The Need to Understand the Learner with ADHD

To get more specific information about the role of inclusive program to support learners with ADHD I also interviewed Bu Samudra as Laut’s homeroom teacher. Similar to Pak Gunung, Bu Samudra agrees that inclusive school plays an important role in helping students with ADHD to learn. Laut often shows strange behavior during the class. She often shouts without any particular reason, she sometimes hurt her friends when she gets angry. Since her classmates already get the knowledge of inclusive values then they understand what happens to Laut. When Laut has problem they will help. Even when the teacher asks them to work in group with Laut, they will not reluctant although sometimes Laut can’t work in group. Laut is usually busy with herself drawing. Another role of inclusive program for students with special need is that this school provides RPI Rencana Pembelajaran Individu or individual lesson plan. This RPI aims to facilitate special need students with specific learning activities. RPI consists of specific points that should be done by the teacher to maximize the learning process. By applying RPI, the standard for students with special need will also be adjusted. For example if the standard for a certain subject is 7.00 for non-disabled learners, the standard for disabled learners will be lower than that.

4.1.3 How a Learner with ADHD Acquires New Vocabulary

The focus of this research is to find out how a learner with ADHD acquires new vocabulary. In order to get the answer I conducted interview to Laut’s English Teacher, Laut’s mother, the coordinator of inclusive program who knows Laut very well, and the most important data collection is by interacting with Laut. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI The first interview was done with Laut’s mother. The purpose of interviewing her was to get information about Laut’s background especially about the symptoms in the early stage and its impacts to her language acquisition both the first language and the second language. The mother said that at the age of two Laut had difficulty to speak. She brought Laut to a doctor and the doctor said that Laut had a problem in her mouth that made her unable to produce words. The doctor suggested giving therapy and the therapy the therapy worked well. Laut went to kindergarten when she was 4,5 years. Another symptom appeared in this stage. The teacher told that Laut had behavioral problem that made her difficult to concentrate, to focus on the activities and to socialize with other members of the class. This problem was serious and needed special treatment to overcome. The parents took her to a therapist and since then Laut got regular treatment until she was 6,5 years old. The therapy helped her in the learning process. Her kindergarten teacher said that Laut could memorize lots of vocabulary. The teacher started introducing new vocabulary using real things around her. Laut showed her interest and curiosity and in this stage she could mention things in the classroom and things in the house and things around her. To support this process and to dig out her potential, her mother list new vocabulary for Laut. The mother was surprised that Laut could memorize the words well. The process continues when she entered elementary school. To get information more information about Laut’s progress in learning English, I interviewed Laut’s English teacher, Bu Samudra. Bu Samudra teaches English to Laut in the fourth grade. In the beginning of the semester Bu Samudra was transferred the information about Laut from the previous teachers so she knows Laut’s background knowledge. From the previous grades Bu Samudra get the information that Laut has good competence in English. It is proved by her score. Laut does not need to adjust her score as a student with special need, the passing grade for English subject is the same with other students. During the interview Bu Samudra described Laut’s performance in English subject in more detail. Bu Samudra agreed that Laut is talented in English subject. She is rich of vocabulary and she can grasp the material well. She has been familiar with lots the vocabulary in her book. It really helps her following the lesson. She shows great interest in learning English. When Bu Samudra introduces a new topic Laut shows her curiosity. In introducing new vocabulary uses some techniques to help the students especially Laut understands easily. The first techniques are using pictures and explanation related to the context. According to Bu Samudra the handbook for the students is quite good. It is very helpful for Laut. Each lesson is completed with songs, pictures, and well- structured activities. The pictures really help Laut to guess the new vocabulary. The problem that Laut has in the learning process in grade four is controlling emotion. The symptom that suddenly appears affects Laut’s performance. The symptoms usually appear when she gets angry with her friends and sometimes she gets angry for no reason. She shouts at her friend then leaves the class. Another reason that makes her emotional is when she cannot do the assignments. She will be demotivated and Laut doesn’t do the assignments well. When it happens, the teacher and the other friends will give Laut time to calm down or let Laut do whatever she wants because when they try to give attention Laut will be getting worse. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI