Problem Formulation Problem Limitation Research Objectives

3 writer wants to know how far code-switching may influence English education in Indonesia. Local newspapers in Yogyakarta are read by every element of society, including the students. The use of code-switching in local newspapers will give the effect for them in learning English in school. The writer wants to know how far code-switching helps them in the understanding of English.

1.2 Problem Formulation

The writer limits the scope to make the research easy to do. The writer also makes the clear problems in order to get the clear result as the result of the research. In this research, the writer wants to answer three questions, namely: 1. What are types of code-switching found in Indonesian local newspapers? 2. What are the possible reasons for code-switching in Indonesian local newspapers? 3. What are the possible implications of code-switching in Indonesian local newspapers towards English education teachinglearning in Indonesia?

1.3 Problem Limitation

The writer chooses three kinds of local newspaper in Yogyakarta, namely Kedaulatan Rakyat newspaper KR, Berita Nasional newspaper BERNAS and Harian Jogja newspaper HARJO. These three newspapers are the most popular in Yogyakarta. Based on the circulation section, those three newspapers are able to sell their products between 150.000 until 25.000 newspapers everyday. 4 The writer takes seven editions in each of item. As a result, there are twenty-one newspapers which will be analyzed. Seven editions were taken from 16 th February 2009 until 22 nd February 2009. The writer chose to start at 16 th February 2009 because of the limitation of time and the sufficiency data. The writer decided to take seven editions from each of the item because each newspaper is published everyday. It means that there will be a repetition of topics every week. The topics in each day will be more or less same with the topic in the same days in the following weeks. The writer took the sample of the data in the third week of February 2009.

1.4 Research Objectives

In this research, there are three objectives to concern, namely: 1. To identify the types of code-switching in Indonesian local newspapers 2. To find out the possible reasons for code-switching in Indonesian local newspapers 3. To identify the possible implications of code-switching in Indonesian local newspapers towards English education in Indonesia.

1.5 Research Benefits