Theoretical Framework LITERATURE REVIEW

32 need analysis, planning, development of preliminary form of product, preliminary field testing, main product revision, main field testing, operational product revision, operational field testing, final product revision, and dissemination and implementation Borg Gall, 1983, p.775. Table 3.1 Borg Gall Steps Scheme Borg Gall, 1983, p.775 However, due to the limitation of time and capacity, the researcher was limited the development into five steps to ease the process of designing the product. Those steps were chosen because it covers the main steps of the development process. In addition, the researcher also adapted the process based on the needs of development. Need analysis Planning Development of Preliminary Form of Product Preliminary Field Testing Main Product Revision Main Field Testing Operational Product Revision Operational Field Testing Final Product Revision Dissemination and Implementation 33 Table 3.2 Research Scheme Modified from Borg Gall, 1983, p.775 This table explained the procedure of development based on RD by Borg and Gall. The researcher decided to apply those five steps and its development process. Those five steps were explained in the following paragraphs. 1. Research and Information Collecting The first step is research and information collecting. This step aims to gather useful information in order to prepare the developed educational product. Therefore, the researcher found out students’ need toward the supplementary listening materials in this step. The researcher collected the data through the Research and Information Collecting Interview, Classroom Observation, and Literature Review Planning Developing Preliminary Listening Material using Gamification Preliminary Field Testing Main Product Revision Design Implementation Expert Validation and User Validation 34 syllabus and the lecturers of the Intermediate Listening course. The information gathering was done by conducting interview to the lecturers of the Intermediate Listening and also classroom observation. In this step, the researcher interviewed two lecturers of the Intermediate Listening Class and observed two classes of the Intermediate Listening Class. Those data were used to help the researcher to develop an appropriate supplementary listening material. In addition, the researcher also collected the underlying theories to support the study. The underlying theories collected from the Internet, journals, and theses. 2. Planning The second step is planning which included defining skills, stating objectives, determining course sequence, and small scale feasibility testing. Those steps were used to construct the framework of the designed materials. In this step, the researcher used the result of research and information collecting as the basis for defining skills, stating objectives, determining course sequence, and small scale feasibility testing. Thus, the designed materials are appropriate for the students’ need. 3. Development of Preliminary Form of Product After completing the planning step, the next step is developing a preliminary form of the educational product. The educational product intended to be field tested. In this step, the researcher tried to select appropriate learning activities for each topic based on the syllabus. Then, the selected learning 35 activities were converted into gamified learning activities since this study using gamification to design supplementary listening materials. Therefore, the designed materials also employed the elements of gamification which applied in online gamification platforms. 4. Preliminary Field Testing After the development of the preliminary form of product was accomplished, the next step to do was evaluating the designed materials. The purpose was to gain feedbacks, comments, and suggestions towards the designed materials. The evaluation given used to revise the designed materials until its met the objectives. In preliminary field testing, the researcher conducted expert validation and user validation. Expert validation was done by distributing evaluative questionnaire to the lecturers of the Intermediate Listening Class. On the other hand, the user validation was done by distributing evaluative questionnaire to ten students of the Intermediate Listening Class. 5. Main Product Revision The last step is main product revision. In this step, the researcher revised the designed materials based on the expert validation and user validation. The revision intended to be more applicable. The result of the main product revision was presented in Appendix C and D.

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