Inclusive Classroom Theoretical Review

According to Allan Bowed 1990 there are eight categories of disability namely intellectual impairment, behavior disorder, specific learning disabilities, visual impairment, hearing impairment, communication disorder, physical impairment, and giftedness. Each of the disabilities is described as follows: 1. Intellectual impairment: most often this category is further subdivided according to rough levels of assumed overall competence: mild, moderate, and severe. This divisio n is based on the person’s assumed competence for learning and degree of dependence of others. 2. Behavior disorders: it is divided into two sub-categories 1 mild disorders and 2 severe disturbance. Mild disorder children show a variety of mildly to moderately maladaptive social and emotional characteristics, e.g. withdrawn behavior, acting out, and anti-social aggression. While children’s behavior with severe disturbance is extremely maladaptive, for example childhood psychosis, and autism. 3. Specific learning disabilities. They refer to learning difficulties which are of a particular kind e.g. reading disability rather than general disability. 4. Visual impairment: it is divided into two sub-categories 1 partially seeing that refers to children with mild to moderately impaired vision, 2 blind that refers to children with severely impaired vision. 5. Hearing impairment: it is divided into two sub-categories 1 hard of hearing that is used to individual who have partial or substantial hearing loss, 2 deaf usually refers to the child who has little or no hearing and has suffered the loss at birth or before the acquisition of speech. 6. Communication disorders: Difficulties in communicating with other people. It is divided into two sub-categories 1 speech disorders that refer to difficulties in the mechanics of speech, 2 language disorders that involve problems in understanding of meaning or the expression of meaning. 7. Physical impairment and special health conditions: this term brings together a wide variety of condition which relate to physical ability. 8. Giftedness: children of exceptionally high general intelligence or of special aptitude.

2.1.5 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD

Salend 2011 differentiates the types of learners disabilities based on the characteristics of the learners. One of the disabilities is Attention Deficit Disorder ADD. ADD refers to condition where students face difficulties to identify and maintain attention to relevant classroom directions, information, and stimuli, which affect their school performance Zental, 2006. There are three types of ADD and in this research the researcher is going to focus on one type called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD. ADHD refers to students who suffer ADD and their attention deficit disorder is associated with constant motion. These students are referred to as students whose inattentiveness is accompanied by hyperactivity, impulsivity, distractibility, and disorganization. In the classroom their high level of activity and impulsivity may lead them to engage to such high- activity behaviors as fidgeting with hands and feet and objects, squirming, calling out, being out of seat, talking excessively, and interrupting others, which result in PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI their failing to follow instructions and complete their work Murline, Parter, Jenkins, 2008. ADHD is considered to be a cognitive disorder intrinsic to the individual. It can include difficulty gaining and or sustaining attention; it may additionally or alternatively include difficulty reg ulating one’s own behavior which appears as hyperactivity and impulsivity Scanlon Boyle, 2010. According to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual DSM definition, ADHD critically impacts functioning, occurs in two or more setting and has its onset before the age of seven American Psychiatric Association [APA] 1994;2000. Authorities agree that there are four important components to assessing whether a student has ADHD or not. The first one is through medical examination to see medical condition such as brain tumors, thyroid problems, or seizure disorder, as the cause of the inattention andor hyperactivity Barkley Edwards, 2006. The second one is a clinical interview of the parents and the child provides information about the child’s physical and psychological characteristics, as well as family dynamics and interaction with peers. Teacher and parent rating scale is another important component. It consists of the list of the items that the teacher or the parents should fill. The last component is behavioral observation. ADHD has three types 1 ADHD, predominantly inattentive, 2 ADHD predominantly hyperactive impulsive type; and 3 ADHD combined type. The following are the diagnostic criteria for ADHD : 1. Inattention: a. Often fails to give close attention to details or make careless mistakes in schoolwork, works, or other activities. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI b. Often has difficulties sustain attention in tasks or play activities c. Often doesn’t seem to listen when spoken to directly d. Often does not follow through on instruction and fails to finish schoolwork, chorus, and duties in the workplace e. Often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities f. Often avoids, dislikes, and is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort g. Often loses things necessary for tasks or activities h. Is often easily distracted by extraneous stimuli i. Is often forgetful in daily activities 2. Hyperactivity a. Often fidget with hands or feet or squirms in seat b. Often leaves seat in classroom or in other situation in which remaining seated is expected c. Often runs or climbs excessively in situation in which it is inappropriate. d. Often has difficulty in playing or engaging in leisure activities quietly e. Is often “on the go” or often acts as if “driven by a motor” f. Often talks excessively 3. Impulsively a. Often blurts out answers before the questions have been completed. b. Often has difficulty awaiting turn c. Often interrupts or intrudes on others PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI