Lesson Learned of A Study of Using Pictures to Increase the Students’

71 After doing two cycles, the researcher analyzed the questionnaire, the observation sheet, and also the students‟ work again, same as what the researcher did after conducting the first cycle. Then, the researcher came up with the reflection which conducted by analyzing the questionnaire result, the observation result and the students‟ writing score from both first and second cycle. The researcher found that the central tendency of the questionnaire result in the first cycle was 44.65 and for the second cycle was 45.08. This result showed that the change was successful but not significant. First, it was because of the time allotted given by the school authority. Therefore, the researcher could not continue the research after the time arrangement approved by the school in the beginning of the research. The second result was because the students‟ engagement in the first cycle was already high. This condition was not consistent with the condition in the preliminary study. On the other hand, the questionnaire result was also supported by observation result and students‟ writing score. From two other research instruments, the researcher summed up that the students made convincing changes related to their engagement which affect their writing ability from the improvement of their writing score in the second cycle. In conclusion, this research about the study of using pictures to increase students‟ engagement in writing recount was successful and made sufficient changes to students‟ engagement and writing proficiency. 72


In this chapter, the researcher presents the conclusions and recommendations from the research conducted. In the conclusion part, the researcher explains about the content of the thesis briefly. In the recommendations part, the researcher delivers the recommendations for the English teachers and for the future researchers who are going to conduct similar research.

5.1 Conclusions

This research was conducted in order to implement the study of using picture to increase students‟ engagement in writing recount for the students of class 8A in SMP PANGUDI LUHUR 1 YOGYAKARTA. The researcher made two problem formulations. Th e first was “what are the students‟ difficulties in writing recount text for the students” and the second problem was “how does the use of pictures implemented to improve students‟ engagement for writing recount”. The research instruments in this research were the observation sheet, semi structured interview, and questionnaire. The researcher was being helped by three observers who were also the eight semester students in English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. The researcher asked the English teacher for doing the interview before the researcher conducted the 73 research. In doing the observation, the researcher was also doing direct observation while teaching the students. There were two cycles in this research. The first cycle was conducted in two meetings, and for the second cycle was conducted in one meeting. From these two cycles, the researcher wanted to see the changes happened with the use of picture in writing recount text since the researcher was using picture in those two cycles with the different pictures. In the first cycle, the researcher used the animation picture and the real picture in order to give stimulus to the students before learning the material about recount. This activity was aimed to see the students‟ interest which could be one indicator of students‟ engagement. However in this cycle the students were less engaged with the use of pictures. In this cycle the students were noisy and busy talking with their friends. The students did not pay more attention to the researcher who taught them as the teacher. After giving the picture, the researcher did the teaching activity like what the English teacher usually did. In the end of cycle 1, the researcher asked for help from the students to fill the questionnaire which was related to the use of picture to increase the students‟ engagement in writing recount. After the researcher got the questionnaire result and the observation report from the observers, the researcher tried to find the other ways to solve the problem in cycle 2. Before conducting the second cycle, the researcher should find some other ways to increase the students‟ engagement in writing recount and still using 74 picture. In line with cycle 1 result, the researcher planned to use the realistic picture instead of using animation picture in the set induction section. Thus, the researcher prepared the picture, lesson plan, handout, and also worksheet for cycle 2. The second cycle was running well since there was the increasing between two questionnaire results from the total means score between cycle 1 and cycle 2 although the changes were not adequately convincing. It was stated so because the progression was below 5. In addition to this fact, the researcher tried to discrete the questionnaire result based on the writing proficiency, the use of picture and the students‟ engagement. After getting the result from those three parts from the questionnaire, the researcher also analyzed the result of each question to find more detail result. As a result the researcher found that the questionnaire result in cycle 1 received high score of students‟ perception. Most of the students agree with the questionnaire statements. Thus, the change of questionnaire result in cycle 2 represented higher score of students‟ perception on writing ability, the use of picture and also the students‟ engagement. Even though, the questionnaire was the main data of this research, the researcher was also found other result from the observers‟ report. They reported that the students were very interested and paid more attention in the pictures given by the researcher in cycle 2 . Besides, the other observers‟ report which indicated the increasing of students‟ engagement was from the interaction between students - teacher, the interaction between the students - students and the researcher in cycle 2. In the observation result, the observers discovered the improvement of