74 picture. In line with cycle 1 result, the researcher planned to use the realistic picture instead of using animation picture in the set induction section. Thus, the researcher prepared the picture, lesson plan, handout, and also worksheet for cycle 2. The second cycle was running well since there was the increasing between two questionnaire results from the total means score between cycle 1 and cycle 2 although the changes were not adequately convincing. It was stated so because the progression was below 5. In addition to this fact, the researcher tried to discrete the questionnaire result based on the writing proficiency, the use of picture and the students‟ engagement. After getting the result from those three parts from the questionnaire, the researcher also analyzed the result of each question to find more detail result. As a result the researcher found that the questionnaire result in cycle 1 received high score of students‟ perception. Most of the students agree with the questionnaire statements. Thus, the change of questionnaire result in cycle 2 represented higher score of students‟ perception on writing ability, the use of picture and also the students‟ engagement. Even though, the questionnaire was the main data of this research, the researcher was also found other result from the observers‟ report. They reported that the students were very interested and paid more attention in the pictures given by the researcher in cycle 2 . Besides, the other observers‟ report which indicated the increasing of students‟ engagement was from the interaction between students - teacher, the interaction between the students - students and the researcher in cycle 2. In the observation result, the observers discovered the improvement of 75 students‟ engagement based on the engagement indicators such as the students‟ enthusiasm and the students‟ highly spirited behavior after seeing the pictures, then when the students did the discussion based on the pictures showed. Moreover, the students were more engaged in the writing task assigned when they worked with their friends in groups. The researcher realized that the result of this research was not adequately convincing based on the change in questionnaire result between cycle 1 and cycle 2. However, after the reflection step of conducting classroom action research, the researcher found that there were many factors in this research that made the result such as the time limitation, the changes of the school which affected the changes of the students as the sample and also the topic of this research and also the way the researcher gave the direction to the students to fulfill the questionnaire which made the slight differences change between cycle 1 and cycle 2. In conclusion, the researcher had conducted all research procedures, maintained all the research procedures such as looked for the students, arranged the meeting with the English teacher, arranged the permission letter from both university and from SMP PANGUDI LUHUR 1 YOGYAKARTA. Besides, the researcher had also made the research instrument along with the advisor guidance. Therefore the researcher did not only learn to write a thesis, but she also learned about taking the opportunity, taking risks and also conducted and reported the findings with the rules and regulation from the study program. 76

5.2 Recommendations

Based on the research findings, the use of picture was one appropriate technique to engage the students and helped them to make a better writing about recount text in class 8A SMP PANGUDI LUHUR 1 YOGYAKARTA. In connection with this, there are some suggestions for the English teacher and also for the future researcher who want to conduct the classroom action research with the similar topic. 1. For the English Teachers of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta It is suggested that the English teachers can conduct the research which emphasize the use of picture to increase the students‟ engagement in writing recount with some consideration. For example, the teachers should prepare the thematic picture and not an animation picture if the teacher wants to teach recount which explains about the past event. Since recount is related to some real events, so the students will be more engaged with the real picture. Besides, the teachers should consider the time allocation and be ready about some abruptly events from the school such as the celebration of Easter, Christmas and also the other events from the school. The teacher can also conduct the research with more meetings in each cycle. 2. For the Future Researchers The future researchers who want to conduct the similar topic like this research could use other attractive pictures which increase the students‟ engagement. The future researcher could also use other media to present the 77 pictures since the students in this digital era are having great attachment to the technology and they are having more knowledge about the technology. 78 REFERENCES Ary, D., Jacobs, L., Sorensen, C. 2010. Introduction to research in education 8 th ed.. Belmont: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Barkley, E. 2010. Student engagement techniques: A handbook for college faculty. Hoboken: Jossey-Bass. Boggs, R.1956. English step by step with pictures. New York: Latin American Institute Press, Inc. Brewster, J., Ellis, G., Girard, D. 2004. The primary E nglish teacher’s guide. Harlow: Penguin English. Brophy, J.E. 2004. Motivating students to learn. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Byrnes,J.P. 1996. Cognitive development and learning in instructional contexts. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Carr, W., Kemmis, S. 2002. Becoming critical. New York: Routledge. Cohen, L., Manion, L., Morrison, K. 2011. Research methods in education 7 th ed.. London: Routledge. Fraenkel, J., Hyun, H., Wallen, N. 2015. How to design and evaluate research in education 9 th ed.. New York: McGraw-Hill Education. Gall, M., Gall J., Borg, W. 2007. Educational research: An introduction 8 th ed.. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Gass, S.M., Selinker, L. 2001. Second language acquisition an introductory course 2 nd ed.. Mahwah,NJ: Erlbaum. Hyland, K. 2002. Teaching and researching writing. London: Pearson Educations. Hylan, M. 2008. Another 60 writing topics 5-7. Greenwood: R.I.S. Publications. Johnson, B., Christensen,L. 2012. Educational research quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches 4 th ed.. Los Angeles: Sage. Kreidler, C. 1968. Visual aids for teaching English to speakers of other languages. Washington: English Teaching Division, Information Center Service, United States Information Agency. Kress, G. 1994. Learning to write. London: Routledge.