Black and White Church

clearly described. Youth Negro community needed preachers as a leader who could lead the Negro community in all areas of life; economics, politics, and also religion.

C. Theoretical Framework

There is one problem formulation to answer. In purpose to facilitate the analysis, the problem formulation is divided into two sub questions. The first question will reveal the structure of Afro American community. Knowing the structure of Afro American community clearly is the main point we have to manage since the sociocultural historical approach is used as the approach of analysis. The history of the Afro American community is definitely needed. The second question is made to reveal the fundamental problem of discrimination within Afro American community. The theories of critical approaches, social classes, power, and stratification are used to analyze the social situation of Afro American community which made the discrimination possibly happen. Knowing the theory of social class is used to reveal the impact of social class within Afro American community since class system is the main problem which let discrimination happen in a community. This theory is also related to theory of stratification. Stratification within a community is tightly related to the problem of discrimination. Dividing people into several classes is the main point of stratification. Ruby consists of the preachers, businessman, and common people. Each of the classes has their own rule in the community and they have the same right and treatment. The problem rose when the Morgan family dominated the community of Ruby and became one of the decision makers although they already had preachers as the leaders of Afro American community. Puritan community is one of the characteristics of Afro American community. A stratified community cannot be separated with the distribution of power. Power distribution within a community also becomes one of the main problems of discrimination. Power distribution let domination or monopoly of particular member of a community happen as what we know from the case of the Morgan family. The domination of the Morgan family becomes the main problem since they have most of the assets Ruby has. This situation influences the stability of Ruby community. All the theories above are used to find the reasons why discrimination within Afro American community happened. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI