Data Analysis Technique METHODOLOGY

44 Intermediate Listening lecturers in conducting the class. The syllabus consists of several parts for instance course description, topic for each meeting, learning strategies, classroom rules of conduct, evaluation, and also sources. Based on the syllabus, the researcher found out that the Intermediate Listening Class is “designed to introduce the students to listening strategic skills.” In addition, the syllabus also contains the topic of the course. However, the topic for each meeting is not stated specifically. In making the syllabus, the lecturers planned the skills that must be achieved by the students in each meeting. However, in the first ten meetings of this class, the scheduled skills were the same but it had differences in some aspects. Those differences were the level of difficulty of the passage, the length of the audio, the accent of the speaker, and the speed of the speaker. Those aspects became the main differences in the ten meetings which have the same skills to achieve. Furthermore, the lecturers also wrote down the learning strategies in the syllabus. There were lectures, questions and answer, listening to recorded material, discussion, and group works. Those strategies were used in the Intermediate Listening Class in order to help students in practicing their listening ability. In addition, the lecturers also provided classroom rules, evaluation, and source in the syllabus. Those were the information that was provided in the syllabus which aimed to build a good teaching and learning process. 45 2. The Result of the Interview with the Intermediate Listening Class Lecturers In this part, the reseracher provides the result of the interview. The interview was done with two lecturers of the Intermediate Listening Class. It aimed to collect the data about learning topic, learning activities, and the students’ characteristics. The result of the interviewis elaborated in the following paragraphs. a. First Participant The researcher was conducted an interview with the first lecturer of the Intermediate Listening Class on March 23, 2016. The interview aimed to find out the listening material and activities applied in the classroom so that the researcher could conclude the level of difficulty of the material and the activities which were used in the classroom. The data obtained were used as the basis information to design appropriate supplementary material using gamification for the Intermediate Listening Class. From the interview, the researcher found out the kind of listening material used in the Intermediate Listening Class. The lecturer stated that they prepared the listening material based on the skills which must be achieved in each meeting. Therefore, the lecturers scheduled the same skills for several meetings. In the first ten meetings of the class, the scheduled skills are the same. It aimed to see students’ progress toward the scheduled skills. In the Intermediate Listening Class, the lecturers established listening material based on four main aspects. There are level of difficulties, length of the audio, accent of the speaker, and speed of the speaker. Therefore, at the beginning of the semester the lecturer provided 46 any listening material which used American English accent. Then, in the middle of the semester the lecturers provided listening material which used British English accent. Those accents will be classified based on the level of difficulties, length of the audio, and speed of the speaker. Besides those accents the lecturer also said that in the several last meetings, they would provide short video as the learning material. From the interview, the researcher also found the activities that were usually conducted in the Intermediate Listening Class. In each meeting, the lecturer conducted three main activities. There were pre-activity, main activity, and post-activity. For the pre-activity, the lecturer usually made a discussion about the topic of the meeting, gave a song, or played a game in the class. Those activities were aimed to prepare the students to do listening activity. Then, the main activity was listening to the passage twice in minimum. In each meeting, the lecturer would provide different passages based on the level of difficulty, the length, the accent and the speed of the speaker. For the post-activity, the lecturer asked students to answer the questions based on the passage or made something related to the topic discussed. In addition, the lecturer also gave some description about the students of the Intermediate Listening Class. According to the lecturer who teaches in two different classes, the students in the first class were more passive than the second class. They were not motivated so that the lecturer should ask them to answer the questions or to do other activities. The students of the second class were more active. They were really enthusiastic during the class. They were also more confident in conveying their opinions about the passage. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 47 In the interview, the researcher also found that the lecturer did not give listening assignment for the students. The assignment would be given if the discussion of the material was not finished because of the time limitation. Therefore, the students should learn by themselves to improve their listening ability. Besides, when the researcher asked about gamification, the lecturer said that she did not used gamification in her classroom. She said that gamification is not familiar yet. At the end of the interview, the lecturer also suggested that the researcher should develop a listening media using gamification so that the students can access the material and also do some listening exercises outside the class. This material designed was expected to help the students to improve their listening skills and also to motivate students to get engage in the learning activity. b. Second Participant This interview was conducted on Thursday, 31 April 2016. The interviewee of this interview was the lecturer of the Intermediate Listening Class A. The interview aimed to find out the listening material and activities applied in the classroom so that the researcher could conclude the kind of material and classroom activities which were appropriate for the Intermediate Listening Class. The data obtained were used as the basis information to design appropriate supplementary material using gamification for the Intermediate Listening Class. From the interview, the researcher found out that the lecturer also used the same syllabus as a guideline of the Intermediate Listening Class. Hence, the topics and skills prepared were the same. The difference among the lecturers of the

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