Research Participants Research Instrument

18 done. The purpose was to find the reason why code-switching was used by the writer of the articles in the newspapers. Bungis 2007: 68-69 explains that descriptive study involved an in-depth exploration of the object being studied. The research was a descriptive research because besides analyzing about the types of code-switching, this research also analyzed the reasons why code-switching could exist in local newspapers. Therefore, the writer should analyze code-switching based on the theories of descriptive research. Leedy and Ormrod 2005: 142 state that: A content analysis is a detailed and systematic examination of the contents of a particular body of material for the purpose of identifying patterns, theme, or biases. Content analyses are typically performed on forms of human communication , including books, newspapers, films, television, art, music, videotapes of human interactions, and transcripts of conversations. The research belonged to content or document analysis because this research gave the detail identification about the pattern of code-switching. The contents of identification were from the local newspapers as the media of communication in Yogyakarta. Therefore, document or content analysis was the most appropriate specific method from qualitative research to be applied in this research.

3.2 Research Participants

The writer chose three kinds of local newspapers, namely: Kedaulatan Rakyat newspaper KR, Berita Nasional newspaper BERNAS and Harian Jogja newspaper HARJO. As the writer stated in chapter I, every newspaper can sell their product between 25.000 until 150.000 items everyday. The writer concluded that those newspapers are popular in Yogyakarta society. 19 In those newspapers, the writer found many combinations of English elements and Indonesian language elements usage. It meant that code-switching always exists in those newspapers. The writer chose seven editions from each of the newspaper to answer the research questions. It was started at 16 th February 2009 until 22 nd of February 2009. From those seven editions, the writer could see the existence of code- switching during one week. The writer observed that there was always a repetition data each week. It meant that, there are more or less the same parts in Monday edition with other Monday edition, of course in the same item of newspaper.

3.3 Research Instrument

As it was stated in research method, the writer used qualitative research as the most appropriate method in this study. Therefore, the instrument was the writer himself. The writer was the person who applied the related theories to analyze the data. Merriam 2002: 5 says that: A second characteristic of all forms of qualitative research is that the researcher is the primary instrument for data collections and data analysis. Since understanding is the goal of this research, the human instrument, which is able to be immediately responsive and adaptive, would seem to be the ideal means of collecting and analyzing data. The writer conducted a library study which was a document analysis as instrument in this study. The writer collected the references to answer the second and third problem formulations. The writer analyzed the whole data based on the references to find out the possible reasons for using code-switching. Afterward, the references were also applied to find out the possible implication of code- switching towards English education in Indonesia. 20

3.4 Data Gathering Technique