Causal Theories of ADHD

teacher can review the previous lesson. In this section the teacher also needs to explain the materials that students need during the lesson. Teachers should make sure that they use simple language in their instruction. The second step is conducting lessons. In this step the teacher plays a big role in helping the students in the learning process whether the students can participate well or not, whether the students can grasp the material or not. In conducting the materials the teacher should be predictable because structure and consistency are very important for children with ADHD. The teacher should check the students’ understanding by asking question. It will help the teacher to figure out which student who needs more assistance. Another challenge in this step is the teacher should maintain the students’ attention. It can be done by encouraging the students to participate in the classroom activities. The third step, concluding lesson, teacher can review the lessons they have learned and preview the next lesson. In inclusive classroom where children with ADHD learn in general education classroom, the teacher can modify their instructional routines that can serve both the students with ADHD and without ADHD. Research has shown the technique that can be applied in teaching inclusive classroom. Stage one, pre- planning, simplify the instruction in to meaningful chunks or step Resenshine, 1995. It helps the students with ADHD to stay focus in shorter period of time. Stage two, introduction, the teacher explains the rationale for the lesson, present a model of what the end result of the lesson will be, and inform the sequence of instructional activities Allsopp, 1999. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Stage three, instruction and modeling, the teacher demonstrates a procedure or phenomenon, presents student with a problem to be solved, and engage the students in the activities. Giving a model is important because a student with ADHD might have difficulty in making connection between the instruction and the activity. Stage four, giving practice, is divided into two types of activity; guided and independent practice. Guided practice is like a bridge for the learner since it is the transformation between receiving and producing phase. In this step the teacher assists the learner doing the exercise and makes sure that the student understand the material well or not so that the teacher know whether they can go to independent practice or not. The last step is closure and review. The teacher can recap the lesson and review vocabulary that the students have learned. According to Rief 2005 one of the strategies that can be used to help students with ADDADHD develop their vocabulary is directly teaching words. In this strategy a new word is defined using simple explanations or synonyms and if possible using antonyms. It is in line with Hubbard 1983:50 that claims, vocabulary should be presented in a memorable way in order to foster the long memory retention. It can be done by using realia, body language, flash card, examples, definitions, and concept forming.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

In order to understand and be able to interpret the data, some theories are used. As elaborated in the previous part, this research uses five theories. The first theory is about the first and the second language acquisition, the second theory is PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI