The Reason for Code-switching


4.2 The Reason for Code-switching

Poedjosoedarmo 1975 stated that there were eight reasons code- switching could appear. They were: The speaker quotes from other language, the speaker talks with the different interlocutors, there is a third person, there is a certain purpose from the speaker, the speaker is on the stage, the effect of topic discussion, the effect of the first sentence, the effect of conversation speaking situation. The writer adopted this theory to find the reasons why code-switching appeared in local newspapers. Sometimes, the writers of the articles had to quote the real elements from the different language to bring the real message to the readers. The other purpose was to give the actual sense when the readers heard sentence or clause in other language. Otherwise, the writers of the articles wanted to honor the first speakerswriters of the sentence. The writer found 344 cases of code-switching that were appropriate with reason number one. Table 4.30: The Examples of the First Code-switching Reason Number The writer of the articles quoted from other English elements 1 City of Ember Escape is the only option 2 Jay black dan Frederick c. Whitney 1988 seperti yang dikutip Nurdin 2007 antara lain 1 to inform menginformasikan 2 to entertain memberi hiburan 3 to persuade membujuk dan 4 transmission culture transmisi budaya 3 Sapaan , “Hi kids how are you today?” kepada murid SD Babarsari dan semua pesan untuk belajar rajin, disiplin agar menjadi orang yang berguna adalah sapaan dan pesan kepada 52 semua murid sekolah di dunia. At times, the writer of the articles the interviewerthe respondent should speak with the native speaker from England or other country and suddenly heshe should speak with the Indonesian people. This happened too fast so that the speaker switched his language both intentionally and unintentionally. In the local newspapers’ case, the writers of the articles should consider the readers who came from many places in the world. English is the international language so that English code-switching often appeared in their articles. The writer found 314 cases of code-switching that were appropriate with reason number two. Table 4.31: The Examples of the Second Code-switching Reason Number The interviewerrespondent talked with the different interlocutor 1 Hot line service : 021-70288046021-8319365 2 Authorized Money Changer Kurs Bank Note 3 “Kamu tahu friend, saya masih cinta Sleman Code-switching often appeared when there were two persons talk, and then the third person suddenly joins with them. The third person had the different background of language use. As a result, the two persons should switch some of the codes. In the local newspapers, there was no conversation between three or more persons. The writer only found the conversation between the interviewer and the respondent. In every conversation, there was only the respondent who spoke. Code-switching appeared when there was a certain purpose from the writer of the articles. Sometimes, the writer of the articles wanted to make the simpler 53 sentence. In advertisement category, the advertisers wanted to add the quality of his products or services so that the readers paid attention to the advertisement. Otherwise, the advertisers wanted to observe the readers ability in English. The writer found 11.422 cases of code-switching that were appropriate with reason number four. Table 4.32: The Examples of the Fourth Code-switching Reason Number There was a certain purpose from the writer of the articles 1 Namun ia drop out pada tahun 1976 2 Silentines’s New Da Vinci New DVD 0280 NK New DVC 80 1 R New DVD 80 RG New DVC 80 B uk.160 Silent Springbed HOTLINE : 0274-4362447 Ke email: TEXTILE TAILOR TERLENGKAP UP TO DATE WALLPAPER Lengkap PERFECTION IS OUR GOAL EXCELENCE WILL BE TOLERATED Continued to page 53 Continued from page 52 3 1. Urgently required A wellknown multinational company has a vacancy for the position of Product specialist 54 Requirement Male aged 28 years old Able to communicate in English Having some years of experience in sales Like travelling Preferable the citizen of Yogyakarta Remuneration: Basic salary Transport, meals, incentive Please send your application within this week to. The fifth reason was the conversation happened on the stage. It meant that the writers of the articles played a drama. They should act the difference characters. In the newspapers’ case, the writer of the articles made a fiction story. Therefore, it did not depend on the fact, but it came from the writer’s imagination. Code-switching sometimes was used to create the humor aspect fiction articles. The writer found twenty-three cases of code-switching that were appropriate with reason number five. Table 4.33: The Examples of the Fifth Code-switching Reason Number The writers of the articlesthe speaker were on the stage 1 Kelakuan Kang Karto yang punya profesi mentereng itu, tukang tagih utang, atau istilah kerennya debt collector, mau tak mau mengusik pria berpenampilan perlente di sebelahnya. 2 Karena cuek, Jeng Janeth melanjutkan ngrumpi dengan Lady Cempluk sambil menunggu si penjual. 3 Dengan wajah loyo setelah seharian dikerjain dengan berbagai tugas plus bentakan-bentakan dan hukuman senior Den Baguse melangkah keluar kampus Next, code-switching appeared when the writers of the articles talked certain topic discussion. The topic which came from abroad could influence the speakers to apply code-switching. They received some English patterns that they 55 did not know in Indonesian language. Finally, those patterns existed in their conversation. The writer found 4.369 cases of code-switching that were appropriate with reason number six. Table 4.34: The Examples of the Sixth Code-switching Reason Number The effect of topic discussion 1 HARI Kasih Sayang atau populer dengan sebutan Valentine’s Day bukan monopoli anak muda. 2 Yao Ming mampu menjadi yang terbaik mencetak 20 poin, 3 assist dan 12 rebound 3 Secara teknis ada 4 hal yang mendapat perhatian, adalah: 1 Visibility V yaitu jumlah tautan eksternal yang diterima dari situs lain, 2 Size S yaitu jumlah halaman yang ditemukan dari empat mesin pencari: Google, Yahoo, Live Search dan Exalead, 3 Rich Files R yaitu volume file yang ada di situs perguruan tinggi bersangkutan yang dinilai layak masuk penilaian dan Scholar Sc yaitu ketersediaan tulisan-tulisan ilmiah scientific paper dan kutipan-kutipan citation di dunia akademik. Afterward, the first sentence could influence the next sentence to use code- switching. If the writers applied code-switching in the first sentence, it would influence them to apply code-switching in their next sentence because there should be correlation content between the first and the next sentence. The writer found 1386 cases of code-switching that were appropriate with reason number seven. Table 4.35: The Examples of the Seventh Code-Switching Reason Number The effect of the first sentence 56 1 SCUA di Jogja membuka kelas basic, kelas intermediate dan kelas advance yang masing-masing kelas berlangsung 3 bulan. Sementara biaya untuk kelas basic Rp 80 ribubulan, kelas intermediate Rp 100 bulan dan kelas advance Rp 120 ribu bulan 2 Striker baru yang menjadi incaran manajemen tim yang berjuluk Macan Putih tersebut, Barnadi enggan menyebutnya. Keputusan mendatangkan striker tersebut, karena selain memiliki ketrampilan di atas rata-rata, harga penyerang asal Afrika tersebut relatif murah. Kebutuhan striker ini juga terkait dengan minimnya stok pemain depan Persik 3 Kepala Bagian Kesra Kabupaten Gunungkidul Drs. H. Samin Fauzi yang dikonfirmasi KR, Senin 162 menyatakan saat ini data by name keluarga miskin di Gunungkidul belum dikirim oleh BPS Pusat. Tetapi pada akhir tahun terjadi perubahan lagi, namun jumlah pastinya masih menunggu data by name. The effect of conversation speaking situation could influence the speakerswriters of the articles to apply code-switching. For example, the respondent talked in a workshop or in front of the media. Code-switching was used to reach all the interlocutors so that the message could be understood. Besides, English was more prestigious to show the formality characteristic. The speakersthe writers of the articles often applied code-switching when they communicated with the same competence people so that they were sure that the interlocutors could understand. The writer found 738 cases of code-switching that were appropriate with the reason number eight. Table 4.36: The Examples of the Eighth Code-switching Reason Number The effect of conversation speaking situation 57 1 “Seandainya menolak, ya tetap kalah devoting, karena DPD semuanya setuju mengusung capres” terang Rukmana 2 He’s the best,” katanya saat menjadi panelis dialog Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia dengan Partai Golkar di Hotel Four Seasons Jakarta, Senin 162. 3 Ketegasan sikapnya yang menolak keras money politic.

4.3 The Implication of Code-switching