The Role of inclusive classroom to support learners with ADHD

Laut’s background knowledge. From the previous grades Bu Samudra get the information that Laut has good competence in English. It is proved by her score. Laut does not need to adjust her score as a student with special need, the passing grade for English subject is the same with other students. During the interview Bu Samudra described Laut’s performance in English subject in more detail. Bu Samudra agreed that Laut is talented in English subject. She is rich of vocabulary and she can grasp the material well. She has been familiar with lots the vocabulary in her book. It really helps her following the lesson. She shows great interest in learning English. When Bu Samudra introduces a new topic Laut shows her curiosity. In introducing new vocabulary uses some techniques to help the students especially Laut understands easily. The first techniques are using pictures and explanation related to the context. According to Bu Samudra the handbook for the students is quite good. It is very helpful for Laut. Each lesson is completed with songs, pictures, and well- structured activities. The pictures really help Laut to guess the new vocabulary. The problem that Laut has in the learning process in grade four is controlling emotion. The symptom that suddenly appears affects Laut’s performance. The symptoms usually appear when she gets angry with her friends and sometimes she gets angry for no reason. She shouts at her friend then leaves the class. Another reason that makes her emotional is when she cannot do the assignments. She will be demotivated and Laut doesn’t do the assignments well. When it happens, the teacher and the other friends will give Laut time to calm down or let Laut do whatever she wants because when they try to give attention Laut will be getting worse. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI The next data collection was done by interacting with Laut directly. It aimed to see directly how Laut acquires new vocabulary. The process was not easy since Laut was a bit difficult to meet strangers. Before the activities were conducted the mother and the teacher had told her that there would be another ‘teacher’ who would play game with her. The teacher suggested using the material that was related to the lesson and she gave one topic, my hobbies. I provided some activities such as pictures about hobbies that required Laut to label the pictures and card game. I also used another media, reading text, for the second topic. The aim of using this media was to see whether Laut can acquire new vocabulary by guessing the meaning from context or not. This data gathering process was the most challenging one. The teacher asked Laut to follow me by saying ‘play game’. Then she went out the class. She was very quick and disappeared. The security guard told me that she was in the toilet. I waited for about five minutes. Then again the security guard told me to call Laut because if not she would be in the toilet for quite long. Finally after almost ten minutes she appeared then she ran to school health care unit. When I came she was lying on the bed. I was afraid that she was not in the good mood. I approached her and talked to her as the ice breaker. I prepared the materials and she seemed interested. She had a look at the handout and saw some pictures on it but then she found my cellphone. She took it and tried to open. I asked my phone back and hide it under the pillow. Then I started the activity. The topic of the materials was hobby. It was related to the topic discussed that week. I started with questions “What is your hobby?” as the warming up. She did not answer. I elicited some more question like “Do you like drawing?” PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Then I directly introduced vocabulary with pictures. Laut could pronounce the words correctly. Then I chose randomly the picture and asked her to name the hobby. She did the exercise while still lying on the bed but she did seriously. I did not take quite long time to finish. I checked the answer and surprisingly she answered all the questions correctly. The second activity was using card. The cards were still about hobbies. I gave the cards and asked Laut to pronounce the. She did not have problem in reading and pronouncing the words. Then I mention some vocabulary related to the hobbies then Laut should give me the correct card. Here are the words that I used in card game for the second activity: Table 4.2. Card game Knitting Painting Playing chess Cycling Drawing Diving Keeping pets Playing musical instrument Learning languages Taking photos Collecting stamps Sunbathing