26 observers, who help the researcher to observe the classroom situation, the students‟ engagement, the changing of both students‟ and teacher‟s behavior in the classroom.

3.4 Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

In conducting the research, the researcher employed certain research instruments to help the researcher collecting the data. The action researchers also develop other instruments or materials developed for their practice to measure student performance in either quantitative or qualitative ways Lodico, Spaulding, Voegtle, 2006. Therefore, the researcher had the autonomy to develop the research intruments. Therefore, the researcher would obtain several instruments such as the observation, the interview, the questionnaire, and also the achievement test. The first one is the observation form which has specific information in each point of the learning activities based on the lesson plan. Next, the researcher would employ the interview for the English teacher. Then, the researcher would utilize the questionnaire to see the students‟ perception. The researcher would also use the achievement tests for checking the students‟ understanding. In using the test method, the researcher would give one assignment to write recount text on each cycle to the students.

3.4.1. Observation

The researcher employed the naturalistic observation with the help of three observers. The naturalistic observation involves observing people in their natural 27 settings Fraenkel, Wallen, Hyun, 2015. Therefore, the researcher prepares the observation sheet to record the students and the teachers‟ activity in the learning and teaching process. Moreover, the distinctive feature of the observation as a research process that offers an investigat or the opportunity to gather „live‟ data from naturally occurring social situations Cohen, Manion, Morrison, 2011. In addition, when conducting the observations, the main goal is to gather the data which are accurate and naturalistic and, to the greatest extent possible, that reflect the reality of the situation as the participants see it Lodico, Spaulding, Voegtle, 2006. The researcher observed the interaction between all research participants in the learning and teaching process. Gall, Gall, and Borg 2007 illustrate that the observation allows the researchers to formulate their own version of what is occurring and then check it with the participants. In this thesis, the researcher created the observation sheets see Appendix C based on the activity planned in the lesson plan. Next, the observers would take notes about what happened in the class during the learning and teaching process. In this research, the use of the observation was to emphasize the data from the other instruments. Furthermore, Gall, Gall, and Borg 2007 state that the observations provide an additional source of data for verifying the information obtained by the other methods.

3.4.2. Interview

The second instrument in this research is the interview. Lodico, Spaulding, and Voegtle 2006 illustrate that an interview is basically a purposive conversation with a person or a group of persons. In addition, interviews consist