Source and Nature of Data

“A study may begin with a long, personal narrative told in storyform or with a more objective, scientific report that resembles quantitative research. Good qualitative reports, however needs to be realistic and persuasive to convince the reader that the study is an accurate and credible account. Qualitative reports typically contain extensive data collection to convey the complexity of the phenomenon or process. ” The result of the data analysis is presented in narrative story. The format of the result is firstly presenting similar findings than presenting the theory that is related, then writing the theory related to the finding. The answer of the research question is the elaboration of how a student with ADHD acquires new English vocabulary.

3.7 Trustworthiness

After collecting data and analyzing them, I interpreted the data then findings are written. In order to see whether my interpretations and findings are valid and accurate, I need to do the next process called validating findings. Validating findings means the researcher determines the accuracy or credibility of the findings through strategies such as member checking or triangulation Cresswell Miller, 2000 ;Loncoln Guba, 1985. To check the accuracy of the research qualitative research employs validation procedures such as triangulation and member checking. The intent of validation is to have participants, external reviewers, or the data sources themselves provide evidence of the accuracy of the information in the qualitative report Cresswell, 2012. Triangulation is the process of corroborating evidence from different individuals, types of data, or methods of data collection in description and themes in qualitative research. In qualitative research, the researcher also checks their findings with the participants in the study to see if the findings are accurate. Member checking is a process in which the researcher asks one or more participants in the study to check the accuracy of the account. After analyzing the data, interpreting the data, and getting the findings, I did member checking to the participants of this study. It aims to make sure that the interpretations and the findings were related to the information they gave during the data collection process. During the member checking I also got some inputs that I used to improve my findings. Member checking was done to the participant and the coordinator of inclusive program. The member checking to the participant was done to triangulate the result of the interview with the teacher about the use of pictures in acquiring new vocabulary. The second member was the coordinator of inclusive program that aimed to make sure that the data were well interpreted.