The Types of Code-switching



As it was stated in the problem formulation, this research had three questions to be answered. They were 1 what are types of code-switching found in Indonesian local newspapers? 2 What are the possible reasons for code-switching in Indonesian local newspapers? 3 What are the possible implications of code- switching in Indonesian local newspapers towards English education teachinglearning in Indonesia? This chapter was finished to discuss the implementation of research procedures to answer the research questions.

4.1 The Types of Code-switching

There were six types of code switching found in local newspapers, namely: diglossic code-switching, single word code-switching, phrase code-switching, clause code-switching, whole sentence code-switching and integrated loanword code-switching. The writer provided the total numbers and five most frequents of code switching from each type below. The data was supporting information to answer the first question in problem formulation. 25

4.1.1 Diglossic Code-switching

Code-switching number one was diglossic code-switching. Diglossic code- switching has the longest juxtaposed utterance than other code-switching. In local newspapers, this kind of code-switching only appeared in advertisement category. The goal might be for getting attention from the readers. The final purpose was to sell service or product to the consumers. The writer provided the total numbers diglossic code-switching in table 4.1 below. Table 4.1: The Total Numbers of Diglossic Code-switching Categories Newspapers Advertisement Feature Fiction News Opinion Bernas - - - - - Harjo - - - - - KR 3 - - - - Advertisement

There were only three items of diglossic code-switching found in Kedaulatan Rakyat newspaper. The writer did not find it in other local newspapers. Even, there was no diglossic code-switching in other categories except in advertisement. Table 4.2: The Most Frequents Diglossic Code-switching in Advertisement KR newspaper No. Diglossic code-switching Total 26 1 1. Urgently required A wellknown multinational company has a vacancy for the position of Product specialist Requirement Male aged 28 years old Able to communicate in English Having some years of experience in 1 Continued to page 26 Continued from page 25 sales Like travelling Preferable the citizen of Yogyakarta Remuneration: Basic salary Transport, meals, incentive Please send your application within this week to.

4.1.2 Single Word Code-switching

Code-switching number two was single word code-switching. It is also called lexical borrowing. There were 4627 single word code-switching in Bernas, 3516 single word code-switching in Harjo and 3283 single word code-switching in KR. The total number of single word code-switching from those three local newspapers was 11.426. The writer provided the total numbers of single word code-switching in table 4.3 below. Table 4.3: The Total Numbers of Single Word Code-switching Categories Newspapers Advertisement Feature Fiction News Opinion Bernas 3438 117 - 772 300 Harjo 1495 486 12 1039 484 KR 1856 98 2 915 412 27 Advertisement

There were 3438 single words code-switching found in Bernas newspaper, 1495 single words code-switching found in Harjo newspaper and 1856 single words code-switching found in KR newspaper. The total single words code- switching from those three local newspapers were 6789. Next, there were found five most frequents single word code-switching from each of the local newspapers. In fact, the word service was the most frequent single word code-switching with 191 total numbers. It was followed by word daily with 167 total numbers, news with 138 total numbers, handphone with 137 total numbers and voucher with 129 total numbers. Table 4.4: The Most Frequents Single Word Code-switching in Advertisement Bernas newspaper No. Single word Total 1 Service 191 2 New 138 3 Handphone 137 4 Voucher 129 5 Second 128 Harjo newspaper No. Single word Total 1 Silver 86 2 New 55 3 Email 35 4 Live 32 5 Service 31 KR newspaper No. Single word Total 1 Daily 167 2 New 47 3 Service 26 4 Silver 20 28 5 Cash 19 Feature

There were 117 single words code-switching found in Bernas newspaper, 486 single words code-switching found in Harjo newspaper and ninety-eight single words code-switching found in KR newspaper. The total single words code- switching from those three local newspapers were 701. Next, there were found five most frequents single word code-switching from Bernas newspaper or Harjo newspaper and four most frequents single word code-switching from KR newspaper. In fact, the words netbook was the most frequent single word code- switching with twenty total numbers. It was followed by word gadget with fourteen total numbers, notebook with thirteen total numbers, franchisor with twelve total numbers and data or transfer with eleven total numbers. Table 4.5: The Most Frequents Single Word Code-switching in Feature Bernas newspaper No. Single word Total 1 Transfer 11 2 Menu 10 3 Event 6 4 Non 5 5 Sunset 4 Harjo newspaper No. Single word Total 1 Netbook 20 2 Gadget 14 3 Notebook 13 4 Franchisor 12 5 Data 11 KR newspaper No. Single Word Total 29 1 Franchise 4 2 Game 3 3 Erase 2 4 Developer 1 Fiction

There were twelve single words code-switching found in Harjo newspaper and two single words code-switching found in KR newspaper. The total single words code-switching from those three local newspapers were fourteen total numbers. Next, there were found three most frequents single word code-switching from Harjo newspaper and one most frequent single word code-switching from KR newspaper. The words lady was the most frequent single word code-switching with eight total numbers. It was followed by words senior with two total numbers and motto or plus with one total number. Table 4.6: The Most Frequents Single Word Code-switching in Fiction Harjo newspaper No. Single word Total 1 Lady 8 2 Senior 2 3 Plus 1 KR newspaper No. Single word Total 1 Motto 1 News

There were 772 single words code-switching found in Bernas newspaper, 1039 single words code-switching found in Harjo newspaper and 915 single 30 words code-switching found in KR newspaper. The total single words code- switching from those three local newspapers were 2726. Next, there were found five most frequents single word code-switching from each of the local newspaper. The words unit from KR newspaper was the most frequent single word code-switching with forty-eight total numbers. It was followed by words unit from Bernas newspaper and Harjo newspaper with thirty-five total numbers, global with thirty-three total numbers, plus with twenty-six total numbers and program from Harjo newspaper and KR newspaper with twenty-five total numbers. Table 4.7: The Most Frequents Single Word Code-switching in News Bernas newspaper No. Single word Total 1 Unit 35 2 Set 17 3 Program 15 4 Hotel 14 5 Reagent 13 Harjo newspaper No. Single word Total 1 Unit 35 2 Global 33 3 Program 25 4 Striker 21 5 Film 19 KR newspaper No. Single word Total 1 Unit 48 2 Plus 26 3 Program 25 4 Global 23 5 Workshop 22 Opinion

31 There were 300 single words code-switching found in Bernas newspaper, 484 single words code-switching found in Harjo newspaper and 412 single words code-switching found in KR newspaper. The total single words code-switching from those three local newspapers were 1196. Next, there were found five most frequents single word code-switching from each of the local newspaper. In fact, the word global was the most frequent single word code-switching with twenty-two total numbers. It was followed by word program with sixteen total numbers, tower or global with fourteen total numbers, program with thirteen total numbers and bank with twelve total numbers. Table 4.8: The Most Frequents Single Word Code-switching in Opinion Bernas newspaper No. Single word Total 1 Event 11 2 Guide 8 3 Workshop 7 4 Image 5 5 Master 4 Harjo newspaper No. Single word Total 1 Global 22 2 Program 16 3 Tower 14 4 Bank 12 5 Event 11 KR newspaper No. Single word Total 1 Global 14 2 Program 13 3 Event 10 4 Internal 9 5 Elite 8 32

4.1.3 Phrase Code-switching

The third type of code-switching was phrase code-switching. It mostly occurred in advertisement category with 1509 total numbers. There were 2113 occurrences in Bernas, 2170 occurrences in Harjo and 2182 occurrences in KR. The total number of phrase code-switching in those three local newspapers was 6465 code-switching. Table 4.9: The Total Numbers of Phrase Code-switching Categories Newspapers Advertisement Feature Fiction News Opinion Bernas 1509 71 - 369 164 Harjo 1033 315 9 562 251 KR 1318 40 1 558 265 Advertisement

There were 1509 phrases code-switching found in Bernas newspaper, 1033 phrases code-switching found in Harjo newspaper and 1318 phrases code- switching found in KR newspaper. The total phrases code-switching from those three local newspapers were 3860. Next, there were found five most frequents phrase code-switching from each of the local newspapers. In fact, phrase code- switching headline news was the most frequent phrase code-switching with 141 total numbers. It was followed by phrase code-switching spare part with forty- nine total numbers, all type with thirty-four total numbers, all new with thirty-two total numbers and tune up with thirty-one total numbers. Table 4.10: The Most Frequents Phrase Code-switching in Advertisement 33 Bernas newspaper No. Phrase Total 1 Spare part 49 2 All type 34 3 Tune up 31 4 Hotline 27 5 Sport center 26 Harjo newspaper No. Phrase Total 1 Headline news 141 2 All new 32 3 Live news 22 4 Magnet game 18 5 Ready stock 14 KR newspaper No. Phrase Total 1 All new 21 2 Car rental 14 3 Hotline 13 4 Folding gate 11 5 Contact person 10 Feature

There were seventy-one phrases code-switching found in Bernas newspaper, 315 phrases code-switching found in Harjo newspaper and forty phrases code-switching found in KR. The total phrases code-switching from those three local newspapers were 426. Next, there were found five most frequents phrase code-switching from Harjo newspaper, four most frequents phrase code- switching from Bernas newspaper and three most frequents phrase code-switching from KR newspaper. In fact, phrase code-switching cowmad was the most frequent phrase code- switching with fourteen total numbers. It was followed by phrase code-switching cyber-shot with ten total numbers, web hosting with seven total numbers, law of 34 attraction with six total numbers and building operate, hard drive, grand master with four total numbers. Table 4.11: The Most Frequents Phrase Code-switching in Feature Bernas newspaper No. Phrase Total 1 Build operate 4 2 Beef stock 3 3 Paper cup 2 4 Birthday event 1 Harjo newspaper No. Phrase Total 1 Cowmad 14 2 Cyber-shot 10 3 Web hosting 7 4 Law of attraction 6 5 Hard drive 4 Continued to page 34 Continued from page 33 KR newspaper No. Phrase Total 1 Grand master 4 2 Reflex time 2 3 Sound design 1 Fiction

There were nine phrases code-switching found in Harjo newspaper and one phrase code-switching found in KR newspaper. The total phrases code- switching from those three local newspapers were ten. Next, there were found two most frequents phrase code-switching from Harjo newspaper and one most frequent phrase code-switching from KR newspaper. Phrase code-switching push up was the most frequent phrase code-switching with six total numbers. It was 35 followed by phrase code-switching debt collectors and cleaning service with one total numbers. Table 4.12: The Most Frequents Phrase Code-switching in Fiction Harjo newspaper No. Phrase Total 1 Push up 6 2 Debt collector 1 KR newspaper No. Phrase Total 1 Cleaning service 1 News

There were 369 phrases code-switching found in Bernas newspaper, 562 phrases code-switching found in Harjo newspaper and 558 phrases code- switching found in KR newspaper. The total phrases code-switching from those three local newspapers were 1489. Next, there were found five most frequents phrase code-switching from each of the local newspaper. In fact, phrase code-switching suspect flu and safety riding were the most frequent phrase code-switching with nine total numbers. It was followed by phrase code-switching valentine’s day with eight total numbers, all star with seven total numbers, valentine day or mobile wallet with six total numbers and talk show with five total numbers. Table 4.13: The Most Frequents Phrase Code-switching in News Bernas newspaper No. Phrase Total 1 Mobile wallet 6 2 Talk show 5 3 Fashion show 4 36 4 Runner up 3 5 Body painting 2 Harjo newspaper No. Phrase Total 1 Suspect flu 9 2 Valentine’s day 8 3 All star 7 4 Slam dunk 5 5 Parents education 4 KR newspaper No. Phrase Total 1 Safety riding 9 2 Valentine day 6 3 Career days 4 4 Speech contest 3 5 Fun games 2 Opinion

There were 164 phrases code-switching found in Bernas newspaper, 251 phrases code-switching found in Harjo newspaper and 265 phrases code- switching found in KR newspaper. The total phrases code-switching from those three local newspapers were 680. Next, there were found five most frequents phrase code-switching from Bernas newspaper or KR newspaper and four most frequents phrase code-switching in Harjo newspaper. In fact, phrase code-switching all England was the most frequent phrase code-switching with eight total numbers. It was followed by phrase code- 37 switching money politics with five total numbers, fresh graduate, head of corporate communication, sand stone with four total numbers, dream girls, study tour, smart power with three total numbers and pilot project, call center, long line with two total numbers. Table 4.14: The Most Frequents Phrase Code-switching in Opinion Bernas newspaper No. Phrase Total 1 All England 8 2 Fresh graduate 4 3 Dream girls 3 4 Pilot project 2 5 Public figure 1 Harjo newspaper No. Phrase Total 1 Head of corporate communication 4 2 Study tour 3 3 Call center 2 4 Added value 1 Continued to page 37 Continued from page 36 KR newspaper No. Phrase Total 1 Money politics 5 2 Sand stone 4 3 Smart power 3 4 Long line 2 5 Off air 1

4.1.4 Clause Code-switching

The next type of code-switching from the whole data was clause code- switching. Clause code-switching could be dependent and independent clause. 38 There were fifty-three clauses code-switching in Bernas, thirty-two clauses code- switching in Harjo and sixty-seven clauses code-switching in KR. The total number of clause code-switching in those three local newspapers was 152 code- clauses switching. The writer provided table 4.15 to present the number of clause code-switching in every category. Table 4.15: The Total Numbers of Clause Code-switching Categories Newspapers Advertisement Feature Fiction News Opinion Bernas 40 4 - 6 3 Harjo 14 2 - 8 8 KR 40 1 - 20 6 Advertisement

There were forty clauses code-switching found in Bernas newspaper, fourteen clauses code-switching found in Harjo newspaper and forty clauses code-switching found in KR newspaper. The total clauses code-switching from those three local newspapers were ninety-four. Next, there were found five most frequents clause code-switching from Bernas newspaper, four most frequents clause code-switching in KR newspaper and three most frequents in Harjo newspaper. Clause code-switching call me was the most frequent clause with eight total numbers. It was followed by clause code-switching never compromise with seven total numbers, directed by, I love with five total numbers, set film and shooting start present, service hardware with four total numbers and service all damage, supported by with three total numbers. 39 Table 4.16: The Most Frequents Clause Code-switching in Advertisement Bernas newspaper No. Clause Total 1 …Call me… 8 2 …Never compromise… 7 3 …Directed by… 5 4 …Set film and shooting star present… 4 5 …Service all damage… 3 Harjo newspaper No. Clause Total 1 …Service hardware… 4 2 …Service special book… 2 3 …Things to try before die… 1 KR newspaper No. Clause Total 1 …I love… 5 2 …Supported by… 3 3 …Join us… 2 4 …Gone wrong… 1 Feature There were four clauses code-switching found in Bernas newspaper, two clauses code-switching found in Harjo newspaper and one clause code-switching found in KR newspaper. The total clauses code-switching from those three local newspapers were seven. Next, there were found two most frequents clause code- switching from Bernas newspaper and one most frequent clause code-switching from KR newspaper or Harjo newspaper. Clause code-switching go international was the most frequent clause with three total numbers. It was followed by clause code-switching comes with music with two total numbers and I wanna make my dream come true, making love with one total number. Table 4.17: The Most Frequents Clause Code-switching in Feature 40 Bernas newspaper No. Clause Total 1 …Go international… 3 2 …I wanna make my dream come true… 1 Harjo newspaper No. Clause Total 1 …Comes with music… 2 KR newspaper No. Clause Total 1 …Making love… 1 News There were six clauses code-switching found in Bernas newspaper, eight clauses code-switching found in Harjo newspaper and twenty clauses code- switching found in KR newspaper. The total clauses code-switching from those three local newspapers were thirty-four. Next, there were found two most frequents clause code-switching from Harjo newspaper or KR newspaper and one most frequent clause code-switching from Bernas newspaper. Clause code-switching I’m in love, Britama goes to mall Bank BRI were the most frequent clause code-switching with two total numbers. It was followed by clause code-switching hi, how are you, meet to hare, save nature with one total number. Table 4.18: The Most Frequents Clause Code-switching in News Bernas newspaper No. Clause Total 1 …Hi, how are you… 1 Harjo newspaper No. Clause Total 1 …I’m in love… 2 2 …Meet to hare… 1 KR newspaper No. Clause Total 41 1 …BRITAMA goes to mall bank BRI… 2 2 …Save nature… 1 Opinion There were three clauses code-switching found in Bernas newspaper, eight clauses code-switching found in Harjo newspaper and six clauses code-switching found in KR newspaper. The total clauses code-switching from those three local newspapers were seventeen. Next, there were found two most frequents clause code-switching from Harjo newspaper and one most frequent clause code-switching from Bernas newspaper and KR newspaper. Clause code-switching I’m in love was the most frequent clause code-switching with two total numbers. It was followed by clause code-switching to inform, take over, it’s beautiful with one total number. Table 4.19: The Most Frequents Clause Code-switching in Opinion Bernas newspaper No. Clause Total 1 …To inform… 1 Harjo newspaper No. Clause Total 1 …I’m in love… 2 2 …Take over… 1 KR newspaper No. Clause Total 1 …It’s beautiful… 1 4.1.5 Whole Sentence Code-switching 42 The next type of code-switching was whole sentence code-switching. A sentence can be a statement, question or command. There were seventy-four whole sentences code-switching in Bernas, forty-one whole sentences code- switching in Harjo and twenty-five whole sentences code-switching in KR. The total number of whole sentence code-switching from those three local newspapers was 140 whole sentences code-switching. The writer provided table 4.20 to present the total number of whole sentence code-switching in every category. Table 4.20: The Total Numbers of Whole Sentence Code-switching Categories Newspapers Advertisement Feature Fiction News Opinion Bernas 73 - - 1 - Harjo 29 1 - 5 6 KR 21 - - 2 2 Advertisement

There were seventy-three whole sentences code-switching found in Bernas newspaper, twenty-nine whole sentences code-switching found in Harjo newspaper and twenty-one whole sentences code-switching found in KR newspaper. The total whole sentences code-switching from those three local newspapers were 123. Next, there were found five most frequents whole sentence code-switching from Bernas newspaper or Harjo newspaper and two most frequents whole sentence code-switching from KR newspaper. The example of whole sentence code-switching “Excellence will be tolerated.” was the most frequent whole sentence code-switching with sixteen total numbers. It was followed by whole sentence code-switching “Perfection is 43 our goal.” with thirteen total numbers, “You deserve the best at”, ”Perfection is our goal.” from Harjo newspaper with seven total numbers, “It’s okay.”, ”Excellence will be tolerated.” from Harjo newspaper with six total numbers and “Escape is the only option.” , ”Be silence be cool.”, ”The all fun you can get.” with two total numbers. Table 4.21: The Most Frequents Whole Sentence Code-switching in Advertisement Bernas newspaper No. Whole sentence Total 1 Excellence will be tolerated. 16 2 Perfection is our goal. 13 3 You deserve the best at. 7 4 It’s okay. 6 5 Escape is the only option. 2 Harjo newspaper No. Whole sentence Total 1 Perfection is our goal. 7 2 Excellence will be tolerated. 6 3 You deserve the best at… 3 4 Be silence…be cool… 2 5 I can see clearly now. 1 KR newspaper No. Whole sentence Total 1 The all fun you can get. 2 2 We spot your talent. 1 Feature

There was only one whole sentence code-switching found in Harjo newspaper, namely “Share your love with.”. The total whole sentence code- switching from those three local newspapers was one. It became the most frequent whole sentence code-switching in Harjo newspaper. Table 4.22: The Most Frequents Whole Sentence Code-switching in Feature Harjo newspaper No. Whole sentence Total 1 Share your love with. 1 44 News

There were one whole sentence code-switching found in Bernas newspaper, five whole sentences code-switching found in Harjo newspaper and two whole sentences code-switching found in KR newspaper. The total whole sentences code-switching from those three local newspapers were eight. Next, there was found one most frequent whole sentence code-switching from Bernas newspaper, Harjo newspaper and KR newspaper. Whole sentences code-switching “Library is the heart of university.” , ”They’ll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill.”, ”Sorry, no love for today.” were the most frequent whole sentence code-switching with one total number in each of local newspaper. Table 4.23: The Most Frequents Whole Sentence Code-switching in News Bernas newspaper No. Whole sentence Total 1 Library is the heart of university. 1 Continue to page 44 Continue from page 43 Harjo newspaper No. Whole sentence Total 1 They’ll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill. 1 KR newspaper No. Whole sentence Total 1 Sorry, no love for today. 1 Opinion

45 There were six whole sentences code-switching found in Harjo newspaper and two whole sentences code-switching found in KR newspaper. The total whole sentences code-switching from those three local newspapers were eight. Next, there was found one most frequent whole sentence code-switching from Harjo newspaper and KR newspaper. “I love you.” was the most frequent whole sentence code-switching with one total number in Harjo newspaper. ”Save our earth.” was the most frequent whole sentence code-switching with one total number in KR newspaper. Table 4.24: The Most Frequents Whole Sentence Code-switching in Opinion Harjo newspaper No. Whole sentence Total 1 I love you. 1 KR newspaper No. Whole sentence Total 1 Save our earth… 1

4.1.6 Integrated Loanword Code-switching

Integrated loanword code-switching was the last type of code-switching in those three local newspapers. A morpheme sometimes is used with a word from other language. It is called integrated loanword code-switching. There were eighty-three integrated loanwords code-switching from Bernas, 175 integrated loanwords code-switching from Harjo and 143 integrated loanwords code- 46 switching from KR. The total number of integrated loanword code-switching from those three local newspapers was 401 integrated loanwords code-switching. Table 4.25: The Total Numbers of Integrated Loanword Code-switching Categories Newspapers Advertisement Feature Fiction News Opinion Bernas 5 4 - 43 31 Harjo 14 24 - 83 54 KR 18 8 - 69 48 Advertisement

There were five integrated loanwords code-switching found in Bernas newspaper, fourteen integrated loanwords code-switching found in Harjo newspaper and eighteen integrated loanwords code-switching found in KR newspaper. The total integrated loanword code-switching from those three local newspapers were thirty-seven. Next, there were found four most frequents integrated loanword code- switching from Harjo newspaper, two most frequents integrated loanword code- switching from KR newspaper and one most frequent integrated loanword code- switching from Bernas newspaper. Ke email was the most frequent integrated loanword code-switching with five total numbers. It was followed by integrated loanword code-switching mengedit with three total numbers, direntalkan, ditraining with two total numbers and ditransfer, ke rekrutmen, hit single-nya with one total number. Table 4.26: The Most Frequents Integrated Loanword Code-switching in Advertisement 47 Bernas newspaper No. Integrated loanword code-switching Total 1 Di transfer 1 Harjo newspaper No. Integrated loanword code-switching Total 1 Ke email 5 2 Meng edit 3 3 Di rentalkan 2 4 Ke rekrutmen 1 KR newspaper No. Integrated loanword code-switching Total 1 Di training 2 2 Hits single-nya 1 Feature

There were four integrated loanwords code-switching found in Bernas newspaper, twenty-four integrated loanwords code-switching found in Harjo newspaper and eight integrated loanwords code-switching found in KR newspaper. The total integrated loanwords code-switching from those three local newspapers were thirty-six. Next, there were found two most frequents integrated loanword code- switching from Bernas newspaper, two most frequents integrated loanword code- switching from Harjo newspaper and one most frequent integrated loanword code-switching from KR newspaper. Bervolume, diupgrade were the most frequents integrated loanword code-switching with two total numbers. It was followed by mengorganizer, di follow up, mendetail with one total number. Table 4.27: The Most Frequents Integrated Loanword Code-switching in Feature Bernas newspaper No. Integrated loanword code-switching Total 1 Ber volume 2 2 Meng organizer 1 48 Harjo newspaper No. Integrated loanword code-switching Total 1 Di upgrade 2 2 Di follow up 1 KR newspaper No. Integrated loanword code-switching Total 1 MEN DETAIL 1 News

There were forty-three integrated loanwords code-switching found in Bernas newspaper, eighty-three integrated loanwords code-switching found in Harjo newspaper and sixty-nine integrated loanwords code-switching found in KR newspaper. The total integrated loanword code-switching from those three local newspapers were 195. Next, there were found four most frequents integrated loanwords code-switching from Bernas, Harjo and KR newspaper. Di leg, ke final were the most frequent integrated loanword code- switching with five total numbers. It was followed by integrated loanword code- switching bercover with four total numbers, internetan, per unit, di internet with three total numbers, mengcover, mendownload, di stand with two total numbers and disupport, men-delete, mem-backup with one total number. Table 4.28: The Most Frequents Integrated Loanword Code- switching in News Bernas newspaper No. Integrated loanword code-switching Total 1 Ber cover 4 2 Internetan 3 3 Meng cover 2 4 Di support 1 Harjo newspaper No. Integrated loanword code-switching Total 1 Di leg 5 49 2 Per unit 3 3 Men download 2 4 Men -delete 1 KR newspaper No. Integrated loanword code-switching Total 1 Ke final 5 2 Di internet 3 3 Di stand 2 4 Mem -backup 1 Opinion

There were thirty-one integrated loanwords code-switching found in Bernas newspaper, fifty-four integrated loanwords code-switching found in Harjo newspaper and forty-eight integrated loanwords code-switching found in KR newspaper. The total integrated loanword code-switching from those three local newspapers were 133. Next, there were found four most frequents integrated loanword code-switching from Bernas newspaper, Harjo newspaper and KR newspaper. Membackup was the most frequent integrated loanword code-switching with five total numbers. It was followed by integrated loanword code-switching internetan , di area with four total numbers, dioptimalkan, dileg, di era with three total numbers, ditargetkan, di level, mendisplay with two total numbers and draftnya, trademark-nya, di packing, with one total number. Table 4.29: The Most Frequents Integrated Loanword Code-switching in Opinion Bernas newspaper No. Integrated loanword code-switching Total 1 Internetan 4 2 Di optimalkan 3 50 3 Di targetkan 2 4 Draftnya 1 Harjo newspaper No. Integrated loanword code-switching Total 1 Di area 4 2 Di leg 3 3 Di level 2 4 Trademark-nya 1 KR newspaper No. Integrated loanword code-switching Total 1 Mem backup 5 2 Di era 3 3 Men display 2 4 Di packing 1 The writer concluded that single word code-switching was the most frequent type of code-switching in local newspapers with 11.426 total numbers. Single word code-switching was the simplest type of code-switching. It was easier to use than other types. However, single word code-switching was the shortest code-switching. The users did not need to deal with grammar. Spelling was the only consideration. Basically, the position of an English word was just the same whether it was put in English sentence or Indonesian sentence. Therefore the code-switching users preferred to use single word than other type of code- switching. Diglossic code-switching was the least frequent type of code-switching in local newspapers with only three total numbers. Diglossic code-switching was the most complicated code-switching. It needed the high quality of grammar understanding from the users. Besides, diglossic code-switching was too difficult to understand for those who did not have the background English, namely for the readers. 51

4.2 The Reason for Code-switching