Listening Skill Theoretical Review

26 In the second semester, ELESP provides Intermediate Listening course for the students. By taking this course, it means that students have passed the prerequisite course that is Basic Listening course. This course provides students with “various kinds of discourses for post-elementary to pre-intermediate level” Buku Panduan Akademik, 2012. According to Buku Panduan Akademik 2012, this course helps student to practice their listening skill through listening to announcements, short monologs, descriptions, instructions, and practical dialogues. This course have two purposes, the first purpose is to “employ strategic skills to comprehend simple extended discourse” and the second is to “paraphrase, take note and summarize simple extended discour se” Buku Panduan Akademik, 2012. In the third and fourth semesters, ELESP provide students with integrated courses. In this case, listening skill is integrated with speaking skill which is called Critical Listening and Speaking I and Critical Listening and Speaking II. This course can be taken if the students have passed Intermediate Listening course. Based on Buku Panduan Akademik 2012, Critical Listening and Speaking I is purposed to: Critical Listening and Speaking I is aimed to employ strategic skills, to comprehend intermediate extended discourse such as news reports, narratives, expository, passages; paraphrase, take note and summarize intermediate extended discourse such as news reports, narratives, and expository passages. Afterwards, students are able to give oral critical response and reflection based on the given topics in the form of short individualgroup presentation. 27 Meanwhile, Critical Listening and Speaking II also have similar purpose with Critical Listening and Speaking I. However, Critical Listening and Speaking II used as advanced extended discourses with Critical Listening and Speaking I course as the prerequisite course.

4. Student’s Motivation

On the learning process, there are several factors that affect students‟ progress. One of them is students‟ motivation. In this case, there are two motivations which can affect students‟ learning progress. There are intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation Kim, 2015. Those motivations will be explained in the following paragraphs. a. Intrinsic Motivation The first motivation discussed is intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is affected when “the goal of an action is the action itself” Kim, 2015. It means that intrinsic motivation occurs from the individual itself, not from other people or other things. It isalso not affected by rewards which willbe given when students can do the task provided by teachers. In addition, building the intrinsic motivation is not easy because it deals with other person who has different way of thinking. However, intrinsic motivation can help the students to focus on the goals of the learning process. Intrinsic motivation can help students to stay longer to learn. Therefo re, students‟ intrinsic motivation is really needed in learning process. 28 b. Extrinsic Motivation The second motivation is extrinsic motivation. Kim 2015 stated that extrinsic motivation happens “when we take an action and the goal of that action is not the action itself but something el se.” Extrinsic motivation can occur when the action taker is motivated with rewards or other things or other person while doing an action. This motivation can build easily than intrinsic motivation. In order to gain more engagement in learning process, extrinsic motivation can be used to gain more engagement. Therefore, it is usually used in the education field to encourage students to learn or to participate on the learning activities. In the education field, the students are rewarded with score or mark which can motivate students to learn. However, the exploration of extrinsic motivation should encourage learners to build their intrinsic motivation.

B. Theoretical Framework

This research focuses on the designing supplementary listening materials using gamification to develop students‟ listening skill in the Intermediate Listening class. There is an objective which is going to be achievedthrough this research. The objective is designing appropriate gamification materials as supplementary listening materials for the Intermediate Listening class in the ELESP. In order to gain the answer, the researcher used several theories. Those theories are the Technology-based Learning TBL theory, Gamification theory, Theory of Listening Skill and Language Learner theory. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 29 First of all, the researcher elaborated the theories about Technology-Based Learning in order to know whether or not the gamification can be used as educational media. From the theories, the researcher finds that TBL covers gaming as the methodologies and tools. Therefore, the researcher use gaming as the methodologies and tools in designing listening materials. Then, the researcher discusses about gamification theories. The researcher elaborated the gamification theories to find a clear understanding about gamification which a part of gaming. From the theory, researcher finds that gamification uses the elements or the mechanics of games. Hence, the researcher includes the theories about game elements and also the types of users. The theories of game elements help the researcher to investigate whether or not those elements can be used as supplementary listening material. By knowing that theory, it gives benefits for the researcher while designing the gamification application. The types of user are used to consider the elements which will be used for the target of the research. In addition, the target of this researcher is the digital native generations who are familiar with the modern technologies. Thus, the researcher applies digital technology in the designed materials. In this research, the researcher provides several sites or platforms which can help teacher to gamified the learning process. Every sites or platforms have its strength and weaknesses. Some of them are easy to use but the others are more complex to use. In addition, some platforms provide free services but the others are not free. Those theories also help the researcher to find a clear definition about gamification specifically. In addition, the theories of gamification are compared to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 30 the other types of games which had educational purposes in order to differentiate gamification from other types of games. Moreover, the researcher also uses the listening theories to find the relation between gamification and listening. It is useful for the researcher because the researcher can examine how the gamification works and how listening process works in order to help the researcher designing the gamification as supplementary listening materials. The language learner theories which contains about student ‟s motivation are also discussed. By knowing the motivation, the researcher can provide appropriate listening materials design. The explanation about the motivation helps researchers to choose the learning activities for the supplementary materials. 31


In this chapter, the researcher presented the methodology used in this study. This chapter consisted of five parts, namely, research method, research setting, research participants, research instruments, and data analysis technique.

A. Research Method

In this chapter, the researcher presented the methodology used to answer the problem of this study. The problem of this study was “What does a set of supplementary listening materials using gamification for the Intermediate Listening Class in the English Language Education Study Program look like?” This research conducted to find out the data and then develop listening supplementary materials using gamification. In conducting this study, the researcher employed Research and Development RD Method proposed by Borg and Gall 1983. Educational Research and Development RD is a process used to develop and validate educational products. The steps of this process are usually referred to as the R D cycle, which consists of studying research findings pertinent to the product to be developed, developing the product based on these findings, field testing it in the setting where it will be used eventually, and revising it to correct the deficiencies found in the field testing stage. Borg Gall, 1983, p.772 The researcher chose RD method because it provides instructional steps to develop an educational product. RD provides ten instructional steps to develop educational products. There are research and information collecting or PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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