Preparation Action Research Procedure


F. Research Procedure

There were some steps as the procedures used in this research. The steps were based on the steps of Classroom Action Research and Reflective Pedagogy. Before further explanation, here is the concept of paring. No. Action Research Reflective Pedagogy

1 Planning

Deciding the teaching topic and preparing the lesson plan 2 Acting - Context of the learning - Experience - Reflection - Action - Evaluation

3 Observing

Observing the implementation and the students’ class performance

4 Reflecting

Preparing for the next teaching Table 3.2. Classroom Action Research and Reflective Pedagogy Steps Pairing

1. Preparation

a. Information gathering and problems finding PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 50 1 Conducting an interview with the Headmaster and the English teacher of fifth-grade students Class B of SD Kanisius Sengkan in order to identifying problems occurred in the school. 2 Conducting observations for several times at the school and class. 3 Finding theories related to the research. 4 Finding information about writing learning and its assessment of Elementary School students. b. Planning There were several activities that the researcher did before the class, such as providing the questions for the reflection, preparing the field notes or observation sheet in order to see the class effectiveness and students’ participation, and setting the class activities by providing the teaching materials, lesson plans, and assessments. Referring to steps in Reflective Pedagogy, in this section the teaching strategies, materials, and activities were designed on the real context of students’ life. The context covered the setting or place, the expressions, and the concepts they already had.

2. Action

This step explained how the research organized the class and conducted the research during the class. It seemed that every thing PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 51 related to the teaching-learning process and the instruments of the research were ready to be used. Due to the reflective pedagogy, this section took three steps which were experience, reflection, and action. The experience step had them experience and “taste” internally the facts, concepts, and principles of the materials. This step also took into account the whole students’ mind, heart, and will. In this section, the researcher distributed the writing guide in which students should fill in as the information to develop in the writing. After experiencing, the students reflected what they had experienced. In Reflective Pedagogy it is what is called as the reflection. The reflection was done through questions given to the students orally. The next step was action in which the students did some real actions after they understood the concept. Therefore, the actions should be based on the concept. Then, the evaluation section was conducted, based on the last step of the reflective pedagogy, by giving a quiz or something else, including a task or assignment. Here the instrument needed was the assessment sheet for the students’ writing.

3. Observation