Data Gathering Technique Data Analysis Technique


3.4 Data Gathering Technique

The writer started to identify all the newspapers to find the elements of code-switching. The writer identified those elements of code-switching with the context of the sentences. Afterward, the writer typed them in the observation form to divide and to classify those data. The data was also categorized into five parts, namely advertisement, feature, fiction, opinion and news. Advertisement based on Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 2000: 20 is “a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job, or service.” Feature based on Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 2000: 486 is “something important, interesting or typical of place or thing.” Fiction based on Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 2000: 492 is “a type of literature that describes imaginary people and events, not real ones.” News based on Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 2000: 892 is “new information about something that has happened recently.” Opinion based on Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 2000: 927 is “your feelings or thoughts about sbsth, rather than a fact.”

3.5 Data Analysis Technique

The writer used the classification of code-switching from McCormick 1994. There were six classes of code-switching, namely diglossic code- switching, single word code-switching, phrase code-switching, clause code- switching, whole sentence code-switching and integrated loanword code- 21 switching. The code-switching from the newspapers were put in those six classifications depending on the length of juxtaposed utterances. Diglossia is “a feature of speech community rather than individuals” Holmes, 2001: 30. Single wordword based on Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 2000: 1551 is “a single unit of language which means sth and can be spoken or written.” A phrase is “a group of related words that does not contain a subject and a verb” Azar, 1989: 257. A clause is “a group of related words that contains a subject and a verb” Azar, 1989: 257. A sentencewhole sentence based on Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 2000: 1212 is “a set of words expressing a statement, a question or an order, usually containing a subject and a verb. In written English sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop ., a question mark ? or an EXCLAMATION mark .” Integrated loanword is when the speaker or the writer of the articles combines a morpheme with a word from different language. Afterward, the writer used a computer program namely Concordance 3.2 to find five most frequents code-switching in each of category and type of code- switching from each local newspaper. However, the writer used Concordance 3.2 and work manually to find the most frequent code-switching as the supportive data. The results of classifications were identified to find the possible reasons why code switching existed in local newspapers. The theory was adopted from Poedjosoedarmo 1975. 22 The speaker quotes from other language, the speaker talks with the different interlocutors, there is a third person, there is a certain purpose from the speaker, the speaker is on the stage, the effect of topic discussion, the effect of the first sentence, the effect of conversation speaking situation. The next step was, identifying the possible implications that appeared from the whole data. The writer adopted Krashen’s theory, namely “Success is achieved by using the situational context to make massages clear and through the kinds of input modifications found in foreigner talk” Ellis, 1997: 47.

3.6 Research Procedure