro‟s religion. Gunnar Myrdal pictured the decrease of preachers‟ role in a black community as follows: … a class Negro preachers are losing influence, because they are not changing as fast as the rest of the Negro community …. As improvements in education have been rapid in the last decades, the bulk of the old Negro preachers are today below the bulk of younger generation Negroes in education. Young people have begun to look down on the old-fashioned Negro preacher.…. Few college students are going into the ministry. The ministry is no longer a profession which attracts the brightest and most ambitious young Negroes. The development under way will take a long time to manifest its complete effects. But it goes on and will spell the further decline of the Negro church as an active influence in the Negro community, if it does not begin to reform itself radically Myrdal 875- 876. It was clear that the development of Negro church growing faster in the education area. The function of church as the freedom movement institution clearly described. Youth Negro community needed preachers as a leader who could lead the Negro community in all areas of life; economics, politics, and also religion.

C. Theoretical Framework

There is one problem formulation to answer. In purpose to facilitate the analysis, the problem formulation is divided into two sub questions. The first question will reveal the structure of Afro American community. Knowing the structure of Afro American community clearly is the main point we have to manage since the sociocultural historical approach is used as the approach of analysis. The history of the Afro American community is definitely needed. The second question is made to reveal the fundamental problem of discrimination within Afro American community. The theories of critical approaches, social classes, power, and stratification are used to analyze the social situation of Afro American community which made the discrimination possibly happen. Knowing the theory of social class is used to reveal the impact of social class within Afro American community since class system is the main problem which let discrimination happen in a community. This theory is also related to theory of stratification. Stratification within a community is tightly related to the problem of discrimination. Dividing people into several classes is the main point of stratification. Ruby consists of the preachers, businessman, and common people. Each of the classes has their own rule in the community and they have the same right and treatment. The problem rose when the Morgan family dominated