Research and Information Collecting

47 In the interview, the researcher also found that the lecturer did not give listening assignment for the students. The assignment would be given if the discussion of the material was not finished because of the time limitation. Therefore, the students should learn by themselves to improve their listening ability. Besides, when the researcher asked about gamification, the lecturer said that she did not used gamification in her classroom. She said that gamification is not familiar yet. At the end of the interview, the lecturer also suggested that the researcher should develop a listening media using gamification so that the students can access the material and also do some listening exercises outside the class. This material designed was expected to help the students to improve their listening skills and also to motivate students to get engage in the learning activity. b. Second Participant This interview was conducted on Thursday, 31 April 2016. The interviewee of this interview was the lecturer of the Intermediate Listening Class A. The interview aimed to find out the listening material and activities applied in the classroom so that the researcher could conclude the kind of material and classroom activities which were appropriate for the Intermediate Listening Class. The data obtained were used as the basis information to design appropriate supplementary material using gamification for the Intermediate Listening Class. From the interview, the researcher found out that the lecturer also used the same syllabus as a guideline of the Intermediate Listening Class. Hence, the topics and skills prepared were the same. The difference among the lecturers of the 48 Intermediate Listening Class was the rhythm of the teaching and learning activity. In the interview, the lecturer also said that he took long time to do pre-listening activity. He usually used discussion, vocabulary building, text, short video, or real listening in order to activate students’ prior knowledge. Besides, the lecturer also had main activity and also post-listening activity. The main activity was listening to the passage related to the topic and the skills which wanted to be achieved. On the other hand, the lecturer also said that he did not give any assignments related to listening activity. He gave some assignment related to the topic of the meeting such as making advertisement and making a short video. However, he said that he planned to make online assignment which related to listening activity after the mid test because he believed that listening is continuous learning. Therefore, students needed more practice in order to improve their listening ability. In addition, the lecturer also explained about students’ characteristic and difficulties. He said that some students did not get the idea of the passage because of the speed of the audio. The speed was too fast for them. In order to solve this problem, the lecturer tried to play the passage 3-4 times. Besides, they also faced difficulties because they did not have many vocabularies. Therefore, the lecturer always did vocabulary building before playing the audio and then made a discussion about the topic. In addition, the studentswere not accustomed to note taking and it made them difficult to get the idea. Besides, the accent also gave a big influence to the students. The lecturer also explained about the general characteristic of the students. The first class was more active than the second 49 class. The first class could get the idea of the passage faster. However, the second class needed more motivation to learn. Then, the researcher tried to ask about gamification. However, the lecturer said that he did not used gamification because it was not familiar enough. Therefore, he did not apply gamification in his class. However, the lecturer expected that the material design should be online because it would help students to access the material. The lecturer also expected that the material should contained critical questions, challenges, social interactions, and also feedbacks for each questions or quizzes. The material should made the students have fun but in the same time learning English as well. 3. The Result of Classroom Observation a. Class Observation in the Intermediate Listening Class A The class observation was done on Monday, 18 April 2016. This class started from 11.00 a.m. to 13.00 p.m. In the beginning of the class, the lecturer opened the learning activity with greetings and discussion. Then, the lecturer distributed the handout. They discussed the first part of the handout which consisted of brief explanation about the topic, four questions related to the topic, and also vocabularies. In order to discuss those parts, the lecturer divided the students in several groups. However, some groups did not pay attention to the instruction. Therefore, some of them did not discuss those parts until the lecturer started to discuss it together. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 50 On the class discussion, the students on the class were not involved to the discussion. They did not know the answer of the questions and also the meaning of the vocabularies. Only some of the students were involved on the discussion to answer the questions or share their opinion about the topic. After the discussion, the lecturer started to play a 15-minute video related to the topic. The lecturer also reminded the students to take notes and answer 15 questions provided on the handout. After watching the video, the lecturer started to give the students some questions to draw the conclusion of the video. However, many students did not take any notes in their handouts. Therefore, they did not answer the questions from the lecturer but some of them remembered some meaningful words from the video. Then, they drew the conclusion of the video with the lecturer. In the end of the meeting, the lecturer asked the students to access the video and answers 15 questions on the handouts which became their assignments from the course. During the teaching and learning activity, the researcher found out that the students in this class were passive. They needed to be encouraged to learn and practice the four basic skills of English language. In addition, they also needed to enrich their vocabularies in order to improve their skills. b. Class Observation in the Intermediate Listening Class E The class observation was done on Friday, 01 April 2016. This class started at 07.00 a.m. until 09.00 a.m. This class consisted of students from second and sixth semesters. In the beginning of the class, the lecturer played several English songs and then she opened the class with a prayer. After that, she had a 51 discussion about the Easter Holiday. In the discussion, some students were trying to share their holiday but the other students did not share anything to the class. Then, the lecturer started to give questions about the topic discussed in the meeting. In this section, there were some students who want to answer the questions and the lecturer tried to give a question to the student who never answers the questions given. After discussion, the lecturer gave a handout which was used as listening exercises. The lecturer explained the instructions on the handout and also asked the students to read the handout before playing the audio. Then, the lecturer played the audio twice. The first listening was used to answer true or false statement and the second listening was used to answer five questions related to the passage. After the second listening, the lecturer asked the students to discuss in a group of three or four. In the discussion the students tried to complete their answer. After that, the lecturer played the audio once again and asked the students to check their answer. In the end of the listening activity, the lecturer started to discuss the answer of the questions one by one. The lecturer asked some students who has different answer to share and then she gave feedback about their answer. In the end of the class, the lecturer gave two more questions related to the passage and made a group discussion. After the discussion, the lecturer chose four groups to share their opinion about the questions given. During the class, the researcher found out some difficulties faced by the students. Some of the students did not get the answer because they have limited vocabularies. Besides, some of them were passive during the discussion. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 52

B. Planning

In this step, the researcher used the data from research and information collecting step as the basis for planning. There were four parts in this step. The first part was defining skills. Then stating objectives, determining course sequence, and the last was small scale feasibility testing. Every part is explained in the following paragraphs. 1. Defining Skills In this study the researcher focused on listening skill which is apart of language basic skills. It was chosen because this is the first skill learnt before the other skills. In addition, listening skill also demanded continuous practice in order to improve the skill. In this step, the researcher used the syllabus of the Intermediate Listening Class in defining the specific skills improved in each meeting. The reason was because the syllabus of the Intermediate Listening Class was already containing specific skills for each meeting. In addition, the researcher wants to develop more material which can be used to improve students’ skill by learning outside the class. Therefore, the researcher used the same skill which was prepared in the syllabus. Those skills were elaborated as follows. Table 4.1 Syllabus of the Intermediate Listening Class Meeting Topic 1 Course Introduction 2 Listening for main ideas: Paraphrasing, Note Taking 3 Listening for main ideas: Paraphrasing, Note Taking 4 Listening for main ideas: Paraphrasing, Note Taking 5 Listening for main ideas: Paraphrasing, Note Taking 6 Listening for main ideas: Paraphrasing, Note Taking EASTER HOLIDAY PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 53 Meeting Topic 7 Listening for main ideas: Paraphrasing, Note Taking 8 PROGRESS TEST 1 9 Listening for main ideas: Paraphrasing, Note Taking 10 Listening for main ideas: Paraphrasing, Note Taking 11 HOLIDAY 12 PROGRESS TEST 2 13 Listening for general ideas: Summarizing 14 Listening for general ideas: Summarizing 15 FINAL TEST Thus, the researcher made the supplementary listening material using gamification based on the specific skills stated on the syllabus. Those skills were the skills to be achieved in each meeting. Therefore, the researcher needed to organize the material based on the skill provided. In addition, for the same skills in several meetings, the researcher developed the material based on level of difficulty of the passage, length of the audio, accent of the speaker, and speed of the speaker. 2. Stating Objectives After defining the specific skills for listening skill, the researcher started to prepare the objectives to be achieved by the educational product. Objectives are the best basis to develop educational product. The general objective of the designed material was to improve students’ listening ability using gamification in the Intermediate Listening Class. The researcher also provided the objectives which related to the material designed. The objectives elaborated in the following sentences. a. By using the designed material, students are able to find the main idea of the passage. 54 b. By using the designed material, students are able to mention specific information in the listening passage. In addition, there were other objectives prepared by the researcher in order to use gamification approach. The objectives were designed as the objectives of the gamification product. It called various layer of goals or the game flow. There were three types of goals, for instance long-term goals, medium-term goals, and short-term goals. This study used those layers of goals in order to make structured material designed. Table 4.2 Goals of Gamification Type of Goals Activities Brief Explanation Long-term Goal Completing the Game Students complete all of the topics provided in the game Medium-term Goal Completing the levels in the game Students complete a topic in the game Short-term Goal Completing the missions in the levels Students complete all of the assignments and tasks in each topics Those were the objectives used to develop structured gamification designed. In addition, gamification can be used in several ways. To reach the goal of the gamified course, the researcher tried to use two different ways, for instance adapting grading process and modifying the structure of learning. In adapting grading process, the researcher used reward system to monitor students’ learning progress. The reward was developed in a form of attendance point, participation point, and knowledge point. By getting several points in those aspects, the badges are given to the students. In addition, there is a progress bar 55 which can arrange students’ achievements. Those rewards would be earned if the students met the criteria. Then, the researcher also modified the structure of learning. In this section, the researcher modified the classroom learning into gamified learning. The modification would affect the students’ role and teachers’ role. The students’ role can be modified by using avatars or joining teams. The avatar can be used as the representative of the student. In addition, they learn by themselves and based on their self-paced. In this case, teacher s’ role also can be modified. In the modification part, teachers design a gamified application, embed game dynamics and mechanics, provide attractive reward, and provide meaningful feedback. Those activities would be used to monitor students’ progress. 3. Determining Course Sequence In this step, the researcher developed the course sequence of the supplementary listening materials for the Intermediate Listening Class using gamification. First, the researcher defined the topic and also the specific skills which were learnt in the Intermediate Listening Course. The researcher organized the topic for designing supplementary materials based on the objectives stated. Those objectives were applied for all topics prepared. Therefore, the researcher tried to develop supplementary listening materials which were accordance with the topic learned in the classroom. The reason was to help the students finding more exercises which werestill related to the topic. In this study, the researcher designed four topics using gamification which were started from the first topic in 56 first meeting of the Intermediate Listening Class. Those topics were chosen because the researcher uses the same gamification cycle in every topic. Therefore, the researcher uses those topics as an example of the gamification cycle work in the designed materials. The topics were stated in this following table: Table 4.3 The Learning Topics of the Materials Meeting Learning Topic 1 Mobile Phones 2 Milestones in Technology 3 Dessert from the Desert 4 Pheromone From those topics, the researcher tried to develop listening supplementary material using gamification which can be accessed by the students outside the class. The designed materials were developed in the same topic stated in Table 4.3. In addition, the researcher also developed the material based on the specific skills stated before. The list of topics and skills for each topic helped the researcher to develop appropriate supplementary listening material using gamification. The topics and specific skills were elaborated in the table below. Table 4.4 List of Topics and Skills in Each Meeting Meeting Learning Topic Skill 1 Mobile Phones Paraphrasing, Note Taking 2 Milestones in Technology Paraphrasing, Note Taking 3 Dessert from the Desert Paraphrasing, Note Taking 4 Pheromone Paraphrasing, Note Taking After that, the researcher started to develop the course sequence which contained the supplementary learning materials. To make the course sequence easy to understand, the researcher prepared a lesson plan format. The lesson plan PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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