Questionnaire Instruments and Data Gathering Technique


3.4.5. Tests

The tests are commonly used in the quantitative research to measure the attitudes, the personality, the self – perceptions, the aptitude, and the performance of the research participants Johnson Christensen, 2012. The researcher employed the test to measure the students‟ writing ability. Moreover, the test in this research is the achievement test. The achievement, or the ability tests measure an individual‟s knowledge or skill in a given area or subject Fraenkel, Wallen, Hyun, 2015. Ary, Jacobs, and Sorensen 2010 state that the achievement tests measure the mastery and the proficiency in different areas of knowledge. The achievement tests present the subject with a standard series of questions involving the cognitive completion tasks. Therefore, in this research, the test aimed to measure the students‟ writing achievement on each cycle. The writing task was about the recount text which was r elated to the students‟ holiday and the students‟ past event experiences. In this test, the researcher modified a writing scoring rubric from the analytical scale for rating composition tasks from Brown and Bailey, 1984 related to the students ‟ achievement level and also related to the material presented in the lesson plan.

3.5. Data Analysis Technique

The study of this thesis is fundamentally qualitative and quantitative in its methods of data collection and analysis. The data from all instruments aim to capture the implementation of the use of pictures to increase the students‟ engagement in writing recount text for the students of class 8A in SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. Based on the data instruments, the researcher obtained two 31 major data analysis techniques. First was the qualitative data analysis for the observation, and the interview. Second was the descriptive statistics for the questionnaire and the students‟ writing achievement test.

3.5.1. Qualitative Data Analysis

The qualitative data analysis is determined by its merging of analysis and interpretation and often by the combination of data collection with data analysis in an iterative, back-and-forth process Cohen, Manion, Morrison, 2011. In addition, Cohen, Manion, and Morrison 2011 also state that the qualitative data analysis makes sense of data in terms of the participants‟ definitions of the situation, the noting patterns, the themes, the categories and the regularities. The researcher employed a narrative discourse as the data analysis from the interview and the observation. Cohen, Manion, and Morrison 2011 illustrate that a narrative analysis reports the personal experiences or the observations. Then, a narrative discourse brings the original insights to the familiar situations. Thus, in this research, the researcher analyzed the interview and the observation by interpreting the English teacher utterances in the interview, and also adding the additional notes from three observers to find the bigger picture of the findings. Furthermore, a narrative discourse is strongly interpretative, with meanings constructed through the observations and the language. However, sometimes it is difficult to divide the facts from the observations Cohen, Manion, Morrison, 2011. 32

3.5.2. Descriptive Statistics

The major advantage of descriptive statistics is that they allow the researcher to demonstrate the information contained in many scores with just a few indices, such as the mean and the median Fraenkel, Wallen, Hyun, 2015. In this data analysis, the researcher employed the questionnaire result and the students ‟ writing achievement result with the measures of the central tendency. Measures of central tendency or averages is a convenient way of reviewing data to find a single index that can represent a whole set of measures Ary, Jacobs, Sorensen, 2010. Moreover, the central tendency of a series of scores is the way in which they tend to gather round the middle of a set of scores, or where the majority of scores are located Cohen, Manion, Morrison, 2011. The central tendency consists of three set of scores; means, modes and medians. The researcher only applied the total mean score from the questionnaire and the students‟ writing achievement result. The mean is the sum of all the scores in a distribution divided by the number of cases, in terms of a formula, it is: Figure 3.1: Total mean score X 1 +X 2 +X 3 + … + Xn N X =