Research Problems Problem Limitation Research Objectives Research Benefits

4 writing activities was maybe very important in helping them improve their writing motivation and then the skills. When a lot of problem in writing is found, many people should ask themselves what happened with it. Then, the predicted solutions may mix to the real problems. It seems that the art of writing is becoming lost which is why teachers need to emphasize the importance of writing in elementary school early so that students learn to love writing and understand the value of clear written communication.

B. Research Problems

Since this study discusses the students’ writing skills, there were two problems being discussed. They are: 1. How does Reflective Pedagogy enhance students’ English writing skills? 2. To what extent does Reflective Pedagogy enhance students’ writing skills?

C. Problem Limitation

As stated in the title, the limitation of this research was around the students’ English writing skill development and in relation with Reflective Pedagogy which was applied in the class learning activity. It was also possible to discuss the extent of the development affected by Reflective Pedagogy. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 5

D. Research Objectives

This study focused on the elementary school students’ English writing skill development. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to describe the ways of developing the students’ writing skill. Actually, there were so many methods or approaches teachers could take in order to develop and to empower students’ writing skill. Specifically, this study was to introduce the real application of the reflective pedagogy to teachers especially those who are in Kanisius Sengkan Elementary School. From the students’ point of view, this study also aimed to get the students used to producing writing in English through the reflective pedagogy. By experiencing the activities provided by reflective pedagogy, which are contextualizing, experiencing, reflecting, and taking action, the researcher expected that students might have more ideas to write in English. Then, it could solve the problems of writing in the level of elementary school which are mostly due to not having ideas to write. Finally, the researcher could conclude the reflective pedagogy is able to give solution in students’ difficulties in English writing.

E. Research Benefits

Considering the problems occurred and the objectives of this study, the researcher expected that this study might be able to give some benefits to: 1. The researcher: in general, doing this study gives the researcher experiences of analyzing the real problems which occurs in the education PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 6 field. Specifically, as a teacher candidate, the researcher does expect that by doing this study the researcher can take the advantage of understanding the concept and application of reflective pedagogy. Then for the future, the researcher may apply the concept of it in order to improve students’ English skills especially writing skill. 2. The teachers: hopefully, this study will affect teachers’ perception on the advantage of applying reflective pedagogy on the students learning development and students’ achievement. 3. The students: they are expected to improve their English writing skill in accordance with the application of the reflective pedagogy. This improvement is also expected to build students interest in English writing. 4. The foundation: through the application of the reflective pedagogy in the English area, especially writing, of elementary school level, this study may give evidences to the foundation that reflective pedagogy is so meaningful to facilitate the students with real experiences, reflection, and real action then it can affect the development and improvement of the reflective pedagogy itself.

F. Definition of Terms