Research Problem Problem Limitation



In this chapter, the researcher presents the theories which are used in conducting this research. This chapter consists of two parts. The first part is the Theoretical Review and the second part is the Theoretical Framework.

A. Theoretical Review

In this section, the researcher discusses the theories which are relevant to this study. There are the technology-based learning TBL, gamification, listening skill, and students‟ motivation.

1. Technology-Based Learning TBL

According to Social Policy Research Associates SPRA, n.d., technology- based learning TBL in the early 21 st century is “transforming the way people learn at a time when two powerful trends converge.” Those two powerful trends are “the rapid acceleration of technological change and the demands that this change places on education and workforce training” SPRA, n.d.. Because of the encounter of those two powerful trends, the learning activities also change. In addition, TBL is also defined as “the learning of content via all electronic technology, including the Internet, intranets, satellite broadcasts, audio and video tape, video and audio conferencing, Internet conferencing, chat rooms, e-bulletin boards, webcasts, computer-based instructions, and CD-ROM ” American Society for Training and Development ASTD, 2005. 8 TBL also have other terms for instance online learning, web-based learning, and computer-based learning. In this case, TBL is the same with e- learning. Because of TBL encompasses other learning method, TBL becomes the umbrella term of multiple delivery modes and methods SPRA, n.d.. Moreover, TBL can be synchronous and asynchronous. Synchronous means the material is delivered when the instructors and learners meet in the specific time in a physical or virtual meeting. Meanwhile, asynchronous means the learning process does not occur at a specific time and is not linked to a specific learning event. It allows learner to begin the course when they are ready and the progress of their learning will be based on their own time and ability. a. The Benefits of TBL TBL have numerous benefits in comparison with face-to-face learning. According to SPRA n.d. there are four primary benefits of TBL. First of all, the excellence of TBL is its accessibility. In this case, TBL facilitates learners anytime and anywhere. Therefore, learners do not need to wait until the beginning of the semester. This is also flexible for those who have many to-do schedules. They can manage their time which can be day or night to fulfill the requirements of a course. TBL helps learners who have problem with transportation. In fact, for learners with a laptop, “TBL can be access from anywhere in the world where there is Internet access” Twigg, 1995. The second benefit of TBL is the self-paced learning. It is matched to the learner ‟s needs. TBL allows learners to understand the course content based on

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