35 has taught some students from class 8A in the extracurricular activity from February – May, 2015. 4.1.2. Cycle 1 The researcher conducted the first cycle in two meetings on Wednesday, April 8 , 2015 and on Thursday, April 9, 2015. In this cycle, each meeting consisted of four steps: the planning, the action, the observation, and the reflection. In this step, the researcher prepared the lesson plan see Appendix 1 to conduct and control the material and the time allotment for two meetings in the first cycle. Therefore the researcher asked about the material from the teacher. The teacher gave recount text for the material that should be taught according to the syllabus. Next, the researcher consulted the lesson plan to the teacher before the researcher taught the lesson in the first meeting. The lesson plan had same format as the teacher‟s lesson plan. Action The researcher did the action step by teaching for two meetings on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 and on Thursday, April 9, 2015. In this step, the researcher taught the students by using the teacher‟s teaching style. The researcher knew the teacher‟s teaching style from the teacher‟s interview on Tuesday, April 7, 2015. Thus, the researcher taught the students by giving more explanation on 36 the recount text and by giving the reading text as the recount example, the handout, the worksheet, and the writing guidance, and also some pieces of paper for writing recount. In the first meeting of cycle 1, while the researcher entered the class with three observers, the English teacher greeted the students and introduced the researcher and the observers to the students. The researcher started the lesson by greeting the students to grab their attention. However, the students were still busy and they were not paying attention to the researcher. So, the researcher greeted the students again by raising her voice volume. Next the researcher showed several pictures about some tourism objects in Indonesia. The first picture was the mountain in Lombok. After showing the picture, the researcher asked the students whether they had already been to mountain. Then most of students raised their hands and the researcher asked several students about what mountain that they had visited before. Next, the researcher showed the picture of two tents near the mountain. Next, the researcher asked the students whether they had ever gone camping or not. Some of the students answered yes and some of the students started to lose their concentration especially for the girls. The girls were busy talking to the other girls and some others only kept silence. Next, the researcher showed the picture of the paddy field and a Pura in Bali. Then, the researcher asked the students who had ever been to Bali. Many students answered yes and they seemed excited about Bali. Since the students showed their excitement, the researcher asked some students about their experience while they were in Bali.