Definition of Terms INTRODUCTION

9 their own pace. In this case, the learner will not be considered in the same level of understanding and they need to improve themselves using match learning material and activities. Then, TBL is full of scalability which means that TBL can accommodate larger learners with little costs. It is helpful for learners with financial barriers. In addition, there is no classroom limitation in TBL, but “modern learning management system LMS allows the management learning outcomes for large number of students” SPRA, n.d.. The last benefit of TBL is timely dissemination of up-to-date information. TBL can be “centrally developed and centrally updated whenever the need arises” SPRA, n.d.. TBL is much more manageable in relation with the costs of replacing outdated course materials or retraining teachers or instructors. By using TBL, teachers and instructors can use updated materials which are based on the need of the learners easily. b. The Challenge of TBL TBL is also facing some challenges during the development time. There are some of the main challenges faced by TBL. The first challenge of TBL is digital divide. Digital divide happens because of significant portion of the population that still does not have access to computers or to the Internet SPRA, n.d.. Thus, TBL cannot be implemented in many places. However, the digital divide will not decrease in the near-term unless there is a huge change in the places which has no Internet or computer access. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 10 Furthermore, social loafing also becomes one of the challenges of TBL. TBL causes social loafing because the learners are provided with many materials which are suitable to their needs. It makes the learners feel that they are not monitored by their instructors or their peers. However, it can be reduced by asking every learner ‟s contributions in a group discussions or requiring periodic deadlines of an assignments. Attrition rates also become the challenges of TBL. It happens because of the social loafing; the attrition rates are also affected. The attrition rates on the TBL course are higher than face-to-face classroom course. According to Murray 2001, the dropout rates among TBL students frequently reach 50 percent to 80 percent. However, TBL still faces other challenges except the three challenges explained above. c. Methodologies and Tools of TBL In this section, the researcher discusses the methodologies and tools which are commonly used in TBL. According to SPRA n.d., “TBL uses a series of delivery methods and hardware and software tools to manage and deliver learning content and manage and track learner progress, as well as learner-to-learner and learner-to- instructor communication.” There are many methodologies and tools used in TBL for instance tutorials, web conferences, online forums, electronic mailing lists, wikis and virtual collaborative workspaces, blogs, simulations, goal- based scenarios, gaming, learning management systems LMS, and integrated learning system. 11 In this study, the researcher discusses one of the methodologies and tools that are provided by TBL. The researcher chooses gaming as the methodologies and tools from TBL. Advanced Distributed Learning 2005 have described that: Gaming involves more complex simulations with formal rules in which players engage in artificial conflict with variable and quantifiable outcomes and both game play and learning objectives, a narrative which provide cues, context and relevance for the activities, and a simulation which represents the learning space to support the activities and narratives. From the explanation above, gaming can be used for teaching and learning because it can be based on the context and relevance of the learning activities. It also gives a support for the learning activities in TBL program.

2. Gamification

This section is divided into four parts. There are beliefs about gamification, game elements, type of users, and accessible technology to make gamification. Those aspects will be elaborated in the following paragraphs. a. Beliefs about Gamification Research by some researchers have yielded new findings that “gamification is not about turning the classes into a game; although the gamification technique is not truly an academic methodology, it may improve the performance of students in the learning process” Xu, 2012. Bohyun Kim 2015 has described the difference between gamification and educational games: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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