Research Setting Research Participant


E. Data Analysis Technique

In this study, the researcher analyzed the data from research and information collecting step and preliminary field testing step. The researcher used different analysis technique which explained in the following paragraphs. 1. Research and Information Collecting In this step, the researcher conducted interview and classroom observation to obtain data which related to this study. The interview was recorded and the researcher analyzed the transcription of the recorded interview. Then, the result of analyzing the transcription of the interview presented in narrative description. The researcher also conducted classroom observation in order to gain more information about students’ characteristic. In this case, the researcher made field note which contained several questions. It is used as the guidance for the classroom observation. Then, the researcher presented the data obtained in narrative description. It aimed to understand the learning activity and students’ characteristic clearly. 2. Preliminary Field Testing In this step, the researcher distributed questionnaire for two lecturers of the Intermediate Listening class to do expert validation and ten students of the Intermediate Listening class to do user validation. The questionnaire contained close-ended and open-ended questions. The close-ended questions were in the 41 form of Likert scale. The table below shows the degree of agreements of the questionnaire: Table 3.3 Degree of Agreement Degree of Agreement Meaning 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Agree 4 Strongly Agree The designed materials would be considered as an applicable design if the mean for each statement in the range of 50-100. In this study, the researcher also used table and percentage to show the result of the questionnaires. The researcher counted the result of the questionnaires using the formula below. P = × 100 P = percentage ƒo = the total number of answer n = the total number of participants Afterwards, the researcher will present the result of the calculation in the table. It aimed to help the researcher to analyze the data. The table was presented below: Table 3.4 The Result of Questionnaire No Participant’s Opinion Frequency of the Degree of Agreements 100 N 1 2 3 4 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 42 Then, the researcher should analyze the second part of the questionnaire to gain the feedback and suggestions. In this case, the analyzing process was done by summarizing and presenting respondents’ opinions, comments, and suggestions into some paragraph.

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