Qualitative Data Analysis Data Analysis Technique

33 Which is usually written as Figure 3.2: Simplified total mean score

3.6 Research Procedure

The research conducted in this thesis followed several procedures from the beginning of the research preparation until the end of the research. Below is the timeline of the research procedure. No Activities Date 1 Asking for permission to the headmaster of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta by giving the permission letter from the English Language Education Study Program April 7, 2015 2 Interview the English teacher as the preliminary study April 7, 2015 3 Cycle 1 Meeting 1 April 8, 2015 4 Cycle 1 Meeting 2 April 9, 2015 5 Cycle 2 Meeting 1 April 15, 2015 6 Analyze the data April – May, 2015 7 Writing the research report May – July, 2015 Table 3.2: Research timeline X N X = 34


In this chapter, the researcher presents the research result and the research discussion. The result and the discussion in this chapter is in the form of the explanation of several steps in the classroom action research. Furthermore, in this chapter, the researcher presents the answers from two research questions with the evidence from the research result.

4.1. The Implementation of the Use of Pictures to Increase the Students’

Engagement for Writing Recount in the Class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta Below are the explanations of the implementation of the use of pictures to improve the students‟ engagement for writing the recount text as the answer of the first research question. The implementation itself is in the form of two cycles of the classroom action research. 4.1.1. Preliminary Study The researcher did the preliminary study by interviewing the English teacher on Tuesday, April 7, 2015. Based on the interview result, the English teacher explained the situation of the class. Then, the English teacher talked about the difficulty of writing in her English class. The English teacher also explained her teaching style while teaching her students. Beside the interview, the researcher