Data Collecting Instrument METHODOLOGY

findings are accurate. Member checking is a process in which the researcher asks one or more participants in the study to check the accuracy of the account. After analyzing the data, interpreting the data, and getting the findings, I did member checking to the participants of this study. It aims to make sure that the interpretations and the findings were related to the information they gave during the data collection process. During the member checking I also got some inputs that I used to improve my findings. Member checking was done to the participant and the coordinator of inclusive program. The member checking to the participant was done to triangulate the result of the interview with the teacher about the use of pictures in acquiring new vocabulary. The second member was the coordinator of inclusive program that aimed to make sure that the data were well interpreted. 42


This chapter is a narrative of the result from data collection. It will elaborate the analysis based on the data that I get from the data obtain in this research. This chapter will focus on how a student with ADHD acquires new vocabulary. Let us call the participant as Laut. This name is used to keep the student’s privacy. To give background for the readers, this chapter will provide short information about Laut as student with ADHD. Then the readers can see the meaningful ways of how Laut acquires new English vocabulary.

4.1. Results

This section presents the result of data gathering activities. Firstly it is important to describe the participant to understand her strength and weaknesses. Secondly, it is also important to know the role of inclusive school to support learners with special need. Finally, the result of the research is presented in the last part of this section.

4.1.1 The Need to Understand the Learner with ADHD

It was my first experience to deal with student with ADHD. I was challenged to know more about student. Generally, students with ADHD have low self-control within themselves. They tend to be hyper active in physical activity, oral, or both. They do not focus on learning activities well, never seem to listen, cannot sit still and are always in motion, act without thinking, do not follow clear instructions and are daydreaming. They may understand what is expected of them, but they have trouble following through because PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI