Learning with Students with ADHD

also play important role in the learning process. The feeling of acceptance can make the student feels secure and it can also support the learning process. Figure 2.1. Construct map PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 33


This section is going to elaborate the steps to gather data. It includes the research design, research setting, nature of data, data collecting instrument, data collecting technique, data analysis, and trustworthiness.

3.1 Research Design

The study in this research explored and developed a detailed understanding of a central phenomenon. The role of literature review yield little information, to justify the problem. The data were gathered from participants through exploration and the participants were only few people. These are the characteristics of the study and based on Creswell 2012 who differentiates the characteristics of a research based on the steps, the question, and the literature review, this research is a qualitative research. This study aims to find how a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder acquires ESL vocabulary. In order to get the answer of this phenomenon, the researcher needs to interact with the participants to gather complete information. The data from the participants can be used to generate a new theory related to the phenomenon. The existing theory will be used as the guideline to see whether the result of the current study supports or opposes the existing theory. This study deals with a student with ADHD acquires ESL vocabulary. Case study is preferred to get deep and detailed understanding about a certain issue. Case study is a detailed examination of one setting, or a single subject, a single depository of document, or one particular event Merriem, 1988. The type PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI of case study is observational case study since the major data gathering technique is participant observation supplemented with formal and informal interview and review of document and the focus of the study is a particular student. Case study is appropriate because it concerns with rich and vivid description of event that relevant to the case, it provides a chronological narrative of event, and it focuses on individual actors.

3.2 Research Setting

3.2. 1 Place The research was conducted in Tumbuh 2 elementary school Yogyakarta. The first reason of choosing this school was due to the accessibility. When the school held an English training for the teachers and staffs I became the trainer and built good relationship with them including with the headmaster. The idea of the topic for this research also came when I saw the phenomenon about disabled learners study with non-disabled learners in the same classroom. That was the first time I got the idea about inclusive program. The interesting thing about inclusive classroom is that in inclusive classroom program students with disabilities can learn in the same school environment. Students with disabilities get the same opportunity to learn as well as non-disabled learners. The disability is not ignored so the school provides teacher with special skill to accompany the students with special need and also facilities to support the learning process. Since then I was interested in learning more about the program and I was curious how the program runs.